Hackathon conducted by FURLENCO - 2016
Create a application that'll be used by people to track stores that stay open late at night. When a user finds a store open late at night, she will open up your app and create an online listing for that particular store. If a listing already exists, she can look it up and get directions.
Enable users to look up stores that stay open after-hours. Bonus points if you have some sort of maps integration going on and can direct them to their destination. More bonus points if you implement a rating and reviews system. Even more bonus points for a well thought out search system.
Feel free to create as many categories, or any related tagging strategy to make this useful. Don't forget, some stores that stay open at night are not regular businesses - think of your local midnight chai waala. Remember, people are going to use your application after-hours, so take that into consideration - people aren't going to go vegetable shopping at 2am ;)
You will be judged on how well thought out your product is. A native mobile application is not required, a responsive website will do fine. Feel free to use any web frameworks and frontend libraries/frameworks.
##Tools used :
- Backend : NodeJS
- Frontend : AngularJS
- API's : Google places autocomplete API, Google maps API, Google direction API, Google geolocation API, Google user authentication API, Foursquare API
- Generator : Yoeman angular fullstack generator
- Task runner : Grunt