This repository contains the iOS client implementation of Jami.
- MacOS version 12 or higher
- XCode version 13 or higher
- Homebrew (instructions could be found on
- Carthage (brew install carthage)
Supported archs are: arm64 for iPhoneOS and arm64, x86_64 for iPhoneSimulator Minimum supported version is: 14.5
- Clone the project
git clone
- Initialize repositories
cd jami-project && ./ --init
- Install dependencies
./ --dependencies --distribution IOS
Build daemon and contributions (choose one option):
Option A: For iPhone device only
cd client-ios && ./ --platform=iPhoneOS
Option B: For simulator only
cd client-ios && ./ --platform=iPhoneSimulator
Option C: For both iPhone device and simulator
cd client-ios && ./ --platform=all
Additional options:
--release Build in release mode with optimizations --arch=ARCH Specify a specific architecture for simulator builds (arm64 or x86_64) Note: This option is only used when building for iPhoneSimulator --help Display detailed help information
Build client dependencies
cd Ring && ./
The build process automatically generates XCFrameworks from the compiled static libraries. These XCFrameworks are located in the xcframework
directory and include both device (arm64) and simulator (arm64, x86_64) architectures when built with --platform=all
Update translations using the Transifex:
cd Ring
tx push -s