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Maintained by Scaffoldly GitHub release (latest SemVer) Terraform Version


Configure API Gateway for a Serverless API on a given stage:

  • Rest API
  • Cloudwatch Log Group
  • Generalized CORS Response Templates
  • Health Endpoint
  • First deployment for the Health Endpoint
  • A Stage with Logging Configuration
  • The Base Path Mapping
  • IAM Roles


module "stage" {
  source = "scaffoldly/serverless-api-stage/aws"

  for_each = var.stage_domains

  domain         = lookup(each.value, "serverless_api_domain", "unknown-domain")
  stage_env_vars = lookup(each.value, "stage_env_vars", {})

  name  =
  stage = each.key

  repository_name =

  depends_on = [


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2, < 1.7


Name Version
aws 3.55.0


Name Source Version
bucket scaffoldly/s3-private-versioned/aws 1.0.9
health scaffoldly/api-gateway-static-endpoint/aws 1.0.3
iam scaffoldly/serverless-api-stage-iam/aws 1.0.16
websocket scaffoldly/serverless-api-stage-websocket/aws 1.0.9


Name Type
aws_api_gateway_base_path_mapping.mapping resource
aws_api_gateway_deployment.deployment resource
aws_api_gateway_gateway_response.cors_responses resource
aws_api_gateway_method_settings.settings resource
aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api resource
aws_api_gateway_stage.stage resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.execution_group resource resource
aws_sns_topic.topic resource
aws_sns_topic_policy.policy resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_partition.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_allow_public_access Allow Objects in the bucket with a Public ACL bool false no
bucket_name Set the bucket name, default: var.repository_name string "" no
create_bucket Create an S3 Bucket for the Service bool true no
create_topic Create SNS Topics for the service bool true no
domain The domain for the Serverless API string "" no
path The name of the Serverless API string "" no
regional If true, create a regional Serverless API bool false no
repository_name The GitHub Repository Name string n/a yes
root_principal The root prinicipal. In most cases leave this as 'root' string "root" no
saml_trust Output of trust from saml-to/iam/aws module
trust_actions = list(string)
trust_principal_identifiers = list(string)
trust_principal_type = string
trust_condition_saml_test = string
trust_condition_saml_variable = string
trust_condition_saml_values = list(string)
null no
stage The stage (e.g. live, nonlive) string n/a yes
stage_kms_key_id The KMS Key ID for the stage (optional) string "" no
websocket (Optional) Enable a websocket for this stage bool false no
websocket_domain (Optional) The custom domain for the websocket (if using a custom domain) string "" no


Name Description
api_id The Rest API ID
base_path Computed path for the service, below the domain (/{servicename})
bucket_name n/a
domain Computed domain name (https://{domain})
name Re-output of the stage name
repository_name Re-output of the repository name
rest_url Full HTTP url to the service
role_arn n/a
root_resource_id The Rest API Root Resource ID
s3_topic_arn n/a
stage Re-output of the var.stage
topic_arn n/a
url Full HTTP url to the service (https://{domain}/{servicename})
websocket_api_id The websocket API ID, if enabled, otherwise null
websocket_url The websocket URL, if enabled, otherwise null