Class notes for the 2014 Spring quarter iteration of this class written by different students for each lecture.
Class homepage is here.
Notes should be taken in markdown format and processed by pandoc. To install pandoc, run:
cabal install pandoc -fhighlighting-kate
Next, to get access to the notes repository, run:
git clone [email protected]:scslab/cs240h-notes.git
Create a separate subdirectory for each lecture, starting with a
two-digit lecture number. The markdown lecture file should end with
. For example, the basics lecture should be called
. You can place any additional relevant files
(such as images) in the same directory. You can rebuild the full set
of notes by running make
in the top level directory, and opening the
resulting index.html
in your browser.
Once you've written up your notes, please do one of the following:
Submit a pull request through Github and email cs240h-staff.
Email cs240h-staff the URL of a git repository from which we can pull your notes.
This will allow us to integrate them with the rest of the class.
A description of markdown format is available in the pandoc README file. Markdown is a simple format intended to be as similar as possible to plain text. The most useful forms of markup available in markdown:
To include a block of Haskell source code, include it between lines of at least three tildes, adding
after the start, like so:~~~ {.haskell} main :: IO () main = putStrLn "hello world" ~~~
which results in nicely syntax highlighted code, like this:
main :: IO () main = putStrLn "hello world"
If the code block is not Haskell source (e.g., you are showing GHCi interaction), simply omit the
. -
To include inline code, surround it with backticks. For example:
The code `div a b` throws an exception if `b == 0`.
results in: The code
div a b
throws an exception ifb == 0
.If your code starts or ends with a backtick, you must start or end with more backticks. For example:
In Haskell, placing backticks around a function, e.g., `` `div` ``, turns it from a prefix function to an infix function.
Which yields: In Haskell, placing backticks around a function, e.g.,
, turns it from a prefix function to an infix function. -
Sections are started by line beginning with
. Subsections by a line starting with two#
characters. For example:# Section name ... ## Subsection name
To emphasize text, surround it with
. For strong emphasis, use**
.This is *emphasized*, while this is **strongly emphasized**. You can use underscores and get _the same effect_.
This is emphasized, while this is strongly emphasized. You can use underscores and get the same effect.
To include a hyperlink, the syntax is:
, where someplace else in your file you have a line declaring the link destination forname-of-link
. Alternatively, you can use[text-of-link](link destination)
. For example the following two examples:Use [the pandoc tool][pandoc] to format slides. [pandoc]:
Use [the pandoc tool]( to format slides.
Both produce: Use the pandoc tool to format slides.
You can comment text out using an html comment (e.g.,
<!-- ... ignore this -->
). -
Finally, if you want to be really fancy, you can include an image by placing a
before a link. In a paragraph, the link text becomes the alt text, but if the image is its own paragraph, the link text becomes the caption.
You are by no means expected to draw figures, but if you feel like doing so, we recommend using inkscape to produce SVG images.