- Tech news aggregator that pulls news articles from various news sites. Users will be able like/comment news articles and share articles to other users.
- Category:
- Productivity
- Mobile:
- Mobile is essential for users to able to find out about daily tech news around the world
- Story:
- Creates a network of between tech news and reader. Allows those who are interested in tech news to find others that do so too.
- Market:
- Tech-people, like CS and IT workers/hobbyists/students
- Habit:
- Tech focused people who want to get the latest tech news in one place instead of having to browse multiple sources.
- Scope:
- Allow users to like/favorite an aritcle
- Allow users to leave a comment about the article
- Allow users to save articles which can be viewed later
- Allow users to link other users to a news article
- Allow users to search for other people's accounts and see what they liked and commented on
Required Must-have Stories
- Home page that has tech news
- Like, comment and share functionality
- Profile page that shows accounts likes and comments on certain news articles
- Saved news page - shows all saved articles
- Login page
- Tech news content
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- settings
- Options to personalize the news that's displayed more
- User can search for keywords to find articles
- Login
- Stream - Home page
- Detail - Short except from the article
- Profile Page
- Search - User can search for other users
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home Tab
- Profile Tab
- Saved Tab
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login Screen/Create account screen (New User)
- After Login: Home Page
- More detailed news from home page
- Profile page
- Saved Page
- Home Page (Returning User)
- More detailed news from home page
- Profile page
- Saved Page
[This section will be completed in Unit 9]
[Add table of models]
- [Add list of network requests by screen ]
- [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
- [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]