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This directory contains python scripts to tests and explore side chains.

See the instructions here for how to install the necessary dependencies and run an interactive shell that will spin up a set of federators on your local machine and allow you to transfer assets between the main chain and a side chain.

For all these scripts, make sure the RIPPLED_MAINCHAIN_EXE, RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_EXE, and RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_CFG_DIR environment variables are correctly set, and the side chain configuration files exist. Also make sure the python dependencies are installed and the virtual environment is activated.

Note: the unit tests do not use the configuration files, so the RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_CFG_DIR is not needed for that script.

Unit tests

The "tests" directory contains a simple unit test. It take several minutes to run, and will create the necessary configuration files, start a test main chain in standalone mode, and a test side chain with 5 federators, and do some simple cross chain transactions. Side chains do not yet have extensive tests. Testing is being actively worked on.

To run the tests, change directories to the bin/sidechain/python/tests directory and type:


To capture logging information and to set the log level (to help with debugging), type this instead:

pytest --log-file=log.txt --log-file-level=info

The response should be something like the following:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/swd/projs/ripple/mine/bin/sidechain/python/tests
collected 1 item .                                         [100%]

======================== 1 passed in 215.20s (0:03:35) =========================


This is an interactive shell for experimenting with side chains. It will spin up a test main chain running in standalone mode, and a test side chain with five federators - all running on the local machine. There are commands to make payments within a chain, make cross chain payments, check balances, check server info, and check federator info. There is a simple "help" system, but more documentation is needed for this tool (or more likely we need to replace this with some web front end).

Note: a "repl" is another name for an interactive shell. It stands for "read-eval-print-loop". It is pronounced "rep-ul".

This is a script used to create the config files needed to run a test side chain on your local machine. To run this, make sure the rippled is built, RIPPLED_MAINCHAIN_EXE, RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_EXE, and RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_CFG_DIR environment variables are correctly set, and the side chain configuration files exist. Also make sure the python dependencies are installed and the virtual environment is activated. Running this will create config files in the directory specified by the RIPPLED_SIDECHAIN_CFG_DIR environment variable.

This is a script used to take structured log files and convert them to json for easier debugging.

Python modules

A python module that can be used to write python scripts to interact with side chains. This is used to write unit tests and the interactive shell. To write a standalone script, look at how the tests are written in test/ The idea is to call sidechain._multinode_with_callback, which sets up the two chains, and place your code in the callback. For example:

def multinode_test(params: Params):
    def callback(mc_app: App, sc_app: App):
        my_function(mc_app, sc_app, params)


The functions sidechain.main_to_side_transfer and sidechain.side_to_main_transfer can be used as convenience functions to initiate cross chain transfers. Of course, these transactions can also be initiated with a payment to the door account with the memo data set to the destination account on the destination chain (which is what those convenience functions do under the hood).

Transactions execute asynchonously. Use the function test_utils.wait_for_balance_change to ensure a transaction has completed.

A python module for transactions. Currently there are transactions for:

  • Payment
  • Trust (trust set)
  • SetRegularKey
  • SignerLisetSet
  • AccountSet
  • Offer
  • Ticket
  • Hook (experimental - useful paying with the hook amendment from XRPL Labs).

Typically, a transaction is submitted through the call operator on an App object. For example, to make a payment from the account alice to the account bob for 500 XRP:

    mc_app(Payment(account=alice, dst=bob, amt=XRP(500)))

(where mc_app is an App object representing the main chain).

A python module for RPC commands. Currently there are commands for:

  • PathFind
  • Sign
  • LedgerAccept (for standalone mode)
  • Stop
  • LogLevel
  • WalletPropose
  • ValidationCreate
  • AccountInfo
  • AccountLines
  • AccountTx
  • BookOffers
  • BookSubscription
  • ServerInfo
  • FederatorInfo
  • Subscribe

Python module for common ledger objects, including:

  • Account
  • Asset
  • Path
  • Pathlist

Python module for an application. An application is responsible for local network (or single server) and an address book that maps aliases to accounts.

Python module representing a config file that is read from disk.

Python module with the implementation of the RiplRepl interactive shell.

A python module representing a rippled server.

A python module representing a rippled testnet running on the local machine.



These are the python dependencies needed by the scripts. Use pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install them. A python virtual environment is recommended. See the instructions here for how to install the dependencies.


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