Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals
Fixed stats trackers
Added back the stats trackers now the servers are back up. I wasn't too sure how bad the update issue was.
Fixed a few nullpointers and made the code a little more efficient
It was causing harmless crash stacks though it was filling the console
Also here is a video from the last update of the new portal block placing feature
Fixed portal error and added portal block placing
Added a new feature which allows you to place portal blocks with special wool and also fixed a portal bug
Fixed default value error
Sorry, I didn't notice that a default value was actually being set making a part redundant. I was busy at the time and could not fully test.
Fixed issue with missplaced boolean from versions
Fixed issue with misplaced Boolean which effected older versions
Added support for 1.12 and fixed bugs
Added support for 1.12 and fixed a few bugs
- Crash on startup for older versions due to mistype from last version breaking older versions but fixing new (now changing testing methods)
- Crash on startup if portal data does not contain a world, you can now remove worlds without an issue.
Added support for 1_8_R1
Added support for 1_8_R1, the problem was the location of the a method was in a different location
Fixed command message and also added level flags for the config
- Fixed command message
- Added flags for command, op and permission heighten commands for portals.
- Multiple other small fixes
Fixed desti perm problem and no perm bounceback
As the title says. I kinda screwed up last one tbh with that perm xD
Permission fix and command execution change
0.0.22 rearranged to test gui stuff