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Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals

Fixed stats trackers

13 Jun 00:43
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Added back the stats trackers now the servers are back up. I wasn't too sure how bad the update issue was.

Fixed a few nullpointers and made the code a little more efficient

12 Jun 14:48
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It was causing harmless crash stacks though it was filling the console

Also here is a video from the last update of the new portal block placing feature

Fixed portal error and added portal block placing

11 Jun 21:28
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Added a new feature which allows you to place portal blocks with special wool and also fixed a portal bug

Fixed default value error

25 May 10:27
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Sorry, I didn't notice that a default value was actually being set making a part redundant. I was busy at the time and could not fully test.

Fixed issue with missplaced boolean from versions

21 May 02:38
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Fixed issue with misplaced Boolean which effected older versions

Added support for 1.12 and fixed bugs

19 May 05:31
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Added support for 1.12 and fixed a few bugs

  • Crash on startup for older versions due to mistype from last version breaking older versions but fixing new (now changing testing methods)
  • Crash on startup if portal data does not contain a world, you can now remove worlds without an issue.

Added support for 1_8_R1

13 May 17:24
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Added support for 1_8_R1, the problem was the location of the a method was in a different location

Fixed command message and also added level flags for the config

20 Apr 03:17
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  • Fixed command message
  • Added flags for command, op and permission heighten commands for portals.
  • Multiple other small fixes

Fixed desti perm problem and no perm bounceback

07 Mar 12:14
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As the title says. I kinda screwed up last one tbh with that perm xD

Permission fix and command execution change

07 Mar 00:19
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rearranged to test gui stuff