Releases: sekwah41/Advanced-Portals
Added delay tag
You can now add a delayed: tag
To make portals teleport like normal portals use delayed:true (though this will need to be some form of portal e.g. end gateway to trigger
Removed beacon code
It was causing an issue for 1.14.1 so I have removed it and will look at a better method though for now its fully removed as there were times were it would s slip up anyway.
Beacon disabler modified
Beacon disabler now doesn't trigger in end dimensions as people were not able to teleport through gateways as well as most people wont have portals in the end
Fixed issue with end portals
End portals were trying to be triggered under the beacon code due to a check being wrong.
Fix for #127
Updated gateway beacon blocker
Changed reflection to grab the version by type rather than name. Should be more compatible for future versions.
Gateway block beacon disabled
A new config value has been added to control the beacon of gateway blocks when entities enter it. The creation beacon still exists though.
Portal rotation code fixed and end portal block
Fixed issues
Can't rotate portal block #124
End gateway tool placed portal block
Fixed wand sub-command
It was originally firing the help menu for warps
Fixed issues with release for 1.13 (Use 0.0.41 for 1.12)
The original release works but was a little rushed, the action text interaction didn't work and water was replacing itself to STATIONARY_WATER