This project consists of an Angular application and a .NET Core server, server is utilizing RabbitMQ for messaging, while Angular application is utilizing SignalR. The Angular application is built with version 16.1.2.
Before running the project, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:
- Node.js and npm (for Angular)
- .NET Core SDK
- RabbitMQ Server
- SQL Server
folder: Angular applicationServer
folder: .NET Core serverDatabaseScript\
Initialization script for SQL Server
Navigate to the
folder:cd distinv
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Build and run the Angular application:
ng serve
The application will be accessible at
Navigate to the
folder:cd Server
Build and run the .NET Core server:
dotnet run
The server will be accessible at
To enable the RabbitMQ Management Console for monitoring and managing your RabbitMQ server, follow these steps:
Install the RabbitMQ Management Plugin:
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Restart the RabbitMQ service:
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
Enable the RabbitMQ Management Plugin:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Start the RabbitMQ service:
brew services start rabbitmq
If you're running RabbitMQ as a Docker container, enable the Management Console during container creation:
docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:management
To create a RabbitMQ fanout exchange named 'exchange' and bind it to a queue named 'myqueue', follow these steps:
Ensure that you have a RabbitMQ server running locally or update the connection information in the PowerShell script accordingly.
Run the PowerShell script