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Certificate Manager (WIP)


TLS Certificate Generator and Management System

Create CA signed TLS certificates for customers, set certs as active/inactive, and get a full list of all certificates (active, inactive, or both).

For a full list of functionality see the Requests section below.

Note: This is still a WIP, see a list of TODOs at the end of this file.

Getting Started

Set up a root level .env file like the sample.env file for your database credentials; creating your own password, username, and database name. Keep the port and host from sample.env to work with the current docker-compose setup from the Makefile.

To run the application:

make run_app

localhost:10000 (app) and localhost:5432 (db) will be exposed at this point.

Check that the app is running properly:

curl -I localhost:10000/healthz

Log into the database from the command line:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U <user> --dbname=<dbName>

\c <dbName>              # connect to db

\dt                      # see tables

Run postgres package tests:

make test_postgres


Create a customer

email is a unique constraint, so an error will be returned if a duplicate customer email is detected in the request

Passwords are hashed and salted using bcrypt

POST /customer

curl -X POST --write-out %{http_code} -d '{ "firstName": "sharky", "lastName": "sharks", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "pass"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:10000/customer

Create a certificate

POST /customer/{customer_id}/certificate

curl -X POST --write-out %{http_code} -d '{ "options": {"subject": { "organization": "my org", "country": "us", "locality": "austin" }, "expYearsLength": 2, "hosts": [""]} }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:10000/customer/3/certificate | jq .

Update a certificate

Only changes to the Active field are considered, all other changes are ignored.

PUT /certificate/{cert_id}?active=true

PUT /certificate/{cert_id}?active=false

PUT /certificate/{cert_id}?active=true&notify=true - optional parameter notify=true will send notification of active status change for certificate

currently notify=true send a dummy request to an endpoint

curl -X PUT --write-out %{http_code} "localhost:10000/certificate/3?notify=false&active=false"

List all certificates for a customer


GET /customer/{customer_id}/certificates?active=true - return all active certificates

GET /customer/{customer_id}/certificates?active=false - return all inactive certificates

GET /customer/{customer_id}/certificates - return all certificates

curl -X GET --write-out %{http_code} localhost:10000/customer/1/certificates?active=true | jq .

Delete a customer

Deleting a customer also deletes all associated certificates

DELETE /customer/{customer_id}

curl -X DELETE --write-out %{http_code} localhost:10000/customer/1


  • add authNZ to api/endpoints - pw is hashed and salted before storing in the db, but it is not being used to gate access to any endpoints at this time
  • secure private certificate keys - currently stored in plain text
  • Move CA cert and key into DB
  • implement rate limiting, pagination, record count on response
  • replace database id in public api responses with uuid
  • clean up public responses - should have clear responses
  • add more input/request validation
  • add api tests
  • add more logging all around
  • implement configurable external service notifier, replacing request
  • generate more detailed API documentation


TLS Certificate Generator and Management System






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