This program is a visualization/ simulation program designed to allow an interactive 3D environment for educational purposes. Created in C++ using GLFW and OpenGL.
Ahn, Song Ho (n.d.) Cylinder.
JoeyDeVries, J. (n.d.). LearnOpenGL/ at master · JoeyDeVries/LearnOpenGL. GitHub.
Learn OpenGL, extensive tutorial resource for learning Modern OpenGL. (n.d.-d).
XtravaganT. (n.d.). Space nebula and galaxy.
WikiImages. (n.d.). Orion Nebula.
Open a terminal in the project directory and run the code to remove the old build folder and generate a new one with the Xcode project file.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Xcode ..
#Usage: when updating the build folder, remove it first then regenerate the folder as above
rm -rf build
Set the working directory in Xcode using Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Run Debug > Options > Working Directory > (Check Set Custom) > Project directory/build.
Build and run the project.
The code is based on various tutorial code from
Tutorial code is © Joey DeVries and licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License.
Modifications and additional contributions are © Shera Adams and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Proudly crafted with ❤️ by Shera Adams.