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Carlos Villavicencio edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 10 revisions


The following guide will help you setup shotgunEvents for your studio.

System Requirements

The daemon can run on any machine that has Python installed and has network access to your Flow Production Tracking server. It does not need to run on the Flow Production Tracking server itself. In fact, if you are using the hosted version of Flow Production Tracking, this isn't an option. However, you may run it on your Flow Production Tracking server if you like. Otherwise, any server will do.

  • Python > 3.7
  • Python API
    • Use v3.0.37 or higher for Python v2.6 or v2.7 and use v3.1.0 or more for Python 3.7.
    • In either case, we strongly suggest using the most up to date Python API version and keeping this dependency updated over time.
  • Network access to your Flow Production Tracking server

Installing the Python API

Assuming Python is already installed on your machine, you now need to install the Python API so that the Flow Production Tracking Event Daemon can use it to connect to your Flow Production Tracking server. You can do this in a couple of ways:

  • place it in the same directory as the Flow Production Tracking Event Daemon
  • place it in one of the directories specified by the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

To test that the Python API is installed correctly, from your terminal window:

$ python -c "import shotgun_api3"

You should see no output. If you see something like the output below then you need to make sure your PYTHONPATH is setup correctly or that the Python API is located in the current directory.

$ python -c "import shotgun_api3"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named shotgun_api3

Installing shotgunEvents

The location you choose to install shotgunEvents is really up to you. Again, as long as Python and the Python API are installed on the machine, and it has network access to your Flow Production Tracking server, it can run from anywhere. However, it makes sense to install it somehwere that is logical to your studio, something like /usr/local/shotgun/shotgunEvents seems logical so we'll use that as the example from here on out.

The source and archives are available on GitHub at

Windows Note: You could use C:\shotgun\shotgunEvents if you have a Windows server but for this documentation we will be using the Linux path.

Cloning the source

The easiest way to grab the source if you have git installed on the machine is to simply clone the project. This way you can also easily pull in any updates that are committed to ensure you stay up to date with bug fixes and new features.

$ cd /usr/local/shotgun
$ git clone

Warning: Always make sure you backup your configuration, plugins, and any modifications you make to shotgunEvents before pulling in updates from GitHub so you don't lose anything. Or, fork the project yourself so you can maintain your own repository of changes :)

Downloading the archive

If you don't have git on your machine or you simply would rather download an archive of the source, you can get things rolling following these steps.

Extracting the archive into /usr/local/shotgun.

For .tar.gz archives

$ tar -zxvf shotgunsoftware-shotgunEvents-v0.9-12-g1c0c3eb.tar.gz -C /usr/local/shotgun

For .zip archives

$ unzip -d /usr/local/shotgun

Then you can rename the GitHub-assigned directory name to shotgunEvents

$ mv shotgunsoftware-shotgunEvents-1c0c3eb shotgunEvents

Now you should now have something like this

$ ls -l /usr/local/shotgun/shotgunEvents
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 kp  wheel  1127 Sep  1 17:46 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--  1 kp  wheel   268 Sep  1 17:46 README.mkd
drwxr-xr-x  9 kp  wheel   306 Sep  1 17:46 docs
drwxr-xr-x  6 kp  wheel   204 Sep  1 17:46 src

Installing Requirements

A requirements.txt file is provided at the root of the repository. You should use this to install the required packages

$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Windows specifics

You will need one of the following on your Windows system:

Active Python ships with the PyWin32 module which is required for integrating the Flow Production Tracking Event Daemon with Windows' Service architecture.

You can then install the deamon as a service by running the following command (we are assuming that C:\Python27_32\python.exe is the path to your Python executable, adjust accrodingly):

> C:\Python27_32\python.exe install

Or remove it with:

> C:\Python27_32\python.exe remove

Starting and stopping the service can be achieved through the normal service management tools or via the command line with:

> C:\Python27_32\python.exe start
> C:\Python27_32\python.exe stop

In most cases you will need to be sure you are running each of the commands listed as your system's administrative user. You can do so by right clicking the cmd application and choosing "Run as Administrator".

Please Note: If you have installed the daemon on Windows in a network location or if you have configured it to read and write logs and other resources from a network location you will need to edit the service's properties to change the user running the service from the "local machine" account to a domain account that has access to the network resources.