Ideates - a thought space for getting to understand the world Why you no work Author: Shreenath Regunathan
I am a newbie - but I will figure this out
So far we've got:
- Blog w/ posts, including pagination.
- Configurable manifest & global settings.
- CSS Markdown (Thanks to []).
- Dynamic pages.
- PWA ready.
- SEO ready for posts & pages.
- Signup form (using Netlify Forms).
- Tools (Commitlint, Husky).
- Typescript.
Few things I'd like to add in the future:
- Contact form under _slug.
- Dynamic sections/widgets.
- Responsive CSS markdown.
- Tests
# ensure you have the prerequisites
# install
brew install node && brew install yarn
# OR update
brew update && brew upgrade && brew install yarn
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
yarn dev
# build for production with minification
yarn generate
# run all tests
yarn test
- Deploy to Netlify.
- Enable Identity under Settings.
- Configure registration preferences & external providers if needed.
- Enable Git Gateway.
Note: You'll need to specify the Netlify URL when browsing the admin page locally.