Conformal Prediction (CP) is an uncertainty estimation framework that generates prediction sets, ensuring that the true class is included with a user-specified probability known as coverage. This coverage is typically marginal (averaged), meaning that the probability of the true label being included in the prediction sets matches the specified confidence level across all test cases. This can lead to inconsistent coverage across different classes, which may reduce diagnostic preci- sion. In clinical settings, achieving class-conditional cover- age is crucial, where coverage is assured for every ground truth class. This study implements a Classwise CP method applied to two cancer cell classification datasets to achieve class-conditional coverage. Our results demonstrate the ef- fectiveness of this approach through a significant reduction in the average class coverage gap compared to the Baseline CP method.
- Center for Recognition and Inspection of Cells (CRIC) Dataset : Download Link
- Breast Cancer Histopathological Database (BreakHis) Dataset: Download Link
- To extract a cell crop size of 100 x 100 centred on the nucleus from the patches.
python --dataset='path to the cell centre coordinates csv file' --img_dir='path to the cric img patches directory' --cell_img_dir='path to cell img directory'
- To extract features from the image patches.
python --img_dir='path to the image directory' --csv_file='path to the csv file' --model='Model to be used for feature extraction' --batch_size='Batch size for the dataloader' --num_workers='num workers for dataloader'
- To split the image feature containing csv file into train, val and test.
python --dataset='path to the img feature file' --split='Train/Test split ratio' --folds='No of folds in K-folds'
- Train the model using cross entropy loss
python --loss='cross_entropy' --feat_dir='path to the feature directory' --num_epochs='Number of total training epochs' --model='Model to be used' --batch_size='Batch size for the dataloader' --num_workers='num workers for dataloader' --dataset='Dataset used :- Breast_cancer/Cervical_cancer '
- Eval CP method for baseline results
python --Trials='Number of total trials' --softmax_output_file_path='path to the softmax_output_file' --split='Calib/test split ratio'
- Eval CP method for class conditional covg
python --Trials='Number of total trials' --softmax_output_file_path='path to the softmax_output_file' --split='Calib/test split ratio'
- Eval CP method for baseline results
python --Trials='Number of total trials' --softmax_output_file_path='path to the softmax_output_file' --split='Calib/test split ratio'
- Eval CP method for class conditional covg
python --Trials='Number of total trials' --softmax_output_file_path='path to the softmax_output_file' --split='Calib/test split ratio'