A Python package containing ML tools for use with TileDB-SOMA.
Docs: single-cell-data.github.io/TileDB-SOMA-ML.
NOTE: this is a pre-release package, and may be subject to breaking API changes prior to first release.
The package contains a prototype PyTorch IterableDataset
, ExperimentDataset
, for use with the torch.utils.data.DataLoader
notebooks/ contains tutorials and examples that use this repo to train toy models. For a general introduction to PyTorch data loading, see this tutorial. Additional information on the DataLoader/Dataset pattern can be found here.
Defects and feature requests should be filed as a GitHub issue in this repo. Please include a reproducible test case in all bug reports.
Install from PyPI:
pip install tiledbsoma-ml
Developers may install editable, from source, in the usual manner -- clone the repo and execute:
pip install -e .
Documentation can be found at single-cell-data.github.io/TileDB-SOMA-ML, and in the notebooks directory.
This is a pure Python package. To build a wheel, ensure you have the build
package installed, and then:
python -m build .
See the CHANGELOG.md file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The SOMA team is grateful to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation CELLxGENE Census team for their initial contribution.