This simple Node.js application is a demonstration of how to use the Facebook Messenger and Spotify APIs together to create a 'Jukebox Bot'.
This fork updates the original version which uses a custom "playlist" with one that does a true "queue" operation without altering the current playlist on Spotify. There is also a "What's playing?" command which shows the complete list of queued songs. There is no API call for this so we emulate the WSS handshake the Spotify web player uses and listen for change events.
Note, due to licensing restrictions on the integrated web player, this doesn't work on Linux distributions since it uses Chromium rather than Chrome.
The included .env file contains placeholder keys which you will need to provide. For more information about what these mean and how to obtain them, please see the associated tutorial at
- Clone this repo
- Install ngrok and create an account.
- Connect to your ngrok account (eg. ./ngrok authtoken YOURAUTHTOKENHERE)
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
./ngrok http 3000
Login to, update Client ID and Secret.- Under Edit, update Callback to ngrok https address.
Update SPOTIFY parameters in.env
- Run
node update-spotify-endpoint.js
- Run
npm start
Login to Under Messenger, Settings -> Update Webhooks (e.g. Verify token is an agreed upon token you make up (MESSENGER_VERIFY_TOKEN).
- Verify and save
If this is the first time, Generate Token - update.env
- Hit http://localhost:3000/register-messenger-endpoint with any web browser.
- Send the following POST request:
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"get_started": {
"payload": "{\"command\": \"GET_STARTED\"}"
"greeting": [
"locale": "default",
"text": "Hi {{user_first_name}}! Just start typing your request and we'\''ll see what we have in our catalogue."
"persistent_menu": [
"locale": "default",
"call_to_actions": [
"type": "postback",
"title": "What'\''s playing?",
"payload": "{\"command\": \"STATUS\"}"