Installs and configures Apache Zookeeper.
View the Change Log to see what has changed.
- CentOS
- Ubuntu
Using the default attributes will setup a single Zookeeper server in standalone mode.
If you are wanting to setup Zookeeper in a multi-server cluster make sure to fill out the
attribute with an array of fqdn/hostnames/ips/machinename/ec2_hostname/ec2_ip
of your zookeeper servers. This array is used to calculate the server ids for each zookeeper.
You can also provide the server ids yourself by including values for the attributes
. If this is done you don't have to provide the
By default the installation will look like,
zkCli | /usr/bin/zkCli - The Zookeeper cli binary command
/opt/zookeeper/* - All of Zookeeper's files (config, binaries, logs...)
/etc/init.d/zookeeper - An init.d script to start/stop zookeeper. You can use service
zookeeper [start|stop|restart|status] instead
It is possible to provide unique quorum and leader election ports via node["zookeeper"]["servers"]
or node["zookeeper"]["zoo.cfg"]["server.[ID]"]
by specifying the hostname followed by the quorum and
leader election ports like this,
node["zookeeper"]["servers"] = ["host1:2888:3888", "host2:2888:3888", "host3:2888:3888"]
node["zookeeper"]["zoo.cfg"]["server.1"] = "host1:2888:3888"
Should note that the
and other various scripts provided by zookeeper taken in various environment variables to tweak
runtime settings. Here are some,
: Overwrites log4jzookeeper.log.file
. Defaults to.
if not set which is why we provide a default value for it to thenode["zookeeper"]["log_directory"]
: Overwrites log4jzookeeper.root.logger
. Defaults to'INFO, CONSOLE'
if not set which is why we provide a default value for it'INFO,CONSOLE,ROLLINGFILE'
: Disables jmx. Defaults to enabling JMX. To disable set to any valueSERVER_JVMFLAGS
: JVM flags for the server process
: The user that owns the Zookeeper installation (default="zookeeper")node["zookeeper"]["group"]
: The group that owns the Zookeeper installation (default="zookeeper")node["zookeeper"]["open_file_limit"]
: The open file limit for the zookeeper user (default=32768)node["zookeeper"]["max_processes"]
: The max processes limit for the zookeeper user (default=1024)node["zookeeper"]["env_vars"]
: The environment variables set for the zookeeper user (default={"ZOO_LOG_DIR" =>node["zookeeper"]["log_directory"]
, "ZOO_LOG4J_PROP" => "'INFO, CONSOLE, ROLLINGFILE'"})node["zookeeper"]["servers"]
: The array of fqdn/hostnames/ips for the zookeeper servers in the cluster (default=[])node["zookeeper"]["follower_port"]
: The port used by zookeeper followers (default=2888)node["zookeeper"]["election_port"]
: The port used for zookeeper elections (default=3888)node["zookeeper"]["version"]
: The version of the Serf agent to install (default="3.4.5")node["zookeeper"]["binary_url"]
: The full binary url of Zookeeper. If you override this value make sure to provide a valid and up to date value fornode["zookeeper"]["version"]
(default=File.join node["zookeeper"]["mirror"], "zookeeper-#{node["zookeeper"]["version"]}", "zookeeper-#{node["zookeeper"]["version"]}.tar.gz"
: The base directory Zookeeper should be installed into (default="/opt/zookeeper")node["zookeeper"]["log_directory"]
: The log directory for Zookeeper (default="#{node["zookeeper"]["base_directory"]}/logs"
: The key/values set for thezoo.cfg
config file (see attributes file for defaults)node["zookeeper"][""][*]
: The key/values set for
config file (see attributes file for defaults)