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OMC (OpenVPN Management Console) is a centralized platform designed to efficiently manage multiple OpenVPN nodes deployed across diverse locations or networks. It provides administrators with a unified interface for configuring, administering, and ensuring the security of these nodes, streamlining the management process and maintaining consistency across the distributed infrastructure. Additionally, OMC integrates with a Telegram bot to facilitate the sale and provisioning of user accounts.

Created with the followings:


Effortless Deployment:
  • Installs and configures OpenVPN on remote machines with a single click.
  • Requires only RSA-based SSH access with sudo privileges for a designated user named 'omc.'
Account Management:
  • Full control over accounts, creating .ovpn access files remotely on the target worker machine.
  • Seamless syncing of account files back to the OMC server.
  • Deactivation of accounts with a simple server-side action, offering both automatic and manual options.
Automatic Accounts Provisioning:
  • Maintains a configured maximum number of available accounts on a specific worker server.
  • Automatically queues jobs to delete specified accounts and create new ones to maintain the maximum account numbers.
Point Of Sale (POS) via Telegram:
  • Accounts on all worker servers are grouped by tags and price for sale.
  • Enables easy and secure transactions through a Telegram bot.
Billing System:
  • Simple time-based billing system for users, following a PAY-AS-YOU-GO model.
Cryptocurrency Payments:


You need to have Elixir v1.14, PostgreSQL, and Ansible installed.

Installation instructions

To start OMC:

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  3. Run seeds to create admin user and initial prices with mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
  4. Configure at least the followings env variables to connect it to the outside(use any awesome-tunneling):
OMC_TELEGRAM_TOKEN=replace_me # Please note thet this should be without scheme.
  1. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser. For further config options take a look at


OMC is a working proof of concept, open to continuous improvements and extensions. Contributions from the community are encouraged, shaping OMC into a more robust and versatile solution.