This folder contains the files necessary to rerun the analysis of KEGG GhostKOALA annotations. This analysis appears in Figure 4b (
To run the workflow, clone this repository, change directories into the folder, make sure you have snakemake installed, and run snakemake.
If you have conda installed, you could run the following:
conda create -n hu python=3.6
source activate hu
conda install snakemake
cd pipeline-analyses/kegg_snakemake
snakemake --use-conda
The GhostKOALA output files are downloaded as the first step in the workflow. To recreate these yourself, do the following:
- Generate the PLASS-assembled amino acid sequences for each neighborhood using the pipeline-base Snakefile.
- Concatenate these sequences together.
- Upload concatenated sequences to KEGG GhostKOALA.
- Select "genus_prokaryotes + family_eukaryotes + viruses" database, and run KEGG
- Download the annotation data and the taxonomy data
- For the annotation data, click "Preview first 100", and then select "Download detail."
- Save the file as "outputs/GhostKOALA/nbhd_user_ko_definition.txt"
- For the taxonomy data, click download. Save the file as "outputs/GhostKOALA/"
- Then, unzip the file
gunzip outputs/GhostKOALA/
- Generate the prokka amino acid sequences for each bin using the pipeline-analyses/bin_prokka_snakemake Snakefile.
- Follow steps 3-9, this time replacing
in the filename withbin