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Spectric NFT

Based on tutorials:

Spectric NFT (SNFT) Contract/Tokens were made using openzepplin and defined in the contracts/SpectricNFT.sol file. This is a basic token that stores a URI.

After the fact it would have been nice to know that the totalSupply() method could have been implemented. The cost to place the contract on the blockchain is non-trival ($25+) so SNFT will remain as implemented.

The URI that is stored is an IPFS metadata file that links to an IPFS image file

Each employee at the 3rd anniversary receives a token, with the Token ID being incremented

Running npx hardhat --network mainnet run scripts/deploy.js creates the contract on the blockchain. Then NFTs can be minted with node scripts/mint-nft.js.

Code was added to mint-nft.js to only attempt to mint a token when it's expected to cost $2 or less. This is important because if you submit a request with too little gas, the transaction will fail but you will still pay the transaction fee.

The interact.js application extract the stored token URI. The tutorials show that MetaMask will display the token image directly, but I wasn't able to get that to work.

The transfer-nft.js shows the code necessary to transfer a token to another wallet.

The application generates 1 or more wallet addresses along with private keys.


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