The java_checkstyle.vim filetype plugin script integrates Checkstyle with Vim. "Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard" (from the Checkstyle home page). This plugin allows a user to run Checkstyle on the current Java file, putting the results in an errorfile and jumping to the first Checkstyle error.
The plugin depends on Java and Checkstyle It was written using Checkstyle version 10.4.
Either manually place the java_checkstyle.vim script in your autoload directory or install the plugin with your plugin manager of choice. You will likely need to specify the location of the checkstyle jar file and your desired Checkstyle configuration file, which can be done either by editing the script itself or by adding the settings to your vimrc file (see the section in the script called "Configuration"). If you have not already done so, you will also need to turn on filetype plugin usage in Vim using the following command (you will probably want to put this in your vimrc file):
:filetype plugin on
The Checkstyle_Classpath variable is used to specify the location of the checkstyle jar. Example configuration:
:let Checkstyle_Classpath = 'C:\checkstyle-3.1\checkstyle-all-3.1.jar'
The Checkstyle_XML variable is used to specify the checkstyle condiguration file from which checkstyle will read its configuration. Example configuration:
:let Checkstyle_XML = '/opt/checkstyle/docs/sun_checks.xml'
java_checkstyle.vim is a filetype plugin for Java files that introduces the following command:
:Checkstyle - runs Checkstyle on the current file and opens the results in an errorfile
In order to use the command, simply edit a Java file and then execute :Checkstyle. You should jump to the first Checkstyle error. You can move through the remain errors using the standard QuickFix commands (see ':help quickfix' for more information).
This script has been developed on Linux, but it should work on any platform with Vim and Java. I would appreciate any feedback regarding portability.