Releases: stickerboy/convrtrjs
Releases · stickerboy/convrtrjs
New features
Color generator
- Generates hex colors from a given string of data, displayed as both a list of hex colors and visually as blocks of colors. Padding is used to add extra characters, in the event the hex colors can't make up to 6 characters. You can hover over each block to get the hex color of the block, or copy/download all the colors.
New features
Periodic elements
An interactive grid of periodic elements, presented as buttons. Clicking on a button will display information about that element into a table below. A dropdown is available to filter the available elements by various properties, like blocks, periods, groups and phases.
- Added correct attributions for use of elements JSON data
- Added max height and scrollbar to the results areas, in the event of large amounts of data
- Justified text on results panel (looks neater)
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with styling on hex frequency generation: minimum size was missing from standard 2-character frequencies
New features
- Added ability to preserve spaces in Text tools (only applicable to certain tools)
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that removed "stripallwhitespace" from the tool and prevented it from working
- Overhauled many functions for better readability, easier maintenance and future updates. Simplified some and improved the overall performance/efficiency of others
- Add a default value to hex shift
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with hex shifts, where the shift value was being parsed as a string instead of a number giving incorrect results
New features
- Added additional Text tool to strip all whitespace from a string (this will include things like tabs and newlines)
- Added better support for multibyte conversions when converting to and from hex, and when shifting hex strings
- Added better support for multibyte conversions when converting to and from binary strings
- Replaced ord() function with a much simpler solution using TextEncoder
- Improvements and simplifications to various functions
- Adding some checks around event listeners to make sure events only fire when they have something to fire on
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where image generation would generate an embeddable image tag, but no longer generate a downloadable image file
- Updated cross-spawn to the latest version to resolve ReDoS CVE: GHSA-3xgq-45jj-v275
- Removed rounded borders from dropdown buttons in the navbar
Bug fixes
- Fixed heading structure when the sidebar is open: swapped H5 for H1 with a class
- Fixed erroneous double quote in the sidebar
- Fixed colour contrast issue with secondary buttons
- Accessibility fix: Ensure that certain button icons are hidden where appropriate and that correct labels are set
New features
- Added a Sitemap page: an easy-to-read overview of all sections on the site
- Made internal changes to automatically include new sections on each page, including any necessary JS assets. As a result, the sort order for all nav items (both in the nav and on each page) has changed to alphabetical
- Increased font size for sidebar/nav headings and spaced out sub-links a little more
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where data could not be cleared on the ONI tools page
- Increased padding on the 'back to top' button to pass size requirements
- Fixed background color on bg-convrtr that is used for toast success messages
- Updated error handling for multiple fields, including strict character matching and improved messaging
- Exposed error toast messages for various key fields
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug with accessing ROT cipher results before it's available