Branch | PHP | Code Coverage |
master |
Use the storyblok/storyblok-bundle to integrate this library into your Symfony application.
composer require storyblok/php-content-api-client
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(
baseUri: '',
token: '***********',
timeout: 10 // optional
// you can now request any endpoint which needs authentication
$client->request('GET', '/api/something', $options);
In your code you should type-hint to Storyblok\Api\SpacesApiInterface
Returns the space associated with the current token.
use Storyblok\Api\SpacesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$spacesApi = new SpacesApi($client);
$response = $spacesApi->me();
In your code you should type-hint to Storyblok\Api\StoriesApiInterface
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoriesRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->all(new StoriesRequest(language: 'de'));
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Version;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoryRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client, Version::Draft);
$response = $storiesApi->bySlug('/my-story/', new StoryRequest(
language: 'de',
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Version;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoryRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client, Version::Published);
$response = $storiesApi->bySlug('/my-story/', new StoryRequest(
language: 'de',
version: Version::Draft, // This overrides the global "version"
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Pagination;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoriesRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->all(new StoriesRequest(
language: 'de',
pagination: new Pagination(page: 1, perPage: 30)
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\SortBy;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Direction;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoriesRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->all(new StoriesRequest(
language: 'de',
sortBy: new SortBy(field: 'title', direction: Direction::Desc)
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\FilterCollection;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Direction;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\InFilter;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoriesRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->all(new StoriesRequest(
language: 'de',
filters: new FilterCollection([
new InFilter(field: 'single_reference_field', value: 'f2fdb571-a265-4d8a-b7c5-7050d23c2383')
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\AllInArrayFilter;
new AllInArrayFilter(field: 'tags', value: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\AnyInArrayFilter;
new AnyInArrayFilter(field: 'tags', value: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\GreaterThanDateFilter;
new GreaterThanDateFilter(field: 'created_at', value: new \DateTimeImmutable());
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\LessThanDateFilter;
new LessThanDateFilter(field: 'created_at', value: new \DateTimeImmutable());
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\GreaterThanFloatFilter;
new GreaterThanFloatFilter(field: 'price', value: 39.99);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\LessThanFloatFilter;
new LessThanFloatFilter(field: 'price', value: 199.99);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\GreaterThanIntFilter;
new GreaterThanIntFilter(field: 'stock', value: 0);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\LessThanIntFilter;
new LessThanIntFilter(field: 'stock', value: 100);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\InFilter;
new InFilter(field: 'text', value: 'Hello World!');
// or
new InFilter(field: 'text', value: ['Hello Symfony!', 'Hello SensioLabs!']);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\NotInFilter;
new NotInFilter(field: 'text', value: 'Hello World!');
// or
new NotInFilter(field: 'text', value: ['Bye Symfony!', 'Bye SensioLabs!']);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\IsFilter;
// You can use one of the following constants:
// IsFilter::EMPTY_ARRAY
// IsFilter::EMPTY
// IsFilter::NOT_EMPTY
// IsFilter::TRUE
// IsFilter::FALSE
// IsFilter::NULL
// IsFilter::NOT_NULL
new IsFilter(field: 'text', value: IsFilter::EMPTY);
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\LikeFilter;
new LikeFilter(field: 'description', value: '*I love Symfony*');
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\NotLikeFilter;
new NotLikeFilter(field: 'description', value: '*Text*');
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\OrFilter;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\LikeFilter;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Filter\Filters\NotLikeFilter;
new OrFilter(
new LikeFilter(field: 'text', value: 'Yes!*'),
new LikeFilter(field: 'text', value: 'Maybe!*'),
// ...
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoriesRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->allByContentType('custom_content_type', new StoriesRequest(
language: 'de',
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Uuid;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoryRequest;
$uuid = new Uuid(/** ... */);
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->byUuid($uuid, new StoryRequest(
language: 'de',
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoryRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->bySlug('folder/slug', new StoryRequest(
language: 'de',
use Storyblok\Api\StoriesApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Id;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\StoryRequest;
$id = new Id(/** ... */);
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$storiesApi = new StoriesApi($client);
$response = $storiesApi->byId($id, new StoryRequest(
language: 'de',
In your code you should type-hint to Storyblok\Api\LinksApiInterface
use Storyblok\Api\LinksApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$linksApi = new LinksApi($client);
$response = $linksApi->all();
use Storyblok\Api\LinksApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Dto\Pagination;
use Storyblok\Api\Request\LinksRequest;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$linksApi = new LinksApi($client);
$response = $linksApi->all(new LinksRequest(
pagination: new Pagination(page: 1, perPage: 1000)
use Storyblok\Api\LinksApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Id;
$id = new Id(/** ... */);
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$linksApi = new LinksApi($client);
$response = $linksApi->byParent($id);
use Storyblok\Api\LinksApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$linksApi = new LinksApi($client);
$response = $linksApi->roots($id);
In your code you should type-hint to Storyblok\Api\DatasourceApiInterface
use Storyblok\Api\DatasourceApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$api = new DatasourceApi($client);
$response = $api->byName('tags'); // returns Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Datasource
If it has more than one dimension, you can get the entries by
use Storyblok\Api\DatasourceApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Datasource\Dimension;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$api = new DatasourceApi($client);
$response = $api->byName('tags', new Dimension('de')); // returns Storyblok\Api\Domain\Value\Datasource
In your code you should type-hint to Storyblok\Api\TagsApiInterface
use Storyblok\Api\TagsApi;
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
$client = new StoryblokClient(/* ... */);
$api = new TagsApi($client);
$response = $api->all(); // returns Storyblok\Api\Response\TagsResponse
To use the assets API you have to configure the Assets client.
use Storyblok\Api\StoryblokClient;
use Storyblok\Api\AssetsApi;
$client = new StoryblokClient(
baseUri: '',
token: 'assets-api-token',
timeout: 10 // optional
$assetsApi = new AssetsApi($assetsClient);
To improve developer experience (DX), especially when working with content types like stories, the following abstract class is provided to manage collections of specific content types. This class simplifies data handling and ensures type safety while dealing with large amounts of content from Storyblok.
The ContentTypeCollection class provides a structured way to work with Storyblok content types. It makes managing pagination, filtering, and sorting more intuitive and reusable, saving time and reducing boilerplate code.
namespace App\ContentType;
use IteratorAggregate;
use Storyblok\Api\Response\StoriesResponse;
* @template T of ContentTypeInterface
* @implements IteratorAggregate<int, T>
abstract readonly class ContentTypeCollection implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate
public int $total;
public int $perPage;
public int $curPage;
public int $lastPage;
public ?int $prevPage;
public ?int $nextPage;
* @var list<T>
private array $items;
final public function __construct(StoriesResponse $response)
$this->items = array_values(array_map($this->createItem(...), $response->stories));
$this->total = $response->total->value;
$this->curPage = $response->pagination->page;
$this->perPage = $response->pagination->perPage;
$this->lastPage = (int) ceil($this->total / $this->perPage);
$this->prevPage = 1 < $this->curPage ? $this->curPage - 1 : null;
$this->nextPage = $this->curPage < $this->lastPage ? $this->curPage + 1 : null;
* @return \Traversable<int, T>
final public function getIterator(): \Traversable
return new \ArrayIterator($this->items);
final public function count(): int
return \count($this->items);
* @param array<string, mixed> $values
* @return T
abstract protected function createItem(array $values): ContentTypeInterface;
- Simplified Data Handling: Instead of dealing with raw arrays of stories, this abstract class helps you manage collections of content types, like blog posts or articles, in an organized manner. It abstracts away the repetitive work of pagination and mapping response data to objects.
- Enhanced Readability: Using a well-structured collection class makes the code easier to read and maintain. Instead of handling pagination and raw data structures in controllers or services, you simply instantiate the collection and let it handle the data.
- Reusability: The class is flexible and reusable across different content types. Once implemented, you can easily create new collections for other Storyblok content types with minimal extra code.
- Pagination and Metadata Management: The collection class comes with built-in properties for pagination and metadata (e.g., total items, current page, etc.), making it much easier to manage paginated data efficiently.
Here is an example of how to use the ContentTypeCollection to manage blog posts in your Symfony project:
namespace App\ContentType\BlogPost;
use App\ContentType\ContentTypeCollection;
use App\ContentType\ContentTypeFactory;
* @extends ContentTypeCollection<BlogPost>
final readonly class BlogPostCollection extends ContentTypeCollection
protected function createItem(array $values): BlogPost
return ContentTypeFactory::create($values, BlogPost::class);
new BlogPostCollection(
new StoriesRequest(
language: $this->localeSwitcher->getLocale(),
pagination: new Pagination($this->curPage, self::PER_PAGE),
sortBy: new SortBy('first_published_at', Direction::Desc),
filters: $filters,
excludeFields: new FieldCollection([
new Field('body'),
new Field('additional_contents'),
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see License File for more information.