CS 188 Artificial Intelligence
This repo contains the 5 projects I did for CS188.
- Search: implement depth-first, breadth-first, uniform cost, and A* search algorithms. These algorithms are used to solve navigation and traveling salesman problems in the Pacman world.
My work:
- search.py: Where all of search algorithms resides.
- searchAgents.py: Where all of search-based agents reside.
- Multi-Agent Search: Classic Pacman is modeled as both an adversarial and a stochastic search problem. Implement multiagent minimax and expectimax algorithms, as well as designing evaluation functions.
My work:
- multiAgents.py: Where all of multi-agent search agents reside.
- Reinforcement Learning Implement model-based and model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, applied to the AIMA textbook’s Gridworld, Pacman, and a simulated crawling robot.
My work:
- valueIterationAgents.py: A value iteration agent for solving known MDPs.
- qlearningAgents.py: Q-learning agents for Gridworld, Crawler and Pacman.
- BNs and HMMs: Ghostbusters Probabilistic inference in a Hidden Markov Model tracks the movement of hidden ghosts in the Pacman world. Implement exact inference using the forward algorithm and approximate inference via particle filters.
My work:
- bustersAgents.py: Agents for playing the Ghostbusters variant of Pacman.
- inference.py: Code for tracking ghosts over time using their sounds.
- Machine Learning: Classification implement the perceptron algorithm and neural network models, and apply the models to several tasks including digit classification.
My work:
- models.py: Perceptron and neural network models for a variety of applications