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GSoC 2016 Teodor Ciuraru

Janice Niemeir edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 1 revision

Teodor-Claudiu Ciuraru (Theo)

Short Bio

I'm a student at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, studying Computer Science which has been developing mobile apps since high school. I enjoy writing software and adore clean and elegant code / products. Other interests involve analyzing people and their motives and contributing to a better society.

In my spare time I like reading, posting on Quora, playing guitar, but most of my time is allocated learning anything new. I would love to know about a lot of things and experiment as much as possible in life.

My career will involve delivering a great GSoC project and the same about my BSc. thesis, pursuing a Master's in Computer Science and softly changing direction to entrepreneurship.

Professional profiles


Malaria Prevention iOS - GSOC 2016

I work as an developer on the Malaria Prevention iOS App with Nicki Hutchen as project manager and Bruno Henriques and Jayaruwan as my mentors.

The Android app will be developed by Yatna with Ankita Kalra as mentor.

Abstract: Malaria Prevention is a Swift application that will aid the Peace Corps volunteers in Africa defend against the Malaria disease.

Project Description
Source code


Project Timeline


First version's documentation

Unit Test Results

Documentation - Unit tests are located in the document's last section

Weekly Status Report for Week 1

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Little busy due to exams.
  • Created the Systers profile.
  • Changed the app to work with the new Apple ID with my mentor.
  • Fixed Widget bug that made it not work with the new Apple ID.
  • Checked if the app works well. (as scheduled)

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • The need of a new Apple ID.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes, I have received and configured the new Apple ID.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • None.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Prepare Malaria iOS for the App Store.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 2

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Fixed “Remind me at” UI bug, related to showing two “AM / PM”.
  • Added constraint to the Plan my Trip screen that will add some space between the title and the Peace Corps logo.
  • Changed Autocomplete deprecated API Key.
  • Modified Autocomplete UI.
  • Installed the new versions Cocoapods.
  • Fixed Autocomplete bug on iOS versions lesser than 9.0.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Took me some time to fix code that was added by a GitHub contributor and that ceased to work on the new iOS versions as needed.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • It was solved by agreeing on a mutual solution with Bruno (my mentor).

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No roadblocks continue to exist.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Upload Malaria iOS to the App Store.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 3

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Fixed the new CocoaPods version bug regarding not being able to run the application on x86_64 architectures.
  • Created presentation video for the application in order for it to be uploaded on the store.
  • Submitted a GitHub Pull Request with last week's changes and also modified it based on Bruno's indications.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Had to wait for an answer regarding uploading the application to the App Store or not.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • I got the answer after several days, but the issue is still being discussed.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • It isn't yet decided if we need to upload the app to the App Store and we will arrange a meeting this week regarding this.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement a system through which the volunteers will be able to set their remaining medicine and also be notified about it.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • Not on schedule with uploading it to the App Store, but this isn't an issue that couldn't have been postponed. ##Weekly Status Report for Week 4

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Implemented a mechanism that allows users to type in their reminding medicine, saving the medicine locally and also letting them set a reminder in case they run out of pills

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Pill name didn’t show.
  • TableView didn’t resize as needed.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Pill name now shows with the help of Bruno. Table View could have been better, but it’s fixed.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • Table View could look better, but this is not a big issue.
  • I still didn’t receive a response regarding uploading the app on the App Store or sending it to peers through Fabric.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • Yes, I need to get a response regarding the issue just mentioned.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish the reminder by adding notifications and also showing the remaining pills in the current widget.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule. ##Weekly Status Report for Week 5

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished implementing the pill reminder mechanism and adding it as a patch to the Github repository.
  • The mechanism now integrates with the in-app calendar, widget and home screen in order to only let the users select taking the pill only when they had medicine.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Problems with context switching (Core Data) and code architecture.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • With the help of Bruno, I managed to resolve the problems.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement a first game inside the app, a quiz game, that will allow users to receive points and achievements based on their current knowledge on the Malaria prevention protocol.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 6

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Implemented a game that will test the volunteer's knowledge about the Malaria Prevention App and reward him with achievement points that will later be converted into in-app achievements.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • N/A.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • N/A.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement the second game, Myth vs. Fact that will also earn the user achievement points.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 7

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Implemented the second educational game for this application that includes selecting if a Info Hub fact is true or false.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • N/A.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • N/A.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement a mechanism that allows the users to receive points and achievements based on their score in the Malaria games.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 8

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Started implementing a mechanism that will allow users to receive achievements based on their actions throughout the app.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Didn't have enough time to finish what I decided to do.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Not resolved yet.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • I will solve the issues while continuing with my next week's progress.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implementing the requirement regarding adding a user information screen.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • Not on schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 9

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Working on finishing the achievements system for the app.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Had to decide which architecture works best in order for the achievements system to become expandable.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement the User Profile page.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • Not on schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 10

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished the achievements system for the app.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • N/A.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Add the User Profile functionality.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 11

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished?

  • Implemented the user profile feature. I added a new Setup Screen (in which the user can submit his personal info) and completed the User Profile tab with the user submitted information.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • No issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Replace the current initial setup process with a one more suitable to current design trends.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.

Weekly Status Report for Week 12

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Changed the design of the initial profile and pill setup process.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • No issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Clean and document the rest of the codebase, add more unit tests, launch the app on the App Store.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule. ##Weekly Status Report for Week 13

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Added new documentation, fixed bugs, refactored code.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • No issues.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Yes.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • N/A.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • No.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • N/A.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On schedule.
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