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How To Set Up Your Own PuréeData Server

virgildisgr4ce edited this page Oct 4, 2011 · 3 revisions

PuréeData is intended for collaboration and open improvement—I'd be delighted if you wanted to start your own server. Here's what you'll need:

  • A server that can run:
    • PureData or Pd-Extended (see here for instructions on installing Pd-Extended on Ubuntu)
    • Icecast or similar audio stream server
    • Python 2.*
  1. Clone the repo into a directory of your choice.

  2. To start the server, go to server/ and run: ./

    PuréeData uses as its HTTP server, so it will run completely independently of any other HTTP server, such as Apache.

  3. Open a web browser to your server. That's it!

I had tried setting up the server script through WSGI and Apache, but there are problems with the way Pd is instantiated which I haven't figured out yet—let me know if you have any ideas ;)

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