This repo explores using Buck 2, a Bazel-like build tool from Meta, to build Minecraft mods.
The goal is to compile a working Fabric example mod, but using Buck 2, without any Gradle or Loom.
I wanted something with the following properties:
- Reproducible/Auditable: Recent security events have shown that supply chain compromise in Minecraft modding is a real and massive risk.
- Efficient: Gradle spinning = not fun.
- Deterministic/Stable: No nuking your cache randomly and praying. The goal is to be perfectly reliable.
Buck 2 descends from Buck 1 and further was inspired by Blaze (Bazel's closed-source sibling). All ofthe build systems in this family value the above properties.
Of the hermetic Blaze-like build systems, Bazel is ths most mature and widely used, but a couple reasons made be try Buck 2:
- Bazel doesn't support dynamic dependencies. That is, taking an artifact as input, and based on that artifact's materialized contents, dynamically produce more build targets. This is crucial for implementing automated parsing of version.json, downloading assets and libraries, etc. The workaround in Bazel is to codegen the build definitions, which seems extremely brittle and prone to the same "nuke cache, rerun build multiple times, and pray til it works" that I wished to avoid with Gradle.
- Buck 2 is written in Rust and from my experience using it internally at Meta, it's fast. Bazel is written in Java, like Buck 1, which can chug sometimes.
- I work at Meta, so good old homerism :)
- Java toolchain
- Unfortunately, Buck2's Java support is very immature as it has a lot of internal-only
minutiae. It's probably easier to reimplement the java rules we need ourselves from
first-principles (aka reading the
manual page).
- Unfortunately, Buck2's Java support is very immature as it has a lot of internal-only
minutiae. It's probably easier to reimplement the java rules we need ourselves from
first-principles (aka reading the
- jar merging: JarMerger (part of Fabric Loom)
- Extract, vendor, and build the Java code as part of the mod build, probably
- remapping: TinyRemapper (standalone binary releases on Fabric Maven)
- mappings: Yarn/Intermediary (standalone releases on Fabric Maven)
- Mixin
- IDE project generation: ?
- See what Brachyura does, probably
Buck 2's documentation can be kind of opaque, so here's some random notes.
Targets are the thing that you can request to be built.
Every target is a rule that has been instantiated with attributes (arguments).
Rules are functions that take the attributes and return providers.
Providers are structs representing the result of the build, for use as inputs to other rules.
values are not actually a compiled thing, they are tokens representing
something that will eventually be compiled or created.
This is an experimental project, so we're going to take some shortcuts:
Assume Minecraft 1.21.4 or later (no support for manifest/assets/library quirks from earlier versions)
No multiloader or mojmap/parchment support
Ok to vendor or manually write out dependencies instead of parsing maven POM's
version manifest and version json parsing
asset downloading
- ish, buck2 seems to open tons of fd's which can make the download flaky
Library downloading
Client/server jar merge
Remap to intermediary
Remap to named
Build mod against named (no mixins)
Support mixins
Process resources (insert mixin refmap name)
Remap to intermediary
Assemble final jar
Make sure final jar seems to run
Main goal accomplished by here! Stretch goals:
- Demonstrate consuming intermediary-mapped deps
- IDE project generation
- Access Widener support
- Mojmap support
- Make the interface nicer to use as an "end user"