Swift lib for building pdf file data from leaf templates and/or web pages through wkhtmltopdf cli Built for Vapor 3 and uses Vapor itself (with Swift-NIO under the hood) and Leaf for templates.
First of all install wkhtmltopdf
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xvfb libfontconfig wkhtmltopdf
brew cask install wkhtmltopdf
Edit your Package.swift
//add this repo to dependencies
.package(url: "https://github.com/MihaelIsaev/wkhtmltopdf.git", from: "1.0.0")
//and don't forget about targets
The very common usage is to generate some report on request on-the-fly and return pdf file in response
router.get("pdf") { req throws -> EventLoopFuture<Response> in
let wk = WK(.topMargin(20),
struct ReportIntro: Codable {
var reportName = "Monthly usage"
struct ReportData: Codable {
var records:[ReportRecord] = []
let page1 = Page(view: "report-intro", payload: ReportIntro(), params: PageParam.zoom(1.3))
let page2 = Page(view: "report-body", payload: ReportData(), params: PageParam.zoom(1.3))
let page3 = Page<Test>(url: "http://google.com", params: PageParam.zoom(1.3))
return try wk.generate(container: req, pages: page1, page2, page3).map { pdfData in //Data
let response = req.makeResponse(pdfData, as: .pdf)
response.http.headers.add(name: HTTPHeaderName.contentDisposition, value: "attachment; filename=\"report.pdf\"")
return response
Looks good, right? π
- generate headers/footers from Leaf templates too (available in
branch π₯)
It is GeneralParam
enum type.
Uses in WK
object initialization.
GeneralParam | Description |
.quiet() | -q, --quiet Be less verbose, maintained for backwards compatibility; Same as using --log-level none |
.paperSize(PaperSize) | -s, --page-size Set paper size to: A4, Letter, etc. (default A4) |
.grayscale() | -g, --grayscale PDF will be generated in grayscale |
.lowQuality() | -l, --lowquality Generates lower quality pdf/ps. Useful to shrink the result document space |
.orientation(Orientation) | -O, --orientation Set orientation to Landscape or Portrait (default Portrait) |
.topMargin(Float) | -T, --margin-top Set the page top margin |
.rightMargin(Float) | -R, --margin-right Set the page right margin (default 10mm) |
.bottomMargin(Float) | -B, --margin-bottom Set the page bottom margin |
.leftMargin(Float) | -L, --margin-left Set the page left margin (default 10mm) |
.pageHeight(Float) | --page-height Page height |
.pageWidth(Float) | --page-width Page width |
.footerCenter(String) | --footer-center Centered footer text |
.footerFontName(String) | --footer-font-name Set footer font name (default Arial) |
.footerFontSize(Int) | --footer-font-size Set footer font size (default 12) |
.footerHtml(url: String) | --footer-html Adds a html footer |
.footerLeft(String) | --footer-left Left aligned footer text |
.footerLine() | --footer-line Display line above the footer |
.noFooterLine() | --no-footer-line Do not display line above the footer (default) |
.footerRight(String) | --footer-right Right aligned footer text |
.footerSpacing(Float) | --footer-spacing Spacing between footer and content in mm (default 0) |
.headerCenter(String) | --header-center Centered header text |
.headerFontName(String) | --header-font-name Set header font name (default Arial) |
.headerFontSize(Int) | --header-font-size Set header font size (default 12) |
.headerHtml(url: String) | --header-html Adds a html header |
.headerLeft(String) | --header-left Left aligned header text |
.headerLine() | --header-line Display line below the header |
.noHeaderLine() | --no-header-line Do not display line below the header (default) |
.headerRight(String) | --header-right Right aligned header text |
.headerSpacing(Float) | --header-spacing Spacing between header and content in mm (default 0) |
.replace(name: String, value: String) | --replace Replace [name] with value in header and footer (repeatable) |
.disableDottedLines() | --disable-dotted-lines Do not use dotted lines in the toc |
.tocHeaderText(String) | --toc-header-text The header text of the toc (default Table of Contents) |
.tocLevelIndentation(String) | --toc-level-indentation For each level of headings in the toc indent by this length (default 1em) |
.disableTocLinks() | --disable-toc-links Do not link from toc to sections |
.tocTextSizeShrink(Float) | --toc-text-size-shrink For each level of headings in the toc the font is scaled by this factor (default 0.8) |
.xslStyleSheet(path: String) | --xsl-style-sheet Use the supplied xsl style sheet for printing the table of content |
It is PageParam
enum type.
Uses in Page
object initialization.
Page(view: String, payload: Codable, PageParam...) //for generating Leaf page
Page<Codable>(url: String, PageParam...) //for loading from URL
PageParam | Description |
.allow(path: String) | --allow Allow the file or files from the specified folder to be loaded (repeatable) |
.background() | --background Do print background (default) |
.noBackground() | --no-background Do not print background |
.bypassProxyFor(String) | --bypass-proxy-for Bypass proxy for host (repeatable) |
.cacheDir(path: String) | --cache-dir Web cache directory |
.checkboxChecked(path: String) | --checkbox-checked-svg Use this SVG file when rendering checked checkboxes |
.checkboxUnchecked(path: String) | --checkbox-svg Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked checkboxes |
.cookie(name: String, value: String) | --cookie Set an additional cookie (repeatable), value should be url encoded. |
.customHeader(name: String, value: String) | --custom-header Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable) |
.customHeaderPropagation() | --custom-header-propagation Add HTTP headers specified by |
.noCustomHeaderPropagation() | --no-custom-header-propagation Do not add HTTP headers specified by |
.defaultHeader() | --default-header Add a default header, with the name of the page to the left, and the page number to the right |
.encoding(String) | --encoding Set the default text encoding, for input |
.disableExternalLinks() | --disable-external-links Do not make links to remote web pages |
.enableExternalLinks() | --enable-external-links Make links to remote web pages (default) |
.enableForms() | --enable-forms Turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields |
.disableForms() | --disable-forms Do not turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields (default) |
.images() | --images Do load or print images (default) |
.noImages() | --no-images Do not load or print images |
.disableInternalLinks() | --disable-internal-links Do not make local links |
.enableInternalLinks() | --enable-internal-links Make local links (default) |
.disableJavaScript() | -n, --disable-javascript Do not allow web pages to run javascript |
.enableJavaScript() | --enable-javascript Do allow web pages to run javascript (default) |
.javascriptDelay(msec: Int) | --javascript-delay Wait some milliseconds for javascript finish (default 200) |
.keepRelativeLinks() | --keep-relative-links Keep relative external links as relative external links |
.loadErrorHandling(Handler) | --load-error-handling Specify how to handle pages that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default abort) |
.loadMediaErrorHandling(Handler) | --load-media-error-handling Specify how to handle media files that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default ignore) |
.enableLocalFileAccess() | --disable-local-file-access Do not allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files, unless explicitly allowed with --allow |
.disableLocalFileAccess() | --enable-local-file-access Allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files. (default) |
.minimumFontSize(Int) | --minimum-font-size Minimum font size |
.excludeFromOutline() | --exclude-from-outline Do not include the page in the table of contents and outlines |
.includeInOutline() | --include-in-outline Include the page in the table of contents and outlines (default) |
.pageOffset(Int) | --page-offset Set the starting page number (default 0) |
.password(String) | --password HTTP Authentication password |
.disablePlugins() | --disable-plugins Disable installed plugins (default) |
.enablePlugins() | --enable-plugins Enable installed plugins (plugins will likely not work) |
.postField(name: String, value: String) | --post Add an additional post field (repeatable) |
.postFile(name: String, path: String) | --post-file Post an additional file (repeatable) |
.printMediaType() | --print-media-type Use print media-type instead of screen |
.noPrintMediaType() | --no-print-media-type Do not use print media-type instead of screen (default) |
.proxy(String) | -p, --proxy Use a proxy |
.proxyHostnameLookup() | --proxy-hostname-lookup Use the proxy for resolving hostnames |
.radioButtonChecked(path: String) | --radiobutton-checked-svg Use this SVG file when rendering checked radiobuttons |
.radioButtonUnchecked(path: String) | --radiobutton-svg Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked radiobuttons |
.resolveRelativeLinks() | --resolve-relative-links Resolve relative external links into absolute links (default) |
.runScript(js: String) | --run-script Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable) |
.disableSmartShrinking() | --disable-smart-shrinking Disable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant |
.enableSmartShrinking() | --enable-smart-shrinking Enable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant (default) |
.sslCrtPath(path: String) | --ssl-crt-path Path to the ssl client cert public key in OpenSSL PEM format, optionally followed by intermediate ca and trusted certs |
.sslKeyPassword(String) | --ssl-key-password Password to ssl client cert private key |
.sslKeyPath(path: String) | --ssl-key-path Path to ssl client cert private key in OpenSSL PEM format |
.stopSlowScripts() | --stop-slow-scripts Stop slow running javascripts (default) |
.noStopSlowScripts() | --no-stop-slow-scripts Do not Stop slow running javascripts |
.disableTocBackLinks() | --disable-toc-back-links Do not link from section header to toc (default) |
.enableTocBackLinks() | --enable-toc-back-links Link from section header to toc |
.userStyleSheet(url: String) | --user-style-sheet Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page |
.username(String) | --username HTTP Authentication username |
.viewportSize(String) | --viewport-size <> Set viewport size if you have custom scrollbars or css attribute overflow to emulate window size |
.windowStatus(String) | --window-status Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page |
.zoom(Float) | --zoom Use this zoom factor (default 1) |