on Travis
Results available on Sonarcloud
- More diff-like comparison, focused on new code and previous build, but still has history.
- Coverage History
- Integrates into build process
- cross-platform
- Graphical Report
- Compatible with xUnit
- Does not offer Branch Coverage like ReportGenerator
These have been ensured because I run the tools both locally on the Windows machine, and on Travis with the trusty linux distribution, all with cross-platform python scripts
Overview showing Quality Gate failure due to Code coverage < 80%
and number of new lines to cover:
Uncovered Lines
Coverage Chart
Apparently sonarscanner does not work for .net projects
Analyzing with SonarQube Scanner
- Set up Travis-ci. C# Project | Custom Build
- Travis-CI does not support dotnet 2.2 yet. Downgraded to 2.1.
- Following sonarqube instructions. SonarCloud + Travis
- Generated a Token for the app and included
on Travis Settings
- Add configuration to sonar-project.properties List of sonar parameters | sonar-project.properties example
- Changing to SonarScanner for MSBuild Analyzing with SonarScanner for MSBuild
- Installed Jenkins locally.
- Installed github, "SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins" and "Sonar Quality Gates Plugin" plugins on Jenkins
- Analyzing with SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins
- Configuration on
Manage System
- Install
Bitbucket Plugin
on Jenkins ngrok.exe http <JENKINS_PORT>
a. get the exposed URL on ngrok.com- Create webhook user on Jenkins with Permissions: a. Overall Read 2. Job Build 3. Job Configure 4. Job Create 5. Job Read
- Disable
Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits
a. so that we dont get the errorno valid crumb was included in the request
- Tick Build Trigger
Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket
on project configuration - (TODO) Build based on
Grafana seems to be more for DevOps Runtime metrics rather than development testing for code coverage. Skipping
Generates a very descriptive index.htm
under report-generator-coverage
showing line coverage, branch coverage, covered lines, build history.
- Coverage History
- Integrates into build process
- cross-platform
- Error on Travis(Linux):
Error during rendering summary report (Report type: 'Badges'): Arial could not be found
- Error on Travis(Linux):
- Graphical Report
- Compatible with xUnit
- Cannot see line coverage of past builds
on the project, run:
python3 coverlet.py
cd CalculationTests
python3 report-generator.py
Generated on: 1/3/2019 - 12:29:02 PM
Parser: MultiReportParser (2x OpenCoverParser)
Assemblies: 2
Classes: 5
Files: 5
Covered lines: 47
Uncovered lines: 8
Coverable lines: 55
Total lines: 125
Line coverage: 85.4%
Branch coverage: 100%
Includes build history:
You can click on a class to see its details:
And it shows line coverage (as shown before on Visual Studio Code).
Next steps are trying Grafana or SonarQube.
Usage instructions (generates the cli command)
dotnet add package ReportGenerator
Make sure to include reportgenerator in your .csproj
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-reportgenerator-cli" Version="4.0.4" />
In this case, I used the CalculationTests.csproj
to produce the report for both projects (Calculation and PrimeService).
Apparently ReportGenerator just needs the xml files generated by coverlet
Good Candidates:
- Grafana
- SonarQube (comes in form of a Docker Image also) (can plugin from github). SonarQube seems to be microservices centered because it launches a web server and sits behind a HTTP API.
- ReportGenerator
For graphical display, I'm looking for a integration with visual studio,
Following https://www.hanselman.com/blog/NETCoreCodeCoverageAsAGlobalToolWithCoverlet.aspx
https://dotnetthoughts.net/code-coverage-in-netcore-with-coverlet/ also seems useful
Tried installing Coverage Gutters, Tried renaming .vsix to .zip, extracting and tinkering with extension.vsixmanifest and back, did not work.
Failed on Visual Studio Professional 2017. Works on Visual Studio Code.
codecover as a second option to Coverage Gutters perhaps
dotCover also seems to be a solution that does not use coverlet, but it is paid.
mkdir coverlet-output
bin/coverlet.exe PrimeServiceTests/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/PrimeServiceTests.dll --target dotnet --targetargs "test PrimeServiceTests --no-build" -o coverlet-output/
Test run for C:\Users\rtimbo\source\repos\samples\core\getting-started\unit-testing-using-dotnet-test\PrimeService.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\PrimeService.Tests.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.9.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
Total tests: 11. Passed: 11. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 1.5248 Seconds
Calculating coverage result...
Generating report 'coverlet-output\coverage.json'
| Module | Line | Branch | Method |
| PrimeService | 100% | 100% | 100% |
| xunit.runner.reporters.netcoreapp10 | 1.1% | 0.5% | 5.1% |
| xunit.runner.utility.netcoreapp10 | 15.7% | 9.1% | 21% |
| xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter | 45.6% | 35.7% | 47.8% |
| | Line | Branch | Method |
| Total | 23.8% | 18% | 26.6% |
| Average | 5.95% | 4.5% | 6.65% |
Output generated on coverlet-output/coverage.json
To exclude xunit, include flag --exclude "[xunit.runner.*]*"
as follows
bin/coverlet.exe PrimeServiceTests/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/PrimeServiceTests.dll --exclude "[xunit.runner.*]*" --target dotnet --targetargs "test PrimeServiceTests --no-build" -o coverlet-output/
Test run for C:\Users\rtimbo\source\repos\samples\core\getting-started\unit-testing-using-dotnet-test\PrimeService.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\PrimeService.Tests.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.9.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
Total tests: 11. Passed: 11. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 1.2332 Seconds
Calculating coverage result...
Generating report 'coverlet-output\coverage.json'
| Module | Line | Branch | Method |
| PrimeService | 100% | 100% | 100% |
| | Line | Branch | Method |
| Total | 100% | 100% | 100% |
| Average | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Under the project:
$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet test
Output of the test was:
$ dotnet test
Build started, please wait...
Skipping running test for project C:\Users\rtimbo\source\repos\samples\core\getting-started\unit-testing-using-dotnet-test\PrimeService\PrimeService.csproj. To run tests with dotnet test add "<IsTestProject>true<IsTestProject>" property to project file.
Build completed.
Test run for C:\Users\rtimbo\source\repos\samples\core\getting-started\unit-testing-using-dotnet-test\PrimeService.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\PrimeService.Tests.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.9.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
Total tests: 11. Passed: 11. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 1.5296 Seconds
This sample is part of the unit testing tutorial for creating applications with unit tests included. See that topic for detailed steps on the code for this sample.
This sample demonstrates creating a library and writing effective unit tests that validate the features in that library. The example provides a service that indicates whether a number is prime.
To run the tests, navigate to the PrimeServiceTests directory and type the following commands:
dotnet restore
dotnet test
dotnet restore
restores the packages of both projects.
dotnet test
builds both projects and runs all of the configured tests.