This Nx monorepo includes the codebase of the Challenge ecosystem.
- Challenge Registry
- Challenge Platform
- API Gateway
- Service Registry
- Keycloak (IAM)
- Databases: MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- User Service
- Docker Engine version 18.06.0 or newer
- Visual Studio Code version 1.68.1 or newer (including Compose V2)
Click on this badge to open the workspace in VS Code using our development container.
If you plan to contribute to this project, please create a fork and use its URL for cloning. For more information on contributing and/or our Forking Workflow approach, see
git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch <repo url>
Then open your fork repo inside our devcontainer using these instructions:
- Run
to install workspace tools likenx
. - Run
to start configuring Nx Cloud (optional).
- Run
nx import-dev-data challenge-keycloak
to seed Keycloak database.
Warning Keycloak must not be running when executing this command.
You can access the Challenge Registry on http://localhost:4200.
Checkout the folder docs to learn more about this monorepo.
Main contributors and developers: