'Since we're all rich with bitcoins, or we will be once they're worth a million dollars like
everyone expects, we ought to put some of this unearned wealth to good use.'
- Hal Finney
- tonytech83/lsaa - This course builds skills for managing Linux-based infrastructure, focusing on virtualization, containerization, data sharing, and resilient services. It includes theory and hands-on practice with CentOS, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.
- tonytech83/crossfit-wods - Flask web application that lists Crossfit WOD (Workout of the Day) files from a data directory
- tonytech83/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc - A Flask-based web application that compares the average price per square meter of real estate in Sofia with the current price of Bitcoin (BTC).
- tonytech83/powershell-profile - Custom PowerShell profile
- tonytech83/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- tonytech83/my-bash - my-bash is a customizable bash environment setup script that automates the installation of various tools and configurations to enhance your terminal experience.
- tonytech83/lsaa - This course builds skills for managing Linux-based infrastructure, focusing on virtualization, containerization, data sharing, and resilient services. It includes theory and hands-on practice with CentOS, openSUSE, and Ubuntu.
- tonytech83/crossfit-wods - Flask web application that lists Crossfit WOD (Workout of the Day) files from a data directory
- tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc - A Flask-based web application that compares the average price per square meter of real estate in Sofia with the current price of Bitcoin (BTC).
- add keep alive workflow on tonytech83/crossfit-wods
- fix the prices for btc and sqm on tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc
- URL Rules and Class-Based Views on tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc
- Migrate to psql on tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc
- Fix the issue the disappearing records. Problem with Render.com serve… on tonytech83/sqm-vs-btc
- efemkay/obsidian-modular-css-layout - CSS Layout hack for Obsidian.md
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- geerlingguy/mini-rack - Miniature rack builds, for portable or compact Homelabs.
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
- mustafacagri/vue3-chatgpt-ai - ⭐️ The most comprehensive ChatGPT repo with Vue 3: Vue ChatGPT AI! ⭐️ Unlock the power of AI-driven conversations with OpenAI. 🚀 Enjoy real-time messaging, seamless image/audio support, and Firebase integration. Built on Vue 3 & Vuetify 3, with Pinia for robust state management. Revolutionize user interactions with advanced technology! 🎉