50 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's Changed
This version removes dependencies to Guava collections #217
๐ Features
- Replace JSON.simple with already-inuse Jackson @exoego (#244)
- Make TDHttpRequestHandler FunctionalInterface @exoego (#219)
๐ Deprecated
โ Dependency Updates
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 @dependabot (#253)
- Bump mockito-core from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#248)
- Replace JSON.simple with already-inuse Jackson @exoego (#244)
- testlib: Bump littleproxy @exoego (#232)
- Bump jackson-databind from 2.14.1 to 2.14.2 @dependabot (#241)
- Bump mockito-core from 4.10.0 to 5.1.0 @dependabot (#242)
- Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 @dependabot (#243)
- Remove Guava VisibleForTesting @exoego (#229)
- Bump jackson to address security issues @exoego (#221)
๐ Internal Updates
- Update release-drafter.yml @yuokada (#249)
- Replace Guava net module with JDK equivalents @exoego (#225)
- Encourage try-with-resource @exoego (#236)
- Simplify object equality check @exoego (#239)
- Improve generics arguments @exoego (#240)
- Avoid trivial deprecations in test codes @exoego (#238)
- Avoid string concatenation in loop @exoego (#237)
- Avoid assertion in finally block @exoego (#235)
- Introduce release-drafter github action @yuokada (#234)
- testdep: Replace joda-time with JDK8 equivalents @exoego (#233)
- Replace Guava io module with JDK8 equivalents @exoego (#226)
- Replace Guava's Objects util with JDK's equivalents @exoego (#227)
- Replace Guava's Strings util with JDK's equivalents @exoego (#228)
- Fix flaky test: Set a error margin to make test robust @exoego (#231)
- Replace Guava Joiner with JDK8 equivalents @exoego (#224)
- Inline Guava Throwables.propagate @exoego (#223)
- Replace Guava checkNotNull with JDK requireNonNull @exoego (#222)
- CI: Cache Maven deps to speed up test job @exoego (#218)
๐ Docs
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0