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MueLu Benchmark
-D Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON
If you want to compile the benchmark with Kokkos enabled, then add these configure options:
-D MueLu_ENABLE_Kokkos_Refactor=ON
-D Xpetra_ENABLE_Kokkos_Refactor=ON
The MueLu scaling test is found in packages/muelu/test/scaling/Driver.cpp
mpirun -np 4 MueLu_Driver.exe --nx=250 --ny=250
This will construct and solve a 2D Poisson matrix (5-point stencil, equivalent to central finite-difference discretization) with 62600 rows. The right-hand side is generated by applying the matrix to a random vector. The initial guess is zero. The solver is conjugate gradient from Belos, and the preconditioner is smoothed aggregation multigrid from MueLu.
This benchmark accepts a number of command line options. The most useful are
--help prints all options and their default values
--matrixType string matrix type to generate: Laplace1D, Laplace2D, Laplace3D, Elasticity2D, Elasticity3D
(default: --matrixType="Laplace2D")
--matrix string MatrixMarket file containing matrix
(default: --matrix="")
--rhs string MatrixMarket file containing right hand side
(default: --rhs="")
--nx long long int mesh points in x-direction.
(default: --nx=100)
--ny long long int mesh points in y-direction.
(default: --ny=100)
--nz long long int mesh points in z-direction.
(default: --nz=100)
--node string node type (serial | openmp | cuda)
(default: --node="")
--its int maximum number of solver iterations
(default: --its=200)
--solver string Krylov solver type: (none | cg | gmres | standalone)
(default: --solver="cg")
--xml string read MueLu parameters from a file
(default: --xml="scaling.xml")
--timings bool print timings to screen
--notimings (default: --timings)
- mpirun -np 4 ....
- Platform used:
- Summary or screenshot:
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