Releases: typelevel/doobie
This release contains some small improvements/bugfixes
- Allow constructing Read from a list of underlying instances by @jatcwang in #2195
- Feature: Allow customizing individual steps of query execution by @ulfryk in #2154
- Scala 3 OrElse: Remove unncessary by-name parameter #2194
Bug fixes
- Update documentation for updateWithLabel by @felix-hedenstrom in #2191
- Document documentation publishing workflow by @jatcwang in #2192
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-RC7...v1.0.0-RC8
When upgrading, please skip 1.0.0-RC6. It is considered a broken release due to issues with unexpected implicit prioritization, which we've fixed in RC7.
Apologies to those that updated RC6 when it first came out!
Release notes below include all changes since 1.0.0-RC5.
Notable features / changes
Query Cancellation
Query cancellation has been implemented via calling PreparedStatement#close()
on fiber cancellation.
Big thanks to @TalkingFoxMid and contributions from @satorg @armanbilge!
Opt-in automatic derivation
Automatic derivation has been the (non-configurable) default in Doobie since the start. While convenient, it can lead to long compile times because Read
instances are derived every time it is needed.
We have significantly reworked the internals of Read/Write derivation to allow opt-in semi-auto and automatic derivation.
import doobie.implicits.*
will enable automatic derivation (maintaining source compatibility to ease migration).import*
to explicitly enable automatic derivation. Compared toimport doobie.implicits.*
this brings just the implicits/givens necessary for automatic derivation- Instances for tuples are still automatically derived for convenience
- To switch to explicitly derived instances, change
import doobie.implicits.*
toimport doobie.syntax.all.*
and gradually fix compile errors by deriving instances explicitly (see below):
To derive instances explicitly:
Scala 3:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int) derives Read
Scala 2+:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int)
object Foo {
implicit val read: Read[Foo] = Read.derived
As part of this derivatino rework, it is now possible to obtain a Read[Option[A]]/Write[Option[A]]
directly from Read[A]/Write[A]
Related PRs:
- Opt in auto derivation by @guymers / @jatcwang in #1967
- Rework Read/Write & Fix derivation to use custom instances by @jatcwang in #2136
- Fix instance derivation by @jatcwang in #2037
- Make tuple Read/Write instances available without an import by @jatcwang in #2070
Better type-checking with JDBC vendor types (For Postgres java.time.*
and enums)
In previous releases, doobie typecheck only checks against the integer (enum) returned by java.sql.ResultSetMetaData#getColumnType
). However this is inadequate for two reasons:
doesn't cover many other possible database-specific types (e.g. JSON column type)- JDBC drivers often return the wrong
for legacy reasons
column Postgres JDBC driver will report that it has the type java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP
(surprising as java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
PostgreSQL Data Type | getColumnType() | getColumnTypeName() |
This means by just using the result from getColumnType
typechecking couldn't differentiate between a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
column - which has serious implications for correctness of your program if one uses the wrong column type!
Fortunately, we can see that getColumnTypeName
does differentiate between the two column types.
To help improve typechecking for java.time.*
types (and generally), we have made the following changes:
1. Get
and Put
can now specify vendor column type name
When creating a Get
or Put
instance, the vendor type name can now be specified so typechecking will check against it.
When constructing instances (e.g.
) you can pass the expected vendor type to checkedVendorType
parameter, or None
if you don't need or want to check against the vendor type.
2. Move java.time.*
instances into database modules
instances are moved to their database-specific modules to handle differences in databases and their drivers.
doobie module | import |
doobie-postgres | doobie.postgres.implicits.* |
doobie-mysql | doobie.mysql.implicits.* |
For other databases that support Java 8 time types, you can continue to use import doobie.implicits.javatimedrivernative.*
but there's no check against vendor type names.
3. Make doobie.implicits.javasql
instances available by default
has now been removed. You can safely remove any import doobie.implicits.javasql.*
as these instances are now available without any import.
4. Better typechecked array enum columns (Postgres-only)
If you have a column which is an array of enum type, you should switch to use doobie.postgres.implicits.arrayOfEnum
to define the Meta
instance on the application side for better typechecking.
Related PRs:
- More precise typechecking using vendor types by @jatcwang in #2023
- Improve Java time meta experience by @guymers in #1789
- Add MySQL java.time instances by @jatcwang in #2024
- Better postgres array of enum support by @jatcwang in #2179
Logging for streaming and updateMany queries
which now allow queries ran through Query#stream
and Update#withGeneratedKeys
to be logged. As part of this work, doobie.hi.FC
module also have 3 new functions: stream
, executeWithResultSet
and executeWithoutResultSet
. Old functions that does not log (such as doobie.hi.FC.updateWithGeneratedKeys
) has been deprecated and will be removed by 1.0.
Related PRs:
Other changes
- Allow for different effects of HikariTransactor and its creation by @sideeffffect in #1939
- Split methods for HikariTransactor constructed with two effects by @jatcwang in #1961
- Add parenthesis around each expression in and/or combinator by @jatcwang in #2044
- PostgreSQL Range Types by @tomohavvk in #2008
- Remove lazy initialization of modules to fix potential initialization deadlocks by @jatcwang in #2046
- Add withLogHandler method to Transactor by @sideeffffect in #1977
- Ensure backward compatibility of Hikari Config by @sideeffffect in #1842
- Improve analysis message + Small optimizations #2091
- Deprecate non-logging/non-cancelling high-level methods #2090
- Introduce
fragment (#1893) by @matsluni in #2126 - Add
fragment builders for product types with arbitrary arities by @satorg in #2128 - Fragment concat operator that ensures a whitespace in between #2166
- Prefetch a chunk of result for stream operation by @wb14123 in #2137
- Make null param error more informative (#809) by @ulfryk in #2142
Notable dependency updates
- Update munit to 1.1.0 by @jatcwang in #2184
- Update mysql-connector-j to 9.2.0 by @scala-steward in #2174
- Update HikariCP to 6.2.1 by @scala-steward in #2145
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.5.7 by @scala-steward in #2153
Internal/doc changes
- Make freeGen2 run manually (but verified by CI) by @jatcwang in #1960
- Cleanup some imports by @jatcwang in #1966
- Cleanup compile warnings in Scala 2 by @jatcwang in #1969
- Xsource:3 and convert code to be more "Scala 3" by @jatcwang in #2066
- Add source:future / better-monaidic-for for irrefutable pattern in for comprehension by @jatcwang in #2069
- docs: related projects by @arturaz in #2071
- [Doc] Explain the F and C in doobie.FC/HC by @jatcwang in #2047
- Small comments for better explanation by @jatcwang in #2038
- expand on hikari example by @jatcwang in #2013
- Add 'scalafmt' to the project by @satorg in #1989
- Make docker build run on Applie Silicone #2149 by @alstepan in #2151
- fix typo by @lambdista in #2119
- - add Apple silicone instructions by @jatcwang in #2155
- - document turning on and off strict mode by @jatcwang in #2156
- Fix docs and check makeSite passes in CI by @jatcwang in #2160
- More tests to verify derived instances by @jatcwang in #2138
- Benchmark for Read performance by @ja...
Warning: We have an issue in this release related to automatic derivation not using explicitly defined instances (See #2104). Please refrain from using this release and skip to 1.0.0-RC7 when it is out.
Query Cancellation
Query cancellation has been implemented via calling PreparedStatement#close()
on fiber cancellation.
Big thanks to @TalkingFoxMid and contributions from @satorg @armanbilge @jatcwang!
Opt-in automatic derivation
Automatic derivation has been the (non-configurable) default in Doobie since the start. While convenient, it can lead to long compile times because Read
instances are derived every time it is needed.
For those who want shorter compile times, we have now made automatic derivation opt in!
import doobie.implicits.*
will enable automatic derivation (maintaining source compatibility to ease migration).import*
to explicitly enable automatic derivation. Compared toimport doobie.implicits.*
this brings just the implicits/givens necessary for automatic derivation- Instances for tuples are still automatically derived for convenience
- To switch to explicitly derived instances, change your
import doobie.implicits.*
toimport doobie.syntax.all.*
and gradually fix compile errors by deriving instances explicitly (see below):
To derive instances explicitly:
Scala 3:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int) derives Read
Scala 2+:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int)
object Foo {
implicit val read: Read[Foo] = Read.derived
Related PRs:
- Opt in auto derivation by @guymers / @jatcwang in #1967
- Fix instance derivation by @jatcwang in #2037
- Make tuple Read/Write instances available without an import by @jatcwang in #2070
Better type-checking with JDBC vendor types (For java.time.*
and more)
In previous releases, doobie typecheck only checks against the int enum returned by java.sql.ResultSetMetaData#getColumnType
). However this is inadequate for two reasons:
doesn't cover many other possible database-specific types (e.g. JSON column type)- JDBC drivers often return the wrong
, often due to legacy
column Postgres JDBC driver will report that it has the type java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP
(surprising as java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
PostgreSQL Data Type | getColumnType() | getColumnTypeName() |
This means by just using the result from getColumnType
typechecking couldn't differentiate between a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
column - which has serious implications for correctness of your program if one uses the wrong column type!
Fortunately, we can see that getColumnTypeName
does differentiate between the two column types.
To help improve typechecking for java.time.*
types (and generally), we have made the following changes:
1. Get
and Put
can now specify vendor column type name
When creating a Get
or Put
instance, the vendor type name can now be specified so typechecking will check against it.
When constructing instances (e.g.
) you can pass the expected vendor type to checkedVendorType
parameter, or None
if you don't need or want to check against the vendor type.
2. Move java.time.*
instances into database modules
instances are moved to their database-specific modules to handle differences in databases and their drivers.
doobie module | import |
doobie-postgres | doobie.postgres.implicits.* |
doobie-mysql | doobie.mysql.implicits.* |
For other databases that support Java 8 time types, you can continue to use import doobie.implicits.javatimedrivernative.*
but there's no check against vendor type names.
3. Make doobie.implicits.javasql
instances available by default
has now been removed. You can safely remove any import doobie.implicits.javasql.*
as these instances are now available without any import.
Related PRs:
- More precise typechecking using vendor types by @jatcwang in #2023
- Improve Java time meta experience by @guymers in #1789
- Add MySQL java.time instances by @jatcwang in #2024
Logging for streaming and updateMany queries
which now allow queries ran through Query#stream
and Update#withGeneratedKeys
to be logged. As part of this work, doobie.hi.FC
module also have 3 new functions: stream
, executeWithResultSet
and executeWithoutResultSet
. Old functions that does not log (such as doobie.hi.FC.updateWithGeneratedKeys
) has been deprecated and will be removed by 1.0.
Related PRs:
Other notable changes
- Allow for different effects of HikariTransactor and its creation by @sideeffffect in #1939
- Split methods for HikariTransactor constructed with two effects by @jatcwang in #1961
- Add parenthesis around each expression in and/or combinator by @jatcwang in #2044
- PostgreSQL Range Types by @tomohavvk in #2008
- Remove lazy initialization of modules to fix potential initialization deadlocks by @jatcwang in #2046
- Add withLogHandler method to Transactor by @sideeffffect in #1977
- Ensure backward compatibility of Hikari Config by @sideeffffect in #1842
- Improve analysis message + Small optimizations #2091
- Deprecate non-logging/non-cancelling high-level methods #2090
Dependency updates
- Update typelevel plugin and sbt-ghpages by @jatcwang in #1952
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.6.2 by @scala-steward in #1949
- Update postgresql to 42.7.0 by @scala-steward in #1953
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.6.3 by @scala-steward in #1955
- Upgrade postgis to 2023.1.0 / postgres-jdbc to 42.7.1 by @jatcwang in #1962
- Update sbt to 1.9.8 by @scala-steward in #1978
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.5.2 by @scala-steward in #1979
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.6.5 by @scala-steward in #1980
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.7 by @scala-steward in #1981
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.5.3 by @scala-steward in #1983
- Update specs2-core to 4.20.4 by @scala-steward in #1982
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.9.4 by @scala-steward in #1984
- Update specs2-core to 4.20.5 by @scala-steward in #1985
- Update refined to 0.11.1 by @scala-steward in #1988
- Update paradox-theme-generic, sbt-paradox to 0.10.6 by @scala-steward in #1987
- Update weaver-cats to 0.8.4 by @scala-steward in #1986
- Update scalatest to 3.2.18 by @scala-steward in #1993
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.6.6 by @scala-steward in #1995
- Update munit to 1.0.0-M11 by @scala-steward in #1992
- Update sbt to 1.9.9 by @scala-steward in #1998
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.3 by @scala-steward in #1999
- Update scala-library, scala-reflect to 2.12.19 by @scala-steward in #2001
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.6.7 by @scala-steward in #2003
- Update scala3-library to 3.3.3 by @scala-steward in #2004
- Update scala-library, scala-reflect to 2.13.13 by @scala-steward in #2002
- Update cats-effect, cats-effect-testkit to 3.5.4 by @scala-steward in #2005
- Update sbt-site to 1.6.0 by @scala-steward in #2009
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.10.2 by @scala-steward in #2014
- Update postgresql to 42.7.3 by @jatcwang in #2017
- Update paradox-theme-generic, sbt-paradox to 0.10.7 by @scala-steward in #2019
- Update munit to 1.0.0-M12 by @scala-steward in #2021
- Update sbt-typelevel-ci-release, ... to 0.7.0 by @scala-steward in #2025
- Update mysql-connector-j to 8.0.33 by @scala-steward in #2026
- Update mysql-connector-j to 8.3.0 by @scala-steward in...
What's New
- Add module for log4cats support for debugging purposes by @sideeffffect in #1896
- Add
by @armanbilge in #1910 - Expose "unlabelled" as a constant by @jatcwang in #1946
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fix typo transcator -> transactor by @ag91 in #1931
- Fix NPE in Scala 3 derivation for Write by @jacektomaszek in #1890
- Fix future leak by @TimWSpence in #1951
- Use
by @armanbilge in #1906 - Fix fragment helpers to handle fragments without spaces at the end (i.e. fr0, sql interpolator) by @jatcwang in #1912
- Generate return types for KleisliInterpreter methods by @jatcwang in #1929
New Contributors
- @jacektomaszek made their first contribution in #1890
- @albertpastrana made their first contribution in #1897
- @arturaz made their first contribution in #1907
- @Daenyth made their first contribution in #1928
- @ag91 made their first contribution in #1931
- @felix-hedenstrom made their first contribution in #1937
- @BenMotz made their first contribution in #1948
- @jrozanski made their first contribution in #1950
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-RC4...v1.0.0-RC5
Java 11 & major dependency updates
- The minimum Java version is now 11
- slf4j version is now 2.x (In order to update to latest HikariCP)
- Depends on cats-effect 3.5 & fs2 3.7
Effectful Logging & Transactor-level logging
In previous versions Doobie supports SQL statement logging via LogHandler. However, it has the slightly awkward interface of final case class LogHandler(unsafeRun: LogEvent => Unit)
which makes it difficult to integrate with pure FP logging libraries.
We have reworked how logging works, with the two major difference being:
- LogHandler now runs in an effect i.e.
def run(logEvent: LogEvent): M[Unit]
- Each
now has a singleLogHandler[M]
attached to it, in order to align the effect type.
To recover some of the previous functionality of per-query logging logic, you can call .queryWithLabel
(instead of .query/.update
) to attach a String
label to each query.
This label
will be set for each LogEvent, which your LogHandler
can then use to differentiate the queries being logged. (e.g. use it for metrics)
For more advanced use case where you want to pass more structured contextual information for logging purposes, you can use IOLocal
(The docs on logging has an example)
Big thanks to @oyvindberg for the implementation of effectful LogHandler and @george-wilson-rea for adding query labels
Basic migration steps
- Add a
when constructing your Transactor (or pass a None if you don't want to log events) - Replace queryWithLogHandler/updateWithLogHandler with queryWithLabel/updateWithLabel
Tightening Postgres java.time instance typecheck
In #1735 / #1736, we tightened Meta instances for PostgreSQL java.time instances to reflect what the postgres-jdbc driver actually allows. For example, typechecking a query that tries to map a java.time.OffsetDateTime
column in the database will now fail.
Instance for ZonedDateTime has also been removed as it is misleading (PostgreSQL does not support a timestamp type that stores the timezone)
All PostgreSQL users should migrate to using doobie.postgres.JavaTimeInstances
which has stricter type-checking to help you catch errors. For example, it enforces that the corresponding column type of an java.time.Instant
Thanks @guymers!
doobie-hikari: Now automatically creates the Connect ExecutionContext
doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor#fromConfig/fromHikariConfig previously requires you to pass in a connectEC: ExecutionContext
parameter used when awaiting a connection from the hikari connection pool.
Since the general best practice is to set this fixed-size pool to your hikari connection pool size, we now automatically create this ExecutionContext for you based on hikariConfig.getMaximumPoolSize
If you want to use your own connectEC
like previous versions, you can use doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor#fromConfigCustomEC/fromHikariConfigCustomEC instead.
By @sideeffffect in #1690 and #1745
Improved composability and safety of fragment helpers (doobie.util.fragments.*
- when calling methods like
, we now wrap the resulting expression in parenthesis.
This prevents scenarios where the boolean logic generated byand/or
can be influenced by its surroundings due to the lack of parenthesis
For example, previously the code fr"cond1 AND ${or(cond2, cond3)}"
evaluates to the SQL cond1 AND cond2 OR cond3
, which is most likely not equivalent to the user's intention of cond1 AND (cond2 OR cond3)
and will behave differently for certain cond1/2/3 values.
Basic migration steps
- Fix compile errors from
, which now return anOption[Fragment]
. - Carefully check use of
if they are used in conjunction with other AND/OR. If you were previously relying on fragment helpers NOT wrapping the resulting expression in parenthesis, you should adjust your code to maintain to old behaviour**
Other additions
- Add Semigroup and Monoid instances for ConnectionIO and friends by @Fristi in #1729
- Add weaver test framework integration by @danielkarch in #1668
- Added doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor.fromConfigAutoEc which automatically creates/configures the ExecutionContext which awaits connections from the pool, following best practices. By @sideeffffect in #1690
Binary Compatibility
v1.0.0-RC3 is NOT binary compatible
- Enable support for derives in Scala 3 for Read, Write and Text (#1594 by @oyvindberg)
- Add support for JSON in H2 using circe (#1599 by @andrzejressel)
- Add Config case class (#1541 by @sideeffffect). This allow you to more easily configure Hikari connection pool settings using libraries like Pureconfig that relies on derivation.
- Add a cause to the munit Checker failure (#1564 by @brendanmaguire)
- Fix effectful
(#1512 by @oyvindberg) - Fix name of the implicit val defining the function for the Get and Write types (#1598 by @rcardin)
- Various doc fixes thanks to @andrzejressel, @LazyBun, @jatcwang, @mbablok
- Remove Quill integration (doobie-quill) #1587
This is the first 1.0.0 release candidate, built on Cats-Effect 3 on the main
v0.13.4 (For cats-effect 2)
Scala 3.0.0 support
Doobie is now published for Scala 3.0.0!
New integration with MUnit (doobie-munit
Doobie now integrates with the test framework via the doobie-munit
See on how to use it!
Big thanks to @Kazark and @alejandrohdezma for contributing this integration!