This is a Typst template for theses and papers in the corporate design of the Technische Universität Dresden.
Please be aware that this template is unofficial and may not fully adhere to the CD specifications.
Be also aware, that this template does not aim to be a replacement of the TUD-Script bundle for LaTeX with its extensive feature set.
Any corrections, modifications, or enhancements are welcome.
- clone this repository with git
git clone
- or download as a ZIP-file:
This template uses the following fonts:
- Open Sans
- is the Corporate Design font, sans-serif
- download from
- Typst does not yet support variable fonts, thus you need to use separate ttf files for each weight and style
- Noto Sans
- sans-serif font alternative for Open Sans
- Libertinus Serif
- a nice serif font included with Typst
- download from
#import "tud-thesis.typ": *
#show: thesis.with(
title: "My very good thesis title",
subtitle: "This subtitle is below the title",
graduation: "Diploma of Computer Science",
supervisor: "Dr. Supervisor",
professor: "Prof. Dr. Professor",
university: "Technische Universität Dresden",
faculty: "Faculty of …",
institute: "Institute of …",
chair: "Chair of …",
author: "Firstname Lastname",
// dateofbirth: "2.1.1990",
// placeofbirth: "Dresden",
matriculationnumber: "00000000",
// matriculationyear: "2010",
email: "[email protected]",
abstract: lorem(50),
bibliography-file: "example/bibliography.bib",
// assignment-file: "assignment.svg",
cdfont: false,
draft-mode: false,
print-mode: false,
= Introduction
= Background
= Conclusion
- originally adapted from the Grape Suite template
- Corporate Design Manual (login required)
- TUD-Script bundle for LaTeX