Remove the non-controversial, straightforward obsoleted constructs for Umbraco 16 #18661
CodeScene PR Check
Quality Gate Failed
Code Health Improved
(30 files improve in Code Health)
Gates Failed
Enforce advisory code health rules
(3 files with Code Duplication, String Heavy Function Arguments)
Gates Passed
3 Quality Gates Passed
See analysis details in CodeScene
Reason for failure
Enforce advisory code health rules | Violations | Code Health Impact | |
PackagingService.cs | 1 advisory rule | 8.16 → 7.67 | Suppress |
DbProviderFactoryCreator.cs | 1 advisory rule | 9.69 → 9.39 | Suppress |
ByRouteContentApiController.cs | 1 advisory rule | 9.10 → 9.39 | Suppress |
View Improvements
File | Code Health Impact | Categories Improved |
JsonConfigManipulator.cs | no change | Primitive Obsession, String Heavy Function Arguments |
DatabaseBuilder.cs | no change | Complex Method |
RuntimeState.cs | 8.51 → 8.52 | Complex Method, Overall Code Complexity |
UmbracoBuilder.cs | 8.63 → 8.64 | Large Method, Constructor Over-Injection |
ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments |
AuditNotificationsHandler.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
MediaFileManager.cs | 9.39 → 9.69 | Constructor Over-Injection |
ViewHelper.cs | 9.69 → 10.00 | String Heavy Function Arguments |
OEmbedProviderBase.cs | no change | Primitive Obsession |
TrackedReferencesService.cs | 8.28 → 10.00 | Code Duplication, Primitive Obsession |
TrackedReferencesRepository.cs | 6.63 → 7.72 | Code Duplication, Overall Function Size, Overall Code Complexity, Primitive Obsession, Excess Number of Function Arguments |
MarkDownPropertyValueEditor.cs | 9.69 → 10.00 | Constructor Over-Injection |
FileUploadPropertyValueEditor.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
ImageCropperPropertyValueEditor.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
TextOnlyValueEditor.cs | no change | Complex Method |
MediaCache.cs | no change | Primitive Obsession |
PublishedRequest.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentPermissions.cs | 7.60 → 8.87 | Code Duplication, Overall Code Complexity, Primitive Obsession |
AuditService.cs | 7.22 → 7.44 | Code Duplication, Missing Arguments Abstractions, Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentService.cs | 2.28 → 2.33 | Lines of Code in a Single File, Number of Functions in a Single Module, Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentTypeEditingService.cs | 9.10 → 9.69 | Code Duplication |
MediaTypeEditingService.cs | 9.10 → 9.69 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
MemberTypeEditingService.cs | no change | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentTypeService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentTypeServiceBaseOfTRepositoryTItemTService.cs | 6.55 → 7.62 | Lines of Code in a Single File, Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
ContentVersionService.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments, Constructor Over-Injection |
FileService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
DataTypeService.cs | no change | Primitive Obsession |
PackageDataInstallation.cs | 2.79 → 2.99 | Lines of Code in a Single File, Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
PackagingService.cs | 8.16 → 7.67 | Constructor Over-Injection |
TwoFactorLoginService.cs | 9.10 → 9.39 | Primitive Obsession, String Heavy Function Arguments |
MediaService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
MediaTypeService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
MemberTypeService.cs | 9.10 → 9.69 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
PropertyValidationService.cs | 7.11 → 7.33 | Primitive Obsession, Excess Number of Function Arguments |
PublicAccessService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
RelationService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
UserService.cs | no change | Lines of Code in a Single File, Number of Functions in a Single Module, Constructor Over-Injection |
UserServiceExtensions.cs | 9.69 → 10.00 | Primitive Obsession |
ByRouteContentApiController.cs | 9.10 → 9.39 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
QueryContentApiController.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments |
MemberController.cs | 9.10 → 9.39 | Constructor Over-Injection |
SearchDocumentItemController.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments |
SearchMediaItemController.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments |
UserPresentationFactory.cs | no change | Code Duplication |
BackOfficeSignInManager.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
sdk.gen.ts | no change | Lines of Code in a Single File, Number of Functions in a Single Module, Code Duplication |
ContentValueSetBuilder.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder.cs | 7.74 → 8.23 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
DeliveryApiIndexingHandler.cs | 9.10 → 9.69 | Code Duplication |
ModelsGenerationError.cs | 9.39 → 10.00 | Code Duplication |
CreatedPackageSchemaRepository.cs | 7.00 → 7.21 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
BlockEditorPropertyValueEditor.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
BlockValuePropertyValueEditorBase.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs | 8.50 → 9.34 | Code Duplication, Missing Arguments Abstractions, Constructor Over-Injection |
BlockEditorVarianceHandler.cs | 8.55 → 9.10 | Overall Code Complexity |
BlockListPropertyValueConverter.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
RteBlockRenderingValueConverter.cs | 8.16 → 8.41 | Missing Arguments Abstractions, Constructor Over-Injection |
CoreRuntime.cs | 8.61 → 9.17 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
MemberPasswordHasher.cs | 9.19 → 9.49 | String Heavy Function Arguments |
MemberEditingService.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
IndexInitializer.cs | 8.11 → 8.63 | Code Duplication, Constructor Over-Injection |
OpenApiContractTest.cs | no change | Lines of Declarations in a Single File |
UrlHelperExtensions.cs | no change | Excess Number of Function Arguments |
InMemoryModelFactory.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
MemberSignInManager.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
UmbracoSignInManager.cs | no change | Constructor Over-Injection |
Absence of Expected Change Pattern
- Umbraco-CMS/src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/ModelsBuilder/ModelsGenerationError.cs is usually changed with: Umbraco-CMS/src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/ModelsBuilder/OutOfDateModelsStatus.cs
- Umbraco-CMS/src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/PropertyEditors/BlockListPropertyEditorBase.cs is usually changed with: Umbraco-CMS/src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/PropertyEditors/BlockGridPropertyEditorBase.cs
Quality Gate Profile: Clean Code Collective
Want more control? Customize Code Health rules or catch issues early with our IDE extension and CLI tool.
🚩 Declining Code Health (highest to lowest):
- Code Duplication PackagingService.cs
- String Heavy Function Arguments ByRouteContentApiController.cs
- String Heavy Function Arguments DbProviderFactoryCreator.cs
✅ Improving Code Health:
- Code Duplication sdk.gen.ts
- Code Duplication ContentService.cs
- Large Method UmbracoBuilder.cs: AddCoreServices
- Code Duplication AuditService.cs
- Code Duplication CreatedPackageSchemaRepository.cs
- Code Duplication UserPresentationFactory.cs
- Lines of Code in a Single File ContentService.cs
- Code Duplication MemberTypeEditingService.cs
- Lines of Code in a Single File UserService.cs
- Lines of Code in a Single File PackageDataInstallation.cs
- Code Duplication TrackedReferencesRepository.cs
- Overall Code Complexity TrackedReferencesRepository.cs
- Overall Code Complexity RuntimeState.cs
- Lines of Code in a Single File sdk.gen.ts
- Complex Method RuntimeState.cs: DetermineRuntimeLevel
- Constructor Over-Injection UmbracoBuilder.cs: UmbracoBuilder
- Primitive Obsession OEmbedProviderBase.cs
- Missing Arguments Abstractions AuditService.cs
- Number of Functions in a Single Module ContentService.cs
- Primitive Obsession DataTypeService.cs
- Primitive Obsession TwoFactorLoginService.cs
- Number of Functions in a Single Module UserService.cs
- Primitive Obsession JsonConfigManipulator.cs
- String Heavy Function Arguments JsonConfigManipulator.cs
- Complex Method DatabaseBuilder.cs: ConfigureDatabaseConnection
- Primitive Obsession TrackedReferencesRepository.cs
- Constructor Over-Injection FileUploadPropertyValueEditor.cs: FileUploadPropertyValueEditor
- Constructor Over-Injection ImageCropperPropertyValueEditor.cs: ImageCropperPropertyValueEditor
- Primitive Obsession MediaCache.cs
- Excess Number of Function Arguments ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs: AddTypeLoader
- Number of Functions in a Single Module sdk.gen.ts
- Lines of Declarations in a Single File OpenApiContractTest.cs
- Excess Number of Function Arguments SearchDocumentItemController.cs: SearchFromParent
- Excess Number of Function Arguments SearchMediaItemController.cs: SearchFromParent
- Constructor Over-Injection BackOfficeSignInManager.cs: BackOfficeSignInManager
- Constructor Over-Injection UmbracoBuilder.cs: UmbracoBuilder
- Constructor Over-Injection AuditNotificationsHandler.cs: AuditNotificationsHandler
- Complex Method TextOnlyValueEditor.cs: ToEditor
- Constructor Over-Injection PublishedRequest.cs: PublishedRequest
- Constructor Over-Injection MediaTypeEditingService.cs: MediaTypeEditingService
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberTypeEditingService.cs: MemberTypeEditingService
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentTypeService.cs: ContentTypeService
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentVersionService.cs: ContentVersionService
- Constructor Over-Injection FileService.cs: FileService
- Constructor Over-Injection MediaService.cs: MediaService
- Constructor Over-Injection MediaTypeService.cs: MediaTypeService
- Excess Number of Function Arguments PropertyValidationService.cs: ValidatePropertyValue
- Constructor Over-Injection PublicAccessService.cs: PublicAccessService
- Constructor Over-Injection RelationService.cs: RelationService
- Constructor Over-Injection UserService.cs: UserService
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentValueSetBuilder.cs: ContentValueSetBuilder
- Constructor Over-Injection BlockEditorPropertyValueEditor.cs: BlockEditorPropertyValueEditor
- Constructor Over-Injection BlockValuePropertyValueEditorBase.cs: BlockValuePropertyValueEditorBase
- Constructor Over-Injection BlockListPropertyValueConverter.cs: BlockListPropertyValueConverter
- Constructor Over-Injection RteBlockRenderingValueConverter.cs: RteBlockRenderingValueConverter
- Constructor Over-Injection PackagingService.cs: PackagingService
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberEditingService.cs: MemberEditingService
- Constructor Over-Injection InMemoryModelFactory.cs: InMemoryModelFactory
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberSignInManager.cs: MemberSignInManager
- Constructor Over-Injection UmbracoSignInManager.cs: UmbracoSignInManager
- Constructor Over-Injection ByRouteContentApiController.cs: ByRouteContentApiController
- Constructor Over-Injection ByRouteContentApiController.cs: ByRouteContentApiController
- Excess Number of Function Arguments QueryContentApiController.cs: Query
- Constructor Over-Injection AuditService.cs: AuditService
- Constructor Over-Injection AuditService.cs: AuditService
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentTypeServiceBaseOfTRepositoryTItemTService.cs: ContentTypeServiceBase
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentTypeServiceBaseOfTRepositoryTItemTService.cs: ContentTypeServiceBase
- Excess Number of Function Arguments ContentVersionService.cs: GetPagedContentVersions
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberTypeService.cs: MemberTypeService
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberTypeService.cs: MemberTypeService
- Constructor Over-Injection DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder.cs: DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder
- Constructor Over-Injection DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder.cs: DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder
- Constructor Over-Injection PackageDataInstallation.cs: PackageDataInstallation
- Constructor Over-Injection CreatedPackageSchemaRepository.cs: CreatedPackageSchemaRepository
- Constructor Over-Injection CreatedPackageSchemaRepository.cs: CreatedPackageSchemaRepository
- Constructor Over-Injection CoreRuntime.cs: CoreRuntime
- Constructor Over-Injection CoreRuntime.cs: CoreRuntime
- Constructor Over-Injection RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs: RichTextEditorPastedImages
- Constructor Over-Injection IndexInitializer.cs: IndexInitializer
- Constructor Over-Injection IndexInitializer.cs: IndexInitializer
- Constructor Over-Injection IndexInitializer.cs: IndexInitializer
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentService.cs: ContentService
- Constructor Over-Injection ContentService.cs: ContentService
- Constructor Over-Injection RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs: RichTextEditorPastedImages
- Constructor Over-Injection RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs: RichTextEditorPastedImages
- Constructor Over-Injection RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs: RichTextEditorPastedImages
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedRelationsForItem
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedRelationsForItem
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedItemsWithRelations
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedDescendantsInReferences
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedItemsWithRelations
- Excess Number of Function Arguments TrackedReferencesRepository.cs: GetPagedDescendantsInReferences
- Excess Number of Function Arguments UrlHelperExtensions.cs: GetUmbracoApiService
- Code Duplication ByRouteContentApiController.cs
- Constructor Over-Injection MemberController.cs: MemberController
- Constructor Over-Injection MediaFileManager.cs: MediaFileManager
- String Heavy Function Arguments ViewHelper.cs
- Constructor Over-Injection MarkDownPropertyValueEditor.cs: MarkDownPropertyValueEditor
- Code Duplication ContentPermissions.cs
- Overall Code Complexity ContentPermissions.cs
- Primitive Obsession ContentPermissions.cs
- Code Duplication ContentTypeEditingService.cs
- Code Duplication MediaTypeEditingService.cs
- Lines of Code in a Single File ContentTypeServiceBaseOfTRepositoryTItemTService.cs
- Code Duplication ContentTypeServiceBaseOfTRepositoryTItemTService.cs
- Code Duplication MemberTypeService.cs
- Primitive Obsession PropertyValidationService.cs
- Code Duplication TrackedReferencesService.cs
- Primitive Obsession TrackedReferencesService.cs
- String Heavy Function Arguments TwoFactorLoginService.cs
- Primitive Obsession UserServiceExtensions.cs
- Code Duplication DeliveryApiContentIndexValueSetBuilder.cs
- Code Duplication DeliveryApiIndexingHandler.cs
- Code Duplication ModelsGenerationError.cs
- Code Duplication PackageDataInstallation.cs
- Overall Function Size TrackedReferencesRepository.cs
- Code Duplication RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs
- Missing Arguments Abstractions RichTextEditorPastedImages.cs
- Overall Code Complexity BlockEditorVarianceHandler.cs
- Missing Arguments Abstractions RteBlockRenderingValueConverter.cs
- Code Duplication CoreRuntime.cs
- String Heavy Function Arguments MemberPasswordHasher.cs
- Code Duplication IndexInitializer.cs
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Configuration/JsonConfigManipulator.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Primitive Obsession
The ratio of primitive types in function arguments decreases from 70.37% to 61.90%, threshold = 30.0%. The functions in this file have too many primitive types (e.g. int, double, float) in their function argument lists. Using many primitive types lead to the code smell Primitive Obsession. Avoid adding more primitive arguments.
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Configuration/JsonConfigManipulator.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: String Heavy Function Arguments
The ratio of strings in function arguments decreases from 48.15% to 42.86%, threshold = 39.0%. The functions in this file have a high ratio of strings as arguments. Avoid adding more.
Check notice on line 193 in src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Migrations/Install/DatabaseBuilder.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Complex Method
ConfigureDatabaseConnection decreases in cyclomatic complexity from 12 to 11, threshold = 9. This function has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while), leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals and code to it without refactoring.
Check notice on line 152 in src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Runtime/RuntimeState.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Complex Method
DetermineRuntimeLevel decreases in cyclomatic complexity from 18 to 17, threshold = 9. This function has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while), leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals and code to it without refactoring.
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Runtime/RuntimeState.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Overall Code Complexity
The mean cyclomatic complexity decreases from 5.00 to 4.75, threshold = 4. This file has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while) across its implementation, leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals.
Check notice on line 372 in src/Umbraco.Core/DependencyInjection/UmbracoBuilder.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Large Method
AddCoreServices decreases from 204 to 203 lines of code, threshold = 70. Large functions with many lines of code are generally harder to understand and lower the code health. Avoid adding more lines to this function.
Check notice on line 77 in src/Umbraco.Core/DependencyInjection/UmbracoBuilder.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Constructor Over-Injection
UmbracoBuilder decreases from 7 to 6 arguments, threshold = 5. This constructor has too many arguments, indicating an object with low cohesion or missing function argument abstraction. Avoid adding more arguments.
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Core/DependencyInjection/UmbracoBuilder.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Constructor Over-Injection
UmbracoBuilder is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This constructor has too many arguments, indicating an object with low cohesion or missing function argument abstraction. Avoid adding more arguments.
Check notice on line 132 in src/Umbraco.Web.Common/Extensions/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Excess Number of Function Arguments
AddTypeLoader decreases from 7 to 6 arguments, threshold = 4. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
Check notice on line 55 in src/Umbraco.Core/Handlers/AuditNotificationsHandler.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Constructor Over-Injection
AuditNotificationsHandler is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This constructor has too many arguments, indicating an object with low cohesion or missing function argument abstraction. Avoid adding more arguments.
Check notice on line 33 in src/Umbraco.Core/IO/MediaFileManager.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Constructor Over-Injection
MediaFileManager is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Core/IO/ViewHelper.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: String Heavy Function Arguments
The ratio of strings in function arguments is no longer above the threshold
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Core/Media/EmbedProviders/OEmbedProviderBase.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Primitive Obsession
The ratio of primitive types in function arguments decreases from 71.43% to 70.83%, threshold = 30.0%. The functions in this file have too many primitive types (e.g. int, double, float) in their function argument lists. Using many primitive types lead to the code smell Primitive Obsession. Avoid adding more primitive arguments.
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Core/Services/TrackedReferencesService.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Code Duplication
The module no longer contains too many functions with similar structure
Check notice on line 1 in src/Umbraco.Core/Services/TrackedReferencesService.cs
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Primitive Obsession
The ratio of primivite types in function arguments is no longer above the threshold
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Code Duplication
reduced similar code in: GetPagedDescendantsInReferences,GetPagedDescendantsInReferences,GetPagedItemsWithRelations,GetPagedItemsWithRelations and 2 more functions. Avoid duplicated, aka copy-pasted, code inside the module. More duplication lowers the code health.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Overall Function Size
The median function size in this module is no longer above the threshold
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Overall Code Complexity
The mean cyclomatic complexity decreases from 5.23 to 5.14, threshold = 4. This file has many conditional statements (e.g. if, for, while) across its implementation, leading to lower code health. Avoid adding more conditionals.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ Getting better: Primitive Obsession
The ratio of primitive types in function arguments decreases from 90.38% to 77.27%, threshold = 30.0%. The functions in this file have too many primitive types (e.g. int, double, float) in their function argument lists. Using many primitive types lead to the code smell Primitive Obsession. Avoid adding more primitive arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedRelationsForItem is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedRelationsForItem is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedItemsWithRelations is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedDescendantsInReferences is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedItemsWithRelations is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.
codescene-delta-analysis / CodeScene Cloud Delta Analysis (v16/dev)
✅ No longer an issue: Excess Number of Function Arguments
GetPagedDescendantsInReferences is no longer above the threshold for number of arguments. This function has too many arguments, indicating a lack of encapsulation. Avoid adding more arguments.