Releases: umbraco/Umbraco.Commerce.ProductFeeds
Releases · umbraco/Umbraco.Commerce.ProductFeeds
What's Changed
- Fix GoogleMerchantCenterFeedService to make use of multiple value property extractors by @umbracotrd in #29
- Obsolete few things.
Full Changelog: release-14.1.2...release-14.1.3
What's Changed
- Fix GoogleMerchantCenterFeedService to make use of multiple value property extractors by @umbracotrd in #29
- Obsolete few things.
Full Changelog: release-13.1.2...release-13.1.3
What's Changed
- Cherry-pick #21: Format the returned XML because facebook limits the length of one row by @umbracotrd in #22
Full Changelog: release-14.1.1...release-14.1.2
What's Changed
Full Changelog: release-13.1.1...release-13.1.2
What's Changed
- Cherry pick #19 : Returns all products in the feed instead of top 500.
Full Changelog: release-14.1.0...release-14.1.1
What's Changed
- Fix property value extractor does not work
- Add a toggle to include tax to price by @umbracotrd
Full Changelog: #13
Skip this version, upgrade directly to 14.1.0 but still do the migration step below
What's Changed
- Update to Umbraco Commerce v14 by @umbracotrd in #10
Migrate from v13 and v0.5.5 to v14.0.0
- Due to the change in schema of Product Document Type and Product Child Variant Types, you will need to manually edit your feed settings. Please go the the feed settings and find out the [obsolete] property and migrate them to the newer one
Full Changelog: 13.0.0...14.0.0
What's changed?
Nothing. This version is just v0.5.5 renamed to indicate that it supports Umbraco Commerce v13