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  • Support X-Up-Open-Layer: { type, ...VISUAL_OPTIONS }

    • Works for both success and failed response. There is no X-Up-Fail-Layer option.
    • Ensure that X-Up-Target also works for both success and failed response. There is no X-Up-Fail-Target option.
    • Support unpoly-rails
    • Recommend to also set X-Up-Target
      • unpoly-rails could accept a { target }
  • Remove params parsing for, support formdata, ElementInternals

    • We can just parse the entire form with new FormData(), then filter on contained elements
      • We will still need to know form fields for that
    • Replace up.Params.fromForm() with new this(new FormData(form))
  • Consider [up-zone] as an origin-aware lookup without further logic

    • Also support :zone as a new pseudo
      • Layer priority beats zone priority
    • config.zoneSelectors = ['[up-zone]', ':main]
    • config.noZoneSelectors = ['[up-zone=false]']
    • I think without an { origin } we only want to check out :main. Maybe it's not configurable?
    • Do we want to allow [up-zone="name"] (and include it in targetDerivers), or should it be [up-zone][id="foo"]?
      • If we want to get rid of [up-href] (to enable morphing), we should encourage the use of IDs
  • Consider syntax to place a placeholder in a target

    • [up-placeholder="#spinner-template in :origin"]
    • Does not work for { placeholder: Element } form.
      • The closest form here would be placeholderMap.
        • Which we already have :D
      • Would not work with 'main-spinner' from the demo, since we're not hiding content here
  • Consider publishing { dataMap, skeletonMap/placeholderMap, previewMap } as @experimental

    • Check if we have tests here

Next release



up-tease="main-spinner" up-tease-placeholder="#spinner" up-tease="placeholder:

" not better than up-tease="teaser.showPlaceholder()"


  • Allow inline { placeholder } functions
    • Nonceable
  • Allow inline { preview } functions
    • Nonceable


  • Make sure form group validation still works after Bootstrap 5 Upgrade
  • Make gentler spinner within modals
  • Set tour bubbles for the new functionality


  • Repair preloading
  • Make a skeleton for cards


  • Skeleton for menu
  • Skeleton for main area


  • badResponseTime => lateTime
    • config.lateTime
    • { lateTime }
    • [up-late-time]
  • CHANGELOG: Native :has() is required
  • Remove :has doc entry
  • Remove mentions that we polyfill
  • "Network issues" should talk about previews and skeletons under "Slow server responses"
    • Right now they only talk about feedback classes
  • Support { disable: Element }
  • Expose up.form.disable() (since we also expose it via Preview#disable())
  • Disabling forms from links
    • Document that [up-disable] is now also available for [up-follow]
    • Document that options.disable is now supported for up.follow()
    • Add a section to /disabling-forms
  • Update render lifecycle
    • With status effects (disable, preview, skeleton, feedback)
  • Decide whether to publish up.Request#previews
    • Should they be the parsed names or the functions? => NO!
  • Docs for up.Preview class and its methods
  • Doc page /loading-state "Rendering loading state"
    • Show how the preview can manipulate the DOM
    • Show how the preview can inspect the context
    • Examples
      • Example: Skeleton
      • Example: Loading class for body
      • Example: Preview Modal
    • Previews are not applied when we have cached content to render
      • Also not shown when cache-then-revalidate
    • Multiple effects
      • Space-separated
      • Array
    • Event
      • Show that we can prevent
      • Show that we can mutate event.previews
    • Prefer to be additive
    • Reverting effects
      • undo()
      • returning destructor
      • Important: don't revert effects that you didn't cause
        • Check if you need to do something
        • All up.Preview methods do this
    • Built-in previews
      • Disabling forms while working
        • Link to disabling
      • Marking active elements with classes
        • Link to .up-active
        • Link to .up-loading
      • Skeletons
      • Progress bar for late responses
        • Link to progress bar
    • While watching
  • Rework the section "Styling active elements" in /up-active.
    • It should link to the new status guides
  • Explain where skeleton templates are looked up
  • Explain how to use lazy-loading skeleton templates
    • Don't load them for up-requests
    • Load them deferred
  • Rename to up.status
    • Title "Status effects"
    • Package intro should summarize our fancy new doc pages
  • Move config.progressBar to up.status ?
    • Is it weird that up:network:late and up:network:recover events are still in the package?
    • We also keep [up-disable] under up.form
  • Rename /loading-indicators to /progress-bar ?
    • Extract anything that is not about the progress bar
  • Doc page /navigation-bars
    • Redirect /nav-bars /nav-bar /navbars /navbar /nav
  • Document [up-preview]
  • Document { preview }
  • Document [up-watch-preview] and [up-watch-skeleton] wherever we also document [up-watch-disable] or [up-watch-feedback]
    • Extend /watch-options with [up-watch-preview] and [up-watch-skeleton]
    • [up-watch]
    • [up-validate] BUT NOT SKELETON
    • up.validate() BUT NOT SKELETON
    • [up-autosubmit]
    • up.autosubmit()
  • Document that watchers get { disable, preview, feedback, skeleton } options to pass on to rendering
    • With
    • With [up-watch]
  • Document up:fragment:loaded
    • Say that is also emitted for cached requests, so render options can be mutated in the same way
  • Document [up-skeleton]
    • It also opens a new layer
  • Document { skeleton }
    • It also opens a new layer
  • Demo: Move all previews/skeleton from the JS to [up-] attributes
  • Demo: Make a skeleton for cards
  • /opening-overlays and [up-layer=new] should say how to open an overlay from local content
  • [up-defer] supports [up-preview], [up-skeleton]
    • The docs already talk about fallback state. We could destinguish "while it's loading".
  • [up-poll] supports [up-preview], [up-skeleton]
  • Consider an authentication modal in


  • Merge, push and deploy the new demo


  • Consider publishing booleanOrString or booleanOrNumber
  • Consider waiting for custom elements to be defined
    • For focus
    • For scrolling
    • For watching
  • Support render lifecycle attributes for [up-defer] and [up-poll]
    • [up-on-loaded]
    • [up-on-rendered]
    • [up-on-finished]
    • [up-on-offline]
    • [up-on-error]
    • Right now this can be set by listening to a guardEvent and manipulating event.renderOptions
  • We often see multiple preloading entries in the log (mouseover, mousedown). Can we not log if we're already preloading?
  • Support array fields with watch()?
    • up.form.config.arrayFields = 'suffix' | 'all'
  • Does it matter that guardEvents do not set up.layer.current?
    • It should mostly be the right layer anyway, except for polling in the background or something
  • [up-validate] from a different URL
  • An a[href][up-defer] should be unclickable?
    • Remove tabindex
    • Remove pointer cursor
  • Remove isNull() and isUndefined()
    • The test is trivial, but it may be nice to not have to think aobut it
  • Allow to keep elements without remembering to mark elements as [up-keep]
    • config.keepSelectors
    • Allow { useKeep: '[up-keep], .search-input' } to keep additional elements
    • Elements can still opt out with [up-keep=false]
  • Docs: [up-transition] should document params [up-duration], [up-easing]. Same with [up-animation]?
  • Docs: up.morph() should document options.duration, options.easing. Same with up.animate()?
  • Allow up.reload() to reload multiple, potentially optional elements
    • Starting in 3.8 we could also use 3 times up.reload() and make a single request
  • Consider publishing { defaultMaybe: true } with a better name
  • Docs: Extract new doc page "Preserving state" from [up-keep] and /data#preserving-data-through-reloads
  • Docs: Installation methods may be unmaintained; Go through methods and focus on installing frontend assets
  • Docs: URLs like /up-transition should redirect to /a-up-transition
  • Should{ data }) set the data on the root element, not the layer element?
    • Users can still "compile" the layer element by observing up:layer:open
  • Docs: Extract /polling page from [up-poll]
  • Have a better error when Unpoly is loaded twice
    • We cannot do this when booting
    • Throw in namespace.js
  • Add a config to disable validate merging
  • Touch events can scroll the background of a drawer overlay on
  • In a multi-step render pass, let compilers see all updated fragments
    • This would require us to delay compilation until all fragments are inserted
  • Consider whether Request#target, Request#context etc. should be setters that auto-set the corresponding header.
    • Would save code in mergeIfUnsent()
    • Would save code in setAutoHeaders()
    • We could also make #headers or #header() hallucinate new headers
      • Maybe hard since we allow write access headers[key] = value
        • Would be easier with header() and setHeader()
        • Still need to iterate over the whole thing for passing over headers to xhr
  • Consider an up:fragment:render event to modify renderOptions for all kind of passes
    • We have so many guardEvents now
    • Test that we can still modify event.renderOptions
    • Point against that name: We already have { onRendered } and that fires after DOM mutation, not before the request
    • Possibly offer originalEvent or something?
      • No! We would need to check their renderOptions for mutation. Who is interested in other events can use them.
    • Update docs: Render Flowchart
    • Update docs: Manipulate render options
  • { dismissLabel } should be able to contain HTML
    • Maybe rename to { dismissButtonContent } or something?
  • Allow variations of official layer modes
  • lightbox Layer mode
    • Where are we going to put the margin around the box, if we're not having a viewport?
  • Move custom spec helpers out of to
  • Unpoly Rails needs to ignore pseudo-elements
  • I think we can replace up.Rect.fromElement() with just element.getBoundingClientRect()
  • I think revalidation now loses :maybe marks. We should have more tests.
    • Case 1 => I think this is implemented
      • We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • Server only renders ".foo"
      • Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
    • Case 3 => I could live without this. => Or should we allow reavalidation with defaultMaybe: true ?
      • We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • Server renders ".foo, .bar"
      • Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
    • Case 2 => I think this is implemented
      • We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • Server renders ".foo, .bar"
      • While we're loading .bar was removed from the page
      • Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
      • It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
  • Preserve text selection ranges when reloading / polling / revalidating
  • Should [up-poll] and up.reload() render failed responses if they match the target?
    • At least for reloading the element may actually have entered the DOM from a failed response
  • Site: Scrollbar styling
  • Per-link animation options for new layers
    • Support mutatable animation options for up:layer:dismiss, up:layer:accept
    • Parse [up-close-animation] for links that open a new layer
    • Parse [up-open-animation] as an alias for [up-animation]
  • The log message "Could not match primary target" should not appear when we're only working with fallback targets, and we happen to use the second one. E.g. first one is [up-main=modal], second one is [up-main].
  • Print a warning when we can find no better form group than the itself
  • Run macros (but not compilers) before history changes
  • Give layers an [index] attribute so users don't style based on [nesting]
    • Do we give root an [index] as well?
      • We cannot use [index] here
      • [up-layer-index] would maybe a good default
        • Check vs. V4 plans
  • Docs should show DOM structure of all layer modes
  • Simplify animation API implementation with Element.animate()
    • Animation finishing could be implemented with Element#getAnimations()
    • This should also fix a regression for: Animations that fly in an element from the screen edge (move-from-top, move-from-left, etc.) no longer leave a transform style on the animated element. By @triskweline.
  • Don't allow a request payload for DELETE requests
    • Maybe make this configuratable as opinions vary here.
      • e.g.
    • Is this really important?
  • Consider parsing scroll-margin-top, scroll-margin-bottom for revealing
  • Allow [up-emit] for buttons
  • Docs: Mention that [up-href], [up-alias] cannot be set by a macro
    • Or run macros before updating history
  • Docs: Explain how to convert JSON responses to HTML responses (discussion #562)
  • Convert .sass files to .scss
  • While morphing or destroying, disable pointer events on old element
  • Support { onLoaded }, [up-on-loaded] for polling fragments
    • Test: Can be used to skip() a polling response, polling then continues
    • Test: Can be used to preventDefault() a polling response, polling then continues
  • [up-disable] should disable links (discussion #561)
    • Within the form
    • As a stand-alone link
    • How to mark disabled links? .up-disabled ? Just [disabled]?
    • CSS: { cursor: not-allowed }
    • Also [aria-disabled=true]
    • Prevent with JS? pointer-events?
      • Also prevent keyboard focus with temporary [tabindex=-1]
    • Bootstrap already has a.disabled and users would like to take over that styling
  • Docs: Copy important up.render() options to and a[up-layer=new]
    • In particular { content, fragment, url, document }
  • Look within :origin first
    • Remove similiar logic in up.FragmentProcessor: findSelector()
  • Remove [up-validate] from individual fields
  • Support nonce rewriting for arbitrary attributes, e.g. up.safe_callback('124321321', '432423423')
    • But then we would need to know all the attributes we're rewriting to query them quickly
      • Or find them with XPath
    • OR we could support [up-on] with an event name and a nonce
  • Swapped body looks funny in Safari (has .up-destroying class and is grayed out with old content in inspector)
  • Allow to disable batching in validations
  • inlineStyle, setInlineStyle should work with custom properties
  • Jasmine matchers no longer get a customEqualityTesters argument
  • up.ResponseDoc: Only re-discover the origin when match is 'region'
  • Async compiler functions
    • See separate doc
    • Don't need to delay this until V4 as destructors no longer throw
  • Is the [up-keep=false] pattern good to keep?
    • E.g. for flashes: We could interrupt a keep chain this way, but then the element can never again be keepable => It's the same for polling
  • consider having dev builds with debug terser
  • Docs: /accessibility page
    • But where does it go?
    • Top-level?
  • 2024: Replace up.error.emitGlobal() with window.reportError()
  • Publish up.util.sprintf()
    • But rename it to something else, as sprintf() is something else
  • Docs: Custom input elements
    • Have your custom element expose { name } and { value }` properties (AFAIK Shoelance components already do)
    • Also { disable }
    • Make Unpoly aware of custom elements by pushing a selector to up.form.config.fieldSelectors.
    • Make Unpoly aware of custom submitt buttons by pushing a selector to up.form.config.submitButtonSelectors.
    • Limitation: One value per field. Checks for groups (.checked and .selected) are still hard-coded
  • Test that system compilers always run before user compilers => We already have macros if compilers need to use others?
  • Concepts [up-feedback] and [up-background] are overlapping
    • Should feedback: false imply background: true ?
    • Should we generalize the feedback option?
      • { feedback: ['classes', 'progress', 'custom'] }
        • But I always want classes?
  • Message when unknown target: Revalidating cached response for target "undefined"
  • Extend [up-switch] with [up-disable-for="..."] [up-enable-for="..."]
    • This is really confusing with [up-disable]
    • Or should we have an [up-switch-for] and [up-switch-effect]?
  • up:feedback:start / up:feedback:stop
    • On the layer, not an individual element
    • Needs to have reference to origin and targetElements
      • Must be the same element in :start / :stop, even if the DOM has changed in between => With .up-validating we have different points where feedback starts and ends.
      • This class does not exist. It was an idea detailed further down. => Or we could have a single up:feedback event with a promise for the duration
  • Do we want a preventable up:request:reuse event?
    • Maybe even :reused since there is no :loaded for cached requests
  • Experiment with property mangling vs. public API
    • Possibly do a unpoly.experimental-min.js ?
    • If we could test a minified version we could publish this
      • Do we really think about this when publishing?
      • This would need to be part of the regular build
  • Issue with splitting Immediate-Child-Selectors:
  • Can we get rid of the afterMeasure() callback?
  • Support { scroll: 'keep' }
    • Similiar to { focus: 'keep' }
    • Store scrollTops around a viewport in UpdateLayer
    • Possibly refactor tops to up.ScrollTopsCapsule
  • Check that the target (and all non-successful target attempts) are visible in the log
    • Possibly highlight
  • Do we want to support or in targets?
    • Is there any case other than [up-target], where we already have [up-fallback] ?
  • Should animations force painting?
    • I don't understand how the transitions work when we set both the first and final frame in the same JavaScript task
  • Maybe auto-submit should not navigate by default
    • How to restore this?
    • up-navigate ?
    • up-watch-navigate ?
    • up-autosubmit-navigate ?
    • Is it cool that search results would no longer get a URL update?
  • Does [up-back] use the previous layer location?
  • There was a case where { origin } should look inside an origin: up.render('.day_menu_dish_autocomplete .day_menu_dish_autocomplete--suggestions', { origin: titleInput, url: '/day_menus/suggestions' })
  • Expose up.fragment.config.renderOptions
    • Now that we have some opinion about the defaults { abort: 'target', focus: 'keep', revalidate: 'auto' }, users may want to deactivate
  • Try to have a 'hash' strategy in overlays
    • Also update doc page /focus
  • Split JavaScript => Do this after asset reconciliation
  • input.setCustomValidity() should block submission
  • Replace symlinks in dist/ with copied files
    • Not trivial, see hk/copy-dist-artifacts
  • Maybe a way to mark elements as keep before rendering?
    • This would also be up:fragment:loaded
    • Maybe a render option { useKeep: [....] }
      • With additional fragments to keep
      • Could be set both in initial render and in up:fragment:loaded
      • Would not require an [up-keep] on the other side
  • Consider keepSelectors and noKeepSelectors
    • Now that [up-keep] no longer has a value?
      • Note that we do have [up-keep] hardcoded in multiple places
  • Should we offer a way to manually add etags?
    • E.g. up.on('up:request:loaded', ({ response }) => { response.etag ||= sha1(response.body) })
    • Should this even be a default? => People can already set response.headers['ETag'], although that's not documented
  • Matching in the region of ancestors should use subtree, not just descendants of the ancestor
    • In a form we should always be able to say form:has(:origin) .descendant, even if the origin turns out to be the form itself
      • But :has() does not work like that?
  • [up-on-accepted-reload], { onAcceptedReload }
  • [up-on-accepted-validate], { onAcceptedValidate } (aber hier brauche ich immer einen param)
  • Consider removing all tagnames from public selectors
    • We already had to remove tag names of multiple-use attrs like [up-watch]
    • current
      • a[up-follow]
      • a[up-instant]
      • a[up-preload]
      • form[up-submit]
      • a[up-accept]
      • a[up-dismiss]
      • a[up-layer=new]
      • a[up-transition] __
      • form[up-transition] /
      • a[up-alias]
      • a.up-current
      • a[up-emit]
      • a[up-back]
    • deprecated
      • a[up-close]
      • a[up-drawer]
      • a[up-modal]
      • a[up-popup]
  • Can layer objects nullify their { element, tether } once closed? => This may cause async JS to throw, if that JS wants to go through the layer shortly after closing => How about we do this 10 seconds after { onFinished } or so?
  • It may be nice if guardEvents see the change's getPreflightProps().fragments
    • Either lazy with Object.definePropery() or, if we find that we're going to call getPreflightProps() anyway, just call it.
    • Can we memoize getPreflightProps() in FromURL ?
  • up.validate() always submits to the first submit button => Is this a bug or a feature that we use the same behavior as submit would?
  • When a layer reaches a close condition, should we still render [up-hungry][up-if-layer=any] elements in another layer?
    • Would be practical for flashes
    • Would be weird for API. Render events flying afterwards, we cannot communicate a RenderResult.
  • When opening a new layer, we should update [up-hungry][up-if-layer=any] elements => This is not trivial as OpenLayer cannot work with multiple steps yet => Maybe we can do a "secret UpdateLayer pass" once the layer has opened.
    • We would need to merge RenderResult objects
  • Custom attributes are not copied into [up-expand]
    • ?
      • can also include regexp
        • maybe reuse matcher logic for badTargetClasses
      • what if you need to copy an individual class, not an attribute?
        • up:link:expanded event for custom handling?
  • (attribute, element)
    • The element will always be a link
  • Support custom expire times via Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate
    • Print a warning when we're discarding any other Cache-Control header format
  • Test and document [up-href]
  • Polling should automatically restart when the tab is re-focused
  • A validating fragment should get a .up-validating class
    • Group under
    • Maybe we can have a private API
      • { feedbackLoadingClass: 'up-validating', feedbackActiveClass: false } ?
      • { feedback: { loading: 'up-validating', active: false } } ?
      • With history we have separate options { title, location }
  • Consider renaming up.fragment.config.navigateOptions to just up.fragment.config.navigate
    • There is precedence in up.layer.config.overlay
  • Firefox: Focus loss after disable is not always detectable synchronously
    • Force Repaint does not help
    • setTimeout() helps (wait for next render?)
    • We fixed this in up.form.disableWhile(), but it may still be broken for up.fragment.config.autoFocus options suffixed with "-if-lost"
  • Consider whether validation requests should be background requests by default
    • We should also have [up-watch-background]
  • Why does [up-validate=form] target the first form for some users?


  • Should we offer a { placement: 'merge' } to merge children?

    • By selector?
    • How would that relate to recursive merging?
    • We don't need it for flashes, [up-on-keep] suffices here
      • [up-on-keep] can already support merging, morphing, etc.
        • However it's impractical to use it for regular fragment updates, you'd want .target:merge or something.
  • Example for a custom overlay

  • Activating custom JavaScript

    • (Currently sitting in up.compiler())
  • Rendering from strings

    • { document }
    • { fragment }
    • { content }
  • Preloading

    • (Currently sitting in a[up-preload])
    • On Hover
    • Programmatically
      • Example: Preload next/prev
  • Polling

    • (Currently sitting in [up-poll])
  • Options and defaults

    • Everything is opt-in
    • Navigation enables a set of new defaults
      • Navigation options are the only opinioniated defaults that are opt-out
    • config options
    • auto-options
    • Most options in up.render() can also be set via an attribute
      • JavaScript options override HTML attributes
      • If we cannot serialize an option into an attribute, you can use event.renderOptions in up:link:follow, up:form:sumit
    • Explain that you can often override renderOptions in event handlers
      • This is already explained in /render-hooks
  • Background requests

    • Background requests deprioritized over foreground requests.
    • Background requests also won't emit up:network:late events and won't trigger the progress bar.
    • Background requests are promoted to the foreground if they are a cache hit for a new, non-background request


  • Allow late registrations of compilers and macros without priority => OK for compilers, but what about macros? They have an intrinsic priority (before all compilers)
  • Consider whether up.validate() promises should wait until no more solutions are pending => We would need to merge RenderResult#target in some meaningful way
  • Rename "finished" to "concluded"
  • Should up:click set up.layer.current ?
    • It would be more convenient, but it's only relevant for popups or backdrop-less modals. This is rare.
  • New onTransitioned() callback to take some load off from onFinished()
  • Move scroll positions into state
    • This gets rid of the other up.Cache usage
    • This may mean we need to lose up.viewport.restoreScroll() and { scroll: 'restore' } and { saveScroll: true }
      • Losing { scroll: 'restore' } is super sad :( => Maybe revisit when the Navigation API is supported
  • Improve polling in the background
    • It would be great to not have a timeout running while we're in the background or offline
    • It would be great to not wait up to 10 seconds when we're re-focused or regain connectivity
      • Are timeouts really paused or do they just not fire until re-focus?
      • Mobile Chrome seems to reload old tabs automatically, test this!
  • Elemente mit [up-hungry][up-layer=any] müssten wir eigentlich auch austauschen, wenn wir einen neuen Layer öffnen
    • OpenLayer kann aber gar nicht mit mehreren Steps umgehen
  • can badResponseTime be a function that takes a request? => Yes, but not trivially
  • Consider using Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate=<seconds> to indicate how long we can use a response
    • But it could be paired like this: Cache-Control: max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=59
    • But then again we ignore Cache-Control for all other purposes
      • E.g. Cache-Control: no-store
      • E.g. Cache-Control: max-age
      • How would Cache-Control: no-cache (equivalent of max-age=0 must-revalidate) work in connection with up.fragment.config.autoRevalidate ?
    • Maybe do a bigger workover of Cache-Control?
  • Do follow links with [target=_self]
  • up:click forking could print a warning when an a[href] is instant, but not followable
  • Is it weird that up.layer.affix appends to the first swappable element instead of the contentElement?
    • It's actually more like "appendableElement"
    • Maybe offer up.Layer#append
  • Consider exposing up.layer.contentElement
  • Do we want a shortcut macro for this:
    • It's weird for users who don't target the input. They may expect to just override the event.
    • We would need to make keepable selectors configurable to include this one
  • We could support this with more pseudo-class selectors like :form-group and :submit-button
    • :submit-button is hard to build origin-aware => It could just be a substitution with :is() / :-moz-any() & :-webkit-any()
    • :form-group is also supper hard to support in a selector like ".foo, :form-group, :bar" due to the way we hacked :has()
      • :has() is still behind a flag in Chrome and no Firefox support
  • Introduce boundaries or "softly isolated zones"
    • The idea started with: Should fragment lookups with an { origin } within a form prefer to look within the form?
      • Also related to unpoly/unpoly#197 , which would no longer work now that a form submission's orgin is the submit button instead of the form element
    • E.g.
      • Lookups within prefer to match within the boundary
      • It's a new fallback target
        • Also for errors
      • up.fragment.config.boundaryTargets = ['[up-boundary]', 'form', ':main']
      • Is this also controlled by { fallback }?
      • Maybe identification using [up-boundary=123]
        • But don't enforce this, it's not a great auto-target
      • Should this rather be [up-zone]?
        • If we ever make fully isolated containers we would call them frames
      • We could also offer :zone as a selector
      • Would we still offer { target: '.container .child' }?
        • Would we offer { target: ':zone .foo' }, since it's really the same as { target: '.foo' } ?
      • Is this a repetition of "fragment needs to know whether it is used as component or main target"?
        • We would need to fix infinite looping in expandTargets()
        • It would be nice to disable history in a zone
          • but then it's not usable as a main target
          • Disable history in a container?
            • It's weird to nest multiple containerish elements
          • => This is really already solved through { history: 'auto' }, which only updates history if updating :main
  • Rendering: allow { scrollBehavior: 'smooth' } when we're not morphing
    • Could we even allow this when morphing?
  • What is the purpose of up.error.emitGlobal?
    • Don't we throw a compound error that would be tracked?
      • We do
      • But the error does not bubble up
      • What do we want here?
  • New up.render() options to clone from a template
    • { documentTemplate }, { fragmentTemplate }, { contentTemplate }
    • Separate doc page "Rendering from local content"
    • Fail when template cannot be found
    • But what if I really need to re-use an existing element that is then placed back into the body, like in WB?
  • Consider implementing an abortable up:navigate event
    • This would be the first feature that goes beyond "navigation is just a preset"
    • People might expect history changes to trigger this
    • Maybe think about this more
  • Replace up.hello() and up.script.clean() with MutationObserver()
  • Do we want to serialize all actions in a form?
    • up-sequence="form"
    • This would need to abortable on submit => Would be handled by existing { solo: 'target' } IF there is a request
    • This would need to abortable on form destroy => Would be handled by existing { solo: 'target' } IF there is a request
    • => This would need to be handled by up.Queue, or else there would be nothing to abort
    • => It is not sufficient to have up.form.sequence(..., callback)
    • => We would need to do something like { sequence: ElementOfSubtree }
    • => Before picking a new request, make sure no existing request exists
    • What about our old idea: { order: 'abort target', order: 'abort form', order: 'after form', order: 'after selector' } => How to say "after ElementObject" ?
    • Who would fetch the element that is 'form' or 'selector'? => up.Change.UpdateLayer#getPreflightProps(), which already loads targetElements()
    • What would we do if both was given, e.g. { solo: true, sequence: 'form' }
      • Do we forbid the combination?
      • Do we first abort, then do a squence?
      • Do we first wait, then abort? => I think this, but this also means our { solo } handling is in the wrong place. It must move to the queue.
    • Does { sequence: 'form' } also queue local content, like { solo } ?
    • We could do something like up.LocalRequest, but then local updates would no longer be sync!
    • We could not support { sequence } for local updates => YES
    • What about cached content with { sequence }?
      • We could do queue.asapLocal() which immediately executes unless there is { sequence }
    • How does queue resolve a sequence?
      • Before dispatching a request with { sequence }
      • Check if we have current requests with { sequence }
      • If any of the other requests's sequence contains our or if any other sequence is contained by ours, don't dispatch
  • Guard Events for Rendering could have a Promise for "done"
    • Is this better than setting event.renderOptions.onFinished()?
      • Yes, because onFinished may not fire for fatals or prevented up:fragment:loaded
    • How would this work together with future up.RenderRequest?
    • How would this work together with "local changes are sync"?
  • Consolidate [up-validate], [up-switch] and [up-watch] into a tree of form dependencies
    • This way we can selectively disable parts of the form
  • Functionality that checks for isDetached() should probably also check for .up-destroying
  • Improve { focus: 'keep' } so it focuses the former form group if we lose focus
    • This may be easier said than done
      • we would need to remember the original form group before the swap in the FocusCapsule
      • re-discover the form group in the new HTML
      • check that the form group is a closer match than target-if-lost
      • come up for a better name for the option (target-if-lost)
  • New event up:request:solo ?
  • Consider delaying appending of new layer elements until we have constructed all children unpoly/unpoly#314
  • Publish { onQueued }
    • We're currently only using onQueued to get the request of a rander job, so we can abort it
      • This may be removed!
    • More canonic would be if RenderJob had an abort() method
  • Wir aborten bereits laufende [up-validate] wenn das Formular submitted, wird, aber laufende Watcher-Delays warten können danach noch Dinge tun
    • Wie wäre "submit stoppt das delay"? Evtl. Warnung ausbauen: "Will not watch fields without [name]"
  • [up-emit] auf Buttons erlauben
  • Beim Schließen des Modals prevented jemand up:layer:dismiss, und dann steht "Abort Error: Close event was prevented" in der Konsole.
    • Wollen wir das schlucken?
    • Zumindest bei ui-elementen wie [up-dismiss] ?
  • DestructorPass sammelt zwar Exceptions, aber wirft am Ende. Wer fängt das dann? Der Wunsch wäre, dass das drumrumliegende up.destroy() noch zu Ende läuft, dann aber up.CompilerError wirft.
  • ConstructorPass sammelt zwar Exceptions, aber wirft am Ende. Wer fängt das dann? Der Wunsch wäre, dass das drumrumliegende up.render() oder up.hello() noch zu Ende läuft, dann aber mit up.CompilerError rejected.
  • Update "Long Story" Slides with new API
  • Doc page about "Fragments from local HTML"
    • link from [up-document], [up-fragment], [up-content], { document, fragment, content }.
  • Warn when registering compiler in [up-] namespace
  • Consider documenting errors
    • But what would be the @parent ?
    • up.CannotCompile
    • up.CannotMatch
    • up.Offline
    • up.AbortError
      • has { name: 'AbortError' }


  • Should the old "clear" be "expire" or "evict"? => We really want to push our new defaults for both => I think it should be "expire". Most users set a lower expire time.

  • remove up.util.flatMap() => No, we need it to flatMap array-like objects (e.g. arguments)

    • Do we want to move to saveState() / restoreState()?
      • I think we want to keep the [up-focus] and [up-scroll] options separate.
        • E.g. we want to focus the main element, but reset scroll.
        • This could also be fixed by revealSnap ?
      • These are eerily similar:
      • What would be the name for such an attribute?
        • [up-spotlight]
        • [up-viewport] (classes with [up-viewport]
        • [up-highlight]
        • [up-locus]
        • [up-present]
        • [up-light]
        • [up-shine]
        • [up-state] (seltsam: up-state=".element")
        • [up-point]
        • [up-pinpoint]
        • [up-attention]
        • [up-focus] also scrolls?
        • [up-show]
        • [up-view] => I think power users want to control this separately => Also we need to call it at different times => Also the auto options work differently, e.g. if there is an [autoscroll] element in the new fragment => We might offer a shortcut like [up-view] and [up-save-view] as a shortcut to set both at once
  • Replace up.rails by accepting methods / conform from data attributes in options parser => This wouldn't work in scenarios where both Rails UJS and Unpoly were active

  • No longer send X-Up-Location with every response => No we should keep sending it, as this excludes redirect-forwarded up-params

  • Consider reverting: up:request:late: Consider the time a promoted request was loading in the background => For this we would need to track when a request was promoted to the foreground

  • Do we trigger onFinished when preloading? => No, users can use the promise or onLoaded()

  • Reconsider how many lifecycle callbacks we want to parse from links

    • Benchmark
      • console.time('parse'); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { }; console.timeEnd('parse')
      • VM481:1 parse: 1091.6689453125 ms => It takes 0.1 ms => This is not a performance issue
  • Find a scenario where it's better to read the etag from [etag] instead of response.etag

    • This should not matter for revalidation after a swap
    • When reloading an arbitrary fragment, an earlier response may not be available
  • Test if browsers honor cache keys for XHR requests

    • Yes, it honors Cache-Control: max-age=...
    • We can override it for fetch()
  • With our long cache eviction background tabs could hog a lot of memory => No, since we also limit the number of cache entries to the cache never exceeds some MB

  • to people can build .offline classes themselves => Users can already use up.cache.get => We could clean up Request#state and publish this for more goodness

    • Return any known up.Respone for the given link
      • It already has useful properties { evictAge }, { expireAge }?
      • We may eventually offer up.Response#revalidate()
    • Return null while the request is in flight => Or do we want an up.CacheState that also returns here?
    • It will be hard to do implement this without actually calling and up.render(), since e.g. the target choice is hard and part of the cache key
      • Make this an early return in up.Change.FromURL, like with options.preload
  • Test if we can preserve element.upPolling (or at least the { forceState }) through up.reload({ data }) => It's hard since there's the case that the server no longer responds with [up-poll], but we want to keep polling when forceStarted

  • Should we delete if a fallback is loaded?

    • This would also be true for other options, like a selector in focus/scroll
    • We would sometimes need to guess, e.g. { focus: ':main' } may also be a good default for a fallback => I think this is not a real case since we're not going to use { data } together with { fallback }
  • Consider moving [up-etag], [up-time] and related functions to up.protocol => While there's some merit to that, we would need to rename up.fragment.etag() to up.protocol.fragmentETag() etc. => What's with up.fragment.source()?

  • [up-hungry][up-placement] => This only makes sence when we have some form of deduping

  • What do we log when no replacement target is available? => up.render() throws an error

  • Reconsider why we don't call onRendered() for empty updates

    • Pro: Call it for every pass
      • We do still update scroll and focus, even for empty responses
        • Maybe even location?
      • We will update more in the future with head merging
      • There is no other hook for "after $things changed"
        • But nothing changed after an empty render? At least not in the DOM.
      • We can simplify docs for onRender and up-on-render
    • Con: Keep it like now
      • If we render without fallback we still need to check if up.RenderResult#fragment is defined
      • It will be super rare that the first render pass does not return anything.
        • However, we would always get empty onRendered calls for revalidation => Keep it, but improve docs
  • Maybe ship empty unpoly.es5.js und unpoly.es5.min.js that just say to use ES6 => Not worth the hassle

  • Does it make sense to have onKeep in render options? => I find it confusing to have both { onKeep } and { useKeep } in the same functions => Maybe we can find a way to merge it with { useKeep }

  • Consider up.layer.config.isolateLabels => Wait until there is a use case => Users can always just intercept click themselves

  • Consider [aria-haspopup] => This would require a compiler automatically setting this for [up-layer=new] links (and all shortcuts) => Don't do this for performance. Delegate to apps.

  • Should config.autoCache allow to cache error responses? => That's a hard question to answer

  • Get rid of response.request (which contains references to a layer), response.xhr ? => This is hard because up.cache.expire() expires requests, not responses. Hence up.Response delegates { expired } to its response.

  • Can we allow await in Callbacks?

    • new AsyncFunction()
    • This would not work trivially with the postprocessing in up.NonceableCallback
      • At least we would need to detect use of await
  • Returning 'auto' for default would be a good way to override configs with exceptions

    • request.url.endsWith('/edit') ? false : 'auto'
    • Since this already the 'autoMeans' config we cannot return 'auto' here
  • Replace u.flatten() with Array#flat() => We keep array-related utils because ours work with non-Array lists and iterators

  • Replace u.flatMap() with Array#flatMap() => We keep array-related utils because ours work with non-Array lists and iterators

  • Now that compilers have the meta arg it should be possible to give up.RenderResult new { request, response } props => Wait until we have a use case for this

  • Test synthetic ETag

  • When rendering uses elements, do we set [up-time] and [up-etag] on these wrappers?

    • We cannot really do better here, since up-wrapper children cannot be reloaded
  • Move isRenderableLayer() logic to LayerLookup

    • Consider having LayerLookup#getAll() throw if results are blank => We have a lot of code / specs that work with closed layers and sometimes normalize the layer through up.layer.get(), and now get undefined. All of this code would fail with this change.
  • Terminology for notifications

    • [up-alerts] (Bootstrap, Tailwind UI, MUI, negative connotation in Material etc.)
    • [up-flashes] (Rails, Primer [although they also use Toast])
    • [up-notifications] (Bulma, good for both success and failure, long word, may also mean passive notifications)
    • [up-messages] (too generic)
    • [up-snackbars] (Material, uncommon)
    • [up-toasts] (uncommon, also often a "boxy" kind of notification)
    • [up-callouts] (Foundation, uncommon)
  • Do we want to support changing the renderOptions in up:fragment:hungry? In that case { renderOptions } need to be { nonHungryRenderOptions } or something => We can rename the options then. If we do support this we would no longer have { renderOptions }, we would use { targetRenderOptions, hungryRenderOptions }

  • Instead of ResponseDoc#commitSteps(), could just re-compress steps with uniqBy(steps, 'selector')? => There is an edge case where different selectors could match the same elemnent

  • Introduce up:history:restore event

    • With { renderOptions }
    • Note that we used to emit this event in the past, so fix unpoly-migrate
    • Preventable for custom history handling => We already have this in up:location:restore
  • Reduce render callbacks

    • Motivation
      • It is too hard to do something when the render job settles. There is onRendered, onFinished, onError etc. However there are always cases that are covered by no callback.
      • We need to maintain and communicate two styles of callbacks
    • Expose { renderJob } on guard events
    • New event up:fragment:render / [up-on-render] that gets { renderOptions, renderJob }
      • There is no need to offer { onRender }, as the return value of up.render() is already a RenderJob
    • Deprecate callbacks
      • { onFinished }
      • { onRendered }
    • Update docs
  • Do we need a way to show a spinner for a while?

    • Maybe, but you can already do in CSS: .container:has(.up-active) .spinner { ... }
  • Do we really need to abort requests in LinkPreloader? => Yes, aborted requests can be seen in the network tab. We also found a shorter way to write it.

  • Allow the [wants-menu] compiler to be implemented without JS

    • We would need something like [up-defer][up-unless-already-there]
      • Or even a follow option?
      • Should we just check, or "only revalidate"?
      • Or should it be the default behavior? => This is really hard to do right
  • Do we dare to restore history using up.render() instead of up.navigate()? => We override as much as want to re-use

  • Do we want [up-skeleton=] ?

    • We would need to decide what to do within overlays
      • Show skeleton within overlay?
      • Animation
      • Different skeleton => Later
  • Consider renaming [up-feedback] to something else

    • Maybe always have classes?
      • This would mirror the exception of background, which is also false by default => Delay this until we need the setting for something else
  • Consider offering a { renderLayer } prop to guard events

    • This would make it easier to e.g. auto-add a preview for new layers in up:link:follow
    • Do we need to give a better name to { layer } so people understand it is not the origin layer?
      • There is { targetLayer }, but that could be confused with (which happens to be the origin layer!)
      • { changeLayer }
      • { updateLayer }
      • { targetedLayer }
      • { planLayer }
      • { insertLayer }
      • { renderLayer }
    • Update docs for guardEvents
      • up:link:follow [yes]
      • up:form:submit [yes]
      • up:link:preload [yes]
      • up:deferred:load [makes no sense]
      • up:form:validate [makes no sense]
      • up:fragment:poll [makes no sense] => No, this becomes very complicated very fast
  • Consider whether { skeleton } is flexible enough for public API

  • Deprecate flatten() in favor of Array#flat(), flatMap() in favor of Array#flatMap()

    • No, we use this a lot of non-array values, in particular NodeLists
  • Do we want to keep { feedback }, [up-feedback] as an option, or applied it always?

    • It's already a navigation default
    • For programmatic up.render() calls, it's already activated by passing { origin } => We can decide this later
  • Do we want Preview#affix?

    • Check if it helps with the demo => Not for now. I'm myself moving away from affix.
  • Previews should know about placement?

    • Unsure. Later.
  • Rename "preview" to "teaser"?

    • => It's too confusing with { placeholder }


Tasks and design notes for Unpoly






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