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CLI tool for making CIFTI-related movies


This is a refactor and refresh of the original wbsurfer tool. This version aims to support >= Connectome Workbench 2.0.


There are two ways to use wbsurfer2. The first and recommended way is to download compiled binaries from the releases page. Simply download the version meant for your OS and extract it.

If you are more comfortable with Python, you can also install wbsurfer2 from pip.

# install wbsurfer2 from PyPI
pip install wbsurfer2

# or if you want to install it for development
git clone [email protected]:vanandrew/wbsurfer2.git
cd wbsurfer2
pip install -e .

You will also need ffmpeg and wb_command installed on your system and on your PATH.

wb_command is part of the Connectome Workbench suite, which can be downloaded here. The bin directory contains the wb_command binary and should be added to your PATH.


On macOS, the wb_command binary is located in the Contents/usr/bin directory of the Connectome Workbench installation. This is usually /Applications/

# If you installed workbench in /opt/workbench
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/workbench/bin

# on macOS
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

ffmpeg can be downloaded in many ways, but I recommend using a package manager like apt or brew:

# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt install ffmpeg

# macOS
brew install ffmpeg



ffmpeg and wb_command must be installed and on your PATH for wbsurfer2 to work. Alternatively, you can specify the path to both programs using the FFMPEG_BINARY_PATH and WBCOMMAND_BINARY_PATH environment variables, if for some reason you are unable to add them to your PATH.

export FFMPEG_BINARY_PATH=/path/to/ffmpeg

export WBCOMMAND_BINARY_PATH=/path/to/wb_command


If you are encountering an error with the scene rendering step, set EXTERNAL_COMMAND_LOG=1 in your environment for more verbose details on what is happening to the wb_command.

Once it's installed, you can run the wb_surfer2 command. The following is the help message:

usage: wb_surfer2 [-h] [-v] -s SCENE_PATH -n SCENE_NAME -o OUTPUT [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT]
                  [-r FRAMERATE] [--closed | --reverse] [-l LOOPS] [--num-cpus NUM_CPUS]
                  [--vertex-mode | --border-file]
                  row_indices [row_indices ...]

Generate a movie from a list of row indices.

positional arguments:
  row_indices           The list of row indices to generate the movie from.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -s SCENE_PATH, --scene-path SCENE_PATH
                        The scene file to use.
  -n SCENE_NAME, --scene-name SCENE_NAME
                        The name of the scene in the scene file.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output file path. Should end in .mp4.
  --width WIDTH         The width of the output movie. By default, 1920 pixels.
  --height HEIGHT       The height of the output movie. By default, 1080 pixels.
  -r FRAMERATE, --framerate FRAMERATE
                        The framerate of the output movie. By default, 10 FPS.
  --closed              If enabled, a closed loop will be generated. This appends the first row index to
                        the end of the row index traversal list. Mutually exclusive with --reverse.
  --reverse             If enabled, a reverse of the traversal list will be appended to the row index
                        traversal list. Mutually exclusive with --closed.
  -l LOOPS, --loops LOOPS
                        How many times to loop the movie. By default, 1 loop.
  --num-cpus NUM_CPUS   The number of CPUs to use for processing.
  --vertex-mode         If enabled, row_indices are treated as vertex indices. The first argument should
                        be the surface that the vertices are on. Mutually exclusive with --border-file
                        (e.g. CORTEX_LEFT 0 1 2 3...)
  --border-file         If enabled, the border file will be used to generate the movie. The row_indices
                        argument should be the border file. Mutually exclusive with --vertex-mode.


Row indices passed into wb_surfer2 are 0-indexed. This means that the first row is row 0, the second row is row 1, and so on. This is -1 from the row indices given in the UI of Connectome Workbench.

wb_surfer2 requires a scene file to generate the movie. This scene file can be created in Connectome Workbench's wb_view tool.

Unlike in version 1 of wb_surfer, wb_surfer2 can handle multiple scenes being defined in a file (though only one active scene can be used at a time). The active scene is set by using the --scene-name argument.

When making your scene, at least one vertex must be placed on the surface for wb_surfer2 to control. In the case of multiple vertices, the first vertex that was placed will be manipulated.


Make sure you place the active vertex on the surface you want to manipulate. Placing †he active vertex on the wrong surface will result in inaccurate movies.

In practice, it's a good idea to have scenes called "left" and "right" so you can switch between hemispheres easily.


CLI tool for making CIFTI-related movies





