A Charcoal service provider embed property.
The preferred (and only supported) method is with Composer:
$ composer require locomotivemtl/charcoal-contrib-embed
- PHP 5.6+: PHP 7 is recommended.
- charcoal-property : ^0.7
- guzzle : ~0.6
- embed : ^3.3
The following services are provided with the use of charcoal-contrib-embed
- embed/repository instance of
- Charcoal\Embed\Mixin\EmbedRepositoryTrait provided for ease of use.
Include the embed module in the projects's config file. This will provide everything needed for charcoal-contrib-embed to work properly. No need for metadata/views/action/routes path etc.
"modules": {
"charcoal/embed/embed": {}
You can provide additional configurations in the project's config file like so :
"embed_config": {
"ttl": 3600,
"format": "array",
"table": "embed_cache"
This is the actual default config.
The Embed Contrib provides a custom Property type : "embed". When using it, the property will fetch embed data from media providers and store them in a third table.
"video": {
"type": "embed",
"l10n": true,
"label": {
"en": "Video",
"fr": "Video"
"notes": "Full video url. ex.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VIDEO_ID"
To load the embed data from database, use EmbedRepository service method
Dependency injection :
use EmbedRepositoryTrait;
* Inject dependencies from a DI Container.
* @param Container $container A dependencies container instance.
* @return void
protected function setDependencies(Container $container)
To install the development environment:
$ composer install
To run the scripts (phplint, phpcs, and phpunit):
$ composer test
- The auto-generated
API documentation is available at:
https://locomotivemtl.github.io/charcoal-contrib-embed/docs/master/ - The auto-generated
API documentation is available at:
- [php-coveralls/php-coveralls][phpcov]
- [phpunit/phpunit][phpunit]
- [squizlabs/php_codesniffer][phpcs]
The charcoal-contrib-embed module follows the Charcoal coding-style:
- PSR-1
- PSR-2
- PSR-4, autoloading is therefore provided by Composer.
- phpDocumentor comments.
- phpcs.xml.dist and .editorconfig for coding standards.
Coding style validation / enforcement can be performed with
composer phpcs
. An auto-fixer is also available withcomposer phpcbf
Charcoal is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.