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Data Recovery and Error Correction in Space Communication

Team Details


Semester: 3rd Sem B. Tech. CSE

Section: S1

Member-1: Akshat Bharara, Roll No: 231CS110, email: [email protected]

Member-2: Dev Prajapati, Roll No: 231CS120, email: [email protected]

Member-3: Vatsal Jay Gandhi, Roll No: 231CS164, email: [email protected]




Space communications are vital in the transmission of data between Earth and spacecraft, covering satellites and space stations. Such systems operate in a highly unpredictable environment where atmospheric interference, cosmic radiation, and huge distances may cause data attenuation. For example, NASA’s Voyager 2 experienced temporary dataloss due to signal degradation in deep space. These examples demonstrate the vulnerability of space communication and call for error free method to securely transmit data and recover lost data significantly.

Problem Statement

Our project aims to develop a framework that ensures error recovery and data security in the real-time space communication. Encryption ensures that classified information such as military and governmental data remains confidential. Error recovery mechanisms enable accurate communication in critical applications related to space exploration, disaster management, etc. Our project implements a data recovery system based on Reed-Solomon error correction codes in order to regenerate and recover lost data.


  • Encryption for secure data transmission.
  • Lagrange interpolation for generating extra bits of information.
  • Recovery of lost data bits using Reed-Solomon Codes.
  • Clock-Based Data Integrity Checker to periodically assess data integrity and trigger error correction.
  • Comparator Logic to verify and decrypt if the recovered encrypted data matches the original stored data.



Functional Block Diagram

Detail S1-T1-Functional-Block-Diagram



Logisim operation Guide

  • Before starting, reset the given inputs by the reset inputs button.
  • Set the inputs by selecting y1, y2, y3, y4, and the key of your choice and press "set inputs".
  • Keep all the inputs to be 4 bits only; we have used 16-bit inputs for handling overflow conditions.
  • Set the value from the synchronous counter to demonstrate the amount of bits lost.
  • After this, put the values of the indices lost, as indicated (e.g., 2nd and 4th value are lost).
  • After setting the values, the outputs are shown using the counter: y1', y2', y3', y4'.
  • Check the three LED lights to see if the data is recovered or not for every case.

Module Summary

We have used a module initially to encrypt the data using the Vignere cipher. Then we have proceeded with Lagrange Interpolation for values of x as 1,2,3,4 till 8 along with the encrypted data as received by the module of Vignere cipher. Later we have generated extra error correcting codes for values of x as 9,10,11 and 12. Then we have demonstrated the use of clock to show attenuation and loss of data where in 4 out of the new 12 bits are lost. Again we are regenerating the original values pertaining to indices 1,2,3,4 till 8 with the help of regeneration using Lagrange Interpolation and then decrypting those values using the decrypt Vignere cipher module. We have also added the test case where in if the number of databits lost are more than 50 percent then we cannot recover the given data. We have commented the calculated parts of numerator and denominator during the process of doing Lagrange Polynomials.

Overview of modules


Description: Implements a 1-bit full adder.

  • a: First input bit.
  • b: Second input bit.
  • carry_in: Carry-in bit.
  • sum: Sum of the input bits and carry-in.
  • carry_out: Carry-out bit.


Description: Implements a 4-bit adder using four 1-bit full adders.

  • a: First 4-bit input.
  • b: Second 4-bit input.
  • sum: 4-bit sum of the inputs.
  • carry_out: Carry-out bit.


Description: Implements a modulo 8 operation by masking the result to 3 bits.

  • data_in: 4-bit input data.
  • data_out: 4-bit output data with the 4th bit masked to 0.


Description: Implements a Vigenere cipher encryption using 4-bit adders and modulo 8 operations.

  • key: 4-bit encryption key.
  • data_in0 to data_in7: Eight 4-bit input data values.
  • data_out0 to data_out7: Eight 4-bit encrypted output data values.


Description: Implements a 4-bit subtractor.

  • a: 4-bit minuend.
  • b: 4-bit subtrahend.
  • result: 4-bit result of the subtraction.
  • borrow: Borrow output bit.


Description: Implements Lagrange interpolation for a given set of points.

  • x_input: 4-bit input x-coordinate.
  • y1 to y8: Eight 16-bit y-coordinates corresponding to fixed x-coordinates.
  • y_output: 16-bit interpolated y-coordinate.


Description: Implements a data transfer module with a counter for lost data.

  • clk: Global clock signal.
  • data_in0 to data_in11: Twelve 4-bit data inputs.
  • data_clocks: 12-bit clock signal associated with each data input.
  • data_out0 to data_out11: Twelve 4-bit data outputs.
  • lost_count: 3-bit counter for lost data.
  • transfer_failed: Indicates if data transfer failed.


Description: Implements a 2-to-1 multiplexer.

  • data_in: 4-bit data input.
  • data_out: 4-bit current data output.
  • select: Select signal.
  • result: 4-bit output of the multiplexer.


Description: Implements a 3-bit binary adder for incrementing the lost count.

  • A: 3-bit current lost count.
  • clocks: 12-bit data clocks to determine if increment is needed.
  • result: 3-bit resulting lost count after increment.


Description: Compares two sets of eight 4-bit numbers for equality.

  • A0 to A7: First set of eight 4-bit numbers.
  • B0 to B7: Second set of eight 4-bit numbers.
  • equal: Output 1 if all corresponding pairs are equal, else 0.


Description: Compares two 4-bit numbers for equality.

  • A: First 4-bit number.
  • B: Second 4-bit number.
  • equal: Output 1 if the numbers are equal, else 0.

Functional Table

Logisim Circuit Diagram


Logisim-S1-T1-main Logisim-S1-T1-1 Logisim-S1-T1-2 Logisim-S1-T1-3 Logisim-S1-T1-4 Logisim-S1-T1-5 Logisim-S1-T1-6 Logisim-S1-T1-7

Verilog Code

Verilog gate level code
// S1-T1-Reed-Solomon-Codes
// Data Recovery and Error Correction in Space Communication

// Gate level model

// Member-1: Akshat Bharara, Roll No: 231CS110
// Member-2: Dev Prajapati, Roll No: 231CS120
// Member-3: Vatsal Jay Gandhi, Roll No: 231CS164

// Full Adder for 1-bit addition
module full_adder(
    input a, b, carry_in,
    output sum, carry_out
    wire ab_xor, ab_and, carry_in_xor;
    // Sum = a XOR b XOR carry_in
    xor(ab_xor, a, b);
    xor(sum, ab_xor, carry_in);
    // Carry_out = (a AND b) OR (carry_in AND (a XOR b))
    and(ab_and, a, b);
    and(carry_in_xor, carry_in, ab_xor);
    or(carry_out, ab_and, carry_in_xor);

// 4-bit adder using full adders
module four_bit_adder(
    input [3:0] a, b, 
    output [3:0] sum,
    output carry_out
    wire carry0, carry1, carry2;  // Intermediate carry bits
    // Full adders for each bit
    full_adder FA0(a[0], b[0], 1'b0, sum[0], carry0);  // First bit with no carry_in
    full_adder FA1(a[1], b[1], carry0, sum[1], carry1);
    full_adder FA2(a[2], b[2], carry1, sum[2], carry2);
    full_adder FA3(a[3], b[3], carry2, sum[3], carry_out);  // Final carry_out

// Modulo 8 operation (Mask the result to 3 bits)
module mod8(
    input [3:0] data_in,
    output [3:0] data_out
    and(data_out[0], data_in[0], 1);
    and(data_out[1], data_in[1], 1);
    and(data_out[2], data_in[2], 1);
    and(data_out[3], data_in[3], 0);  // Mask the 4th bit to 0

module encypt_vigenere_cipher (
    input [3:0] key,      // 4-bit key
    input [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, 
    input [3:0] data_in4, data_in5, data_in6, data_in7,
    output [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, 
    output [3:0] data_out4, data_out5, data_out6, data_out7

    // Instantiate 4-bit adders and modulo logic
    wire [3:0] sum0, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6, sum7;
    wire carry_out0, carry_out1, carry_out2, carry_out3;
    wire carry_out4, carry_out5, carry_out6, carry_out7;
    // Add key to data_in values
    four_bit_adder FA0(data_in0, key, sum0, carry_out0);
    four_bit_adder FA1(data_in1, key, sum1, carry_out1);
    four_bit_adder FA2(data_in2, key, sum2, carry_out2);
    four_bit_adder FA3(data_in3, key, sum3, carry_out3);
    four_bit_adder FA4(data_in4, key, sum4, carry_out4);
    four_bit_adder FA5(data_in5, key, sum5, carry_out5);
    four_bit_adder FA6(data_in6, key, sum6, carry_out6);
    four_bit_adder FA7(data_in7, key, sum7, carry_out7);

    // Apply modulo 8 to each sum
    mod8 MOD0(sum0, data_out0);
    mod8 MOD1(sum1, data_out1);
    mod8 MOD2(sum2, data_out2);
    mod8 MOD3(sum3, data_out3);
    mod8 MOD4(sum4, data_out4);
    mod8 MOD5(sum5, data_out5);
    mod8 MOD6(sum6, data_out6);
    mod8 MOD7(sum7, data_out7);


module subtractor(
    input [3:0] a,  // Minuend
    input [3:0] b,  // Subtrahend
    output [3:0] result, // Result of a - b
    output borrow // Borrow output
    wire [3:0] b_inv;
    wire [3:0] temp_result;
    wire borrow1, borrow2, borrow3;

    // Invert b for the subtraction
    assign b_inv = ~b;

    // Full subtractor logic for each bit
    assign {borrow1, temp_result[0]} = {1'b0, a[0]} - {1'b0, b_inv[0]};
    assign {borrow2, temp_result[1]} = {1'b0, a[1]} - {1'b0, b_inv[1]} - borrow1;
    assign {borrow3, temp_result[2]} = {1'b0, a[2]} - {1'b0, b_inv[2]} - borrow2;
    assign {borrow, temp_result[3]} = {1'b0, a[3]} - {1'b0, b_inv[3]} - borrow3;

    // Assign result
    assign result = temp_result;


module data_transfer_with_counter (
    input clk,  // Global clock signal
    input [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, 
                data_in6, data_in7, data_in8, data_in9, data_in10, data_in11, // 12 data inputs
    input [11:0] data_clocks, // Clock signal associated with each data input
    output [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4, data_out5,
                 data_out6, data_out7, data_out8, data_out9, data_out10, data_out11, // 12 outputs
    output [2:0] lost_count, // 3-bit counter for lost data
    output transfer_failed // Output to indicate if data transfer failed

    wire [2:0] next_lost_count;      // Wire for next lost count
    wire lost_count_exceeds_4;       // Wire to check if lost count exceeds 4

    // 12 MUXs for data transfer based on data clocks
    mux2_1 data_mux0 (data_in0, data_out0, data_clocks[0], data_out0);
    mux2_1 data_mux1 (data_in1, data_out1, data_clocks[1], data_out1);
    mux2_1 data_mux2 (data_in2, data_out2, data_clocks[2], data_out2);
    mux2_1 data_mux3 (data_in3, data_out3, data_clocks[3], data_out3);
    mux2_1 data_mux4 (data_in4, data_out4, data_clocks[4], data_out4);
    mux2_1 data_mux5 (data_in5, data_out5, data_clocks[5], data_out5);
    mux2_1 data_mux6 (data_in6, data_out6, data_clocks[6], data_out6);
    mux2_1 data_mux7 (data_in7, data_out7, data_clocks[7], data_out7);
    mux2_1 data_mux8 (data_in8, data_out8, data_clocks[8], data_out8);
    mux2_1 data_mux9 (data_in9, data_out9, data_clocks[9], data_out9);
    mux2_1 data_mux10 (data_in10, data_out10, data_clocks[10], data_out10);
    mux2_1 data_mux11 (data_in11, data_out11, data_clocks[11], data_out11);

    // 3-bit counter for lost count using D flip-flops
    d_flipflop dff0 (next_lost_count[0], clk, lost_count[0], lost_count[0]);
    d_flipflop dff1 (next_lost_count[1], clk, lost_count[1], lost_count[1]);
    d_flipflop dff2 (next_lost_count[2], clk, lost_count[2], lost_count[2]);

    // Logic to compute the next value of lost count based on missed data transfers
    // Increment lost_count when data clock is low for each data input
    add3_gatelevel lost_counter (
        .clocks(data_clocks),  // Logic that evaluates missed data transfers

    // Comparator to check if lost count > 4
    comparator_gt4 compare_gt4 (.A(lost_count), .result(lost_count_exceeds_4));

    // Transfer failed signal logic
    assign transfer_failed = lost_count_exceeds_4;


// 2-to-1 MUX module
module mux2_1 (
    input [3:0] data_in,    // Data input
    input [3:0] data_out,   // Current data output
    input select,           // Data clock as select signal
    output [3:0] result     // Output of MUX
    wire not_select;             // Inverted select signal
    wire [3:0] selected_data_in; // Selected data from data_in
    wire [3:0] selected_data_out; // Selected data from data_out

    // Invert the select signal
    not(not_select, select);

    // Logic for each bit of the multiplexer
    // For bit 0
    and(selected_data_in[0], select, data_in[0]);          // If select is 1, pass data_in[0]
    and(selected_data_out[0], not_select, data_out[0]);    // If select is 0, pass data_out[0]
    or(result[0], selected_data_in[0], selected_data_out[0]); // Output the selected value for bit 0

    // For bit 1
    and(selected_data_in[1], select, data_in[1]);          // If select is 1, pass data_in[1]
    and(selected_data_out[1], not_select, data_out[1]);    // If select is 0, pass data_out[1]
    or(result[1], selected_data_in[1], selected_data_out[1]); // Output the selected value for bit 1

    // For bit 2
    and(selected_data_in[2], select, data_in[2]);          // If select is 1, pass data_in[2]
    and(selected_data_out[2], not_select, data_out[2]);    // If select is 0, pass data_out[2]
    or(result[2], selected_data_in[2], selected_data_out[2]); // Output the selected value for bit 2

    // For bit 3
    and(selected_data_in[3], select, data_in[3]);          // If select is 1, pass data_in[3]
    and(selected_data_out[3], not_select, data_out[3]);    // If select is 0, pass data_out[3]
    or(result[3], selected_data_in[3], selected_data_out[3]); // Output the selected value for bit 3


// 3-bit binary adder (for incrementing lost count)
module add3_gatelevel (
    input [2:0] A,       // Current lost count
    input [11:0] clocks, // Data clocks to determine if increment needed
    output [2:0] result  // Resulting lost count after increment
    wire increment;           // Signal to determine if we need to increment
    wire [2:0] B;            // Second operand for addition
    wire [2:0] carry;        // Carry bits for the full adders

    // Generate B as a 3-bit binary number representing 1
    assign B = 3'b001;       // We want to add 1

    // OR logic to check if any data_clocks are low
    nor(increment, clocks[0], clocks[1], clocks[2], clocks[3], clocks[4],
                   clocks[5], clocks[6], clocks[7], clocks[8], clocks[9],
                   clocks[10], clocks[11]);

    // Full adder for the least significant bit
    full_adder2 fa0 (
        .Cin(increment),   // Use increment as the carry-in

    // Full adder for the second bit
    full_adder2 fa1 (
        .Cin(carry[0]),    // Connect the carry-out of the previous adder

    // Full adder for the most significant bit
    full_adder2 fa2 (
        .Cin(carry[1]),    // Connect the carry-out of the previous adder
        .Cout()             // Final carry-out is not used


// Full adder module definition
module full_adder2 (
    input A,        // First input
    input B,        // Second input
    input Cin,      // Carry input
    output Sum,     // Sum output
    output Cout     // Carry output
    wire AxorB;     // Intermediate signal for XOR

    // Sum = A XOR B XOR Cin
    xor (AxorB, A, B);
    xor (Sum, AxorB, Cin);

    // Cout = (A AND B) OR (Cin AND (A XOR B))
    wire AandB, CinandAxorB;
    and (AandB, A, B);
    and (CinandAxorB, Cin, AxorB);
    or (Cout, AandB, CinandAxorB);

// Comparator module to check if lost count > 4 (binary 100)
module comparator_gt4 (
    input [2:0] A,
    output result
    wire A2_not, A1, A0;

    not(A2_not, A[2]); // A[2] is the most significant bit
    assign A1 = A[1];
    assign A0 = A[0];

    // Logic for A > 4: If A[2] = 1 and A[1] = 0 (binary 100)
    and(result, A[2], A2_not);

// D Flip-Flop module
module d_flipflop (
    input D, 
    input clk, 
    output Q,
    output Qn
    wire D_nand,Q_int, Qn_int;

    assign Qn = Qn_int;


module lagrange_interpolation(
    input [3:0] x_input, // Input x (0 to 15)
    input [15:0] y1,
    input [15:0] y2,
    input [15:0] y3,
    input [15:0] y4,
    input [15:0] y5,
    input [15:0] y6,
    input [15:0] y7,
    input [15:0] y8,
    output reg [15:0] y_output // Output y
    // Fixed x-coordinates
    parameter [3:0] x1 = 4'd1, x2 = 4'd2, x3 = 4'd3, x4 = 4'd4;
    parameter [3:0] x5 = 4'd5, x6 = 4'd6, x7 = 4'd7, x8 = 4'd8;

    // Declare temporary variables for each term
    reg signed [63:0] numerator, denominator;
    real result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8;
    real final_result;
    // Scaling factor for fixed-point arithmetic
    integer scaling_factor = 100000;
    reg signed [63:0] scaled_result;

    // Wires for subtraction results
    wire [3:0] x_input_x1_diff, x_input_x2_diff, x_input_x3_diff, x_input_x4_diff, x_input_x5_diff;
    wire [3:0] x_input_x6_diff, x_input_x7_diff, x_input_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x1_x2_diff, x1_x3_diff, x1_x4_diff, x1_x5_diff, x1_x6_diff, x1_x7_diff, x1_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x2_x1_diff, x2_x3_diff, x2_x4_diff, x2_x5_diff, x2_x6_diff, x2_x7_diff, x2_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x3_x1_diff, x3_x2_diff, x3_x4_diff, x3_x5_diff, x3_x6_diff, x3_x7_diff, x3_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x4_x1_diff, x4_x2_diff, x4_x3_diff, x4_x5_diff, x4_x6_diff, x4_x7_diff, x4_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x5_x1_diff, x5_x2_diff, x5_x3_diff, x5_x4_diff, x5_x6_diff, x5_x7_diff, x5_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x6_x1_diff, x6_x2_diff, x6_x3_diff, x6_x4_diff, x6_x5_diff, x6_x7_diff, x6_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x7_x1_diff, x7_x2_diff, x7_x3_diff, x7_x4_diff, x7_x5_diff, x7_x6_diff, x7_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x8_x1_diff, x8_x2_diff, x8_x3_diff, x8_x4_diff, x8_x5_diff, x8_x6_diff, x8_x7_diff;

    // Instantiate subtractor modules for x_input
    subtractor sub_input_x1(.a(x_input), .b(x1), .result(x_input_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x2(.a(x_input), .b(x2), .result(x_input_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x3(.a(x_input), .b(x3), .result(x_input_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x4(.a(x_input), .b(x4), .result(x_input_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x5(.a(x_input), .b(x5), .result(x_input_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x6(.a(x_input), .b(x6), .result(x_input_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x7(.a(x_input), .b(x7), .result(x_input_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x8(.a(x_input), .b(x8), .result(x_input_x8_diff), .borrow());

    // Instantiate subtractor modules for fixed x coordinates
    subtractor sub_x1_x2(.a(x1), .b(x2), .result(x1_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x3(.a(x1), .b(x3), .result(x1_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x4(.a(x1), .b(x4), .result(x1_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x5(.a(x1), .b(x5), .result(x1_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x6(.a(x1), .b(x6), .result(x1_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x7(.a(x1), .b(x7), .result(x1_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x8(.a(x1), .b(x8), .result(x1_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x2_x1(.a(x2), .b(x1), .result(x2_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x3(.a(x2), .b(x3), .result(x2_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x4(.a(x2), .b(x4), .result(x2_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x5(.a(x2), .b(x5), .result(x2_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x6(.a(x2), .b(x6), .result(x2_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x7(.a(x2), .b(x7), .result(x2_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x8(.a(x2), .b(x8), .result(x2_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x3_x1(.a(x3), .b(x1), .result(x3_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x2(.a(x3), .b(x2), .result(x3_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x4(.a(x3), .b(x4), .result(x3_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x5(.a(x3), .b(x5), .result(x3_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x6(.a(x3), .b(x6), .result(x3_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x7(.a(x3), .b(x7), .result(x3_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x8(.a(x3), .b(x8), .result(x3_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x4_x1(.a(x4), .b(x1), .result(x4_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x2(.a(x4), .b(x2), .result(x4_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x3(.a(x4), .b(x3), .result(x4_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x5(.a(x4), .b(x5), .result(x4_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x6(.a(x4), .b(x6), .result(x4_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x7(.a(x4), .b(x7), .result(x4_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x8(.a(x4), .b(x8), .result(x4_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x5_x1(.a(x5), .b(x1), .result(x5_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x2(.a(x5), .b(x2), .result(x5_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x3(.a(x5), .b(x3), .result(x5_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x4(.a(x5), .b(x4), .result(x5_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x6(.a(x5), .b(x6), .result(x5_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x7(.a(x5), .b(x7), .result(x5_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x8(.a(x5), .b(x8), .result(x5_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x6_x1(.a(x6), .b(x1), .result(x6_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x2(.a(x6), .b(x2), .result(x6_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x3(.a(x6), .b(x3), .result(x6_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x4(.a(x6), .b(x4), .result(x6_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x5(.a(x6), .b(x5), .result(x6_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x7(.a(x6), .b(x7), .result(x6_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x8(.a(x6), .b(x8), .result(x6_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x7_x1(.a(x7), .b(x1), .result(x7_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x2(.a(x7), .b(x2), .result(x7_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x3(.a(x7), .b(x3), .result(x7_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x4(.a(x7), .b(x4), .result(x7_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x5(.a(x7), .b(x5), .result(x7_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x6(.a(x7), .b(x6), .result(x7_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x8(.a(x7), .b(x8), .result(x7_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x8_x1(.a(x8), .b(x1), .result(x8_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x2(.a(x8), .b(x2), .result(x8_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x3(.a(x8), .b(x3), .result(x8_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x4(.a(x8), .b(x4), .result(x8_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x5(.a(x8), .b(x5), .result(x8_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x6(.a(x8), .b(x6), .result(x8_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x7(.a(x8), .b(x7), .result(x8_x7_diff), .borrow());

    always @(*) begin
        // Reset results
        numerator = 0;
        denominator = 1;

        // Calculate Lagrange interpolation for each term
        numerator += (y1 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x1_x2_diff * x1_x3_diff * x1_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y2 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x2_x1_diff * x2_x3_diff * x2_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y3 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x3_x1_diff * x3_x2_diff * x3_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y4 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff);
        denominator *= (x4_x1_diff * x4_x2_diff * x4_x3_diff);

        numerator += (y5 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x5_x1_diff * x5_x2_diff * x5_x3_diff * x5_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y6 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x6_x1_diff * x6_x2_diff * x6_x3_diff * x6_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y7 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x7_x1_diff * x7_x2_diff * x7_x3_diff * x7_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y8 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x8_x1_diff * x8_x2_diff * x8_x3_diff * x8_x4_diff);

        // Scale and assign result to output
        scaled_result = (numerator * scaling_factor) / denominator;
        y_output = scaled_result[15:0]; // Assign to the output

module lagrange_interpolation2(
    input [3:0] x_input, // Input x (0 to 15)
    input [15:0] y1,
    input [15:0] y2,
    input [15:0] y3,
    input [15:0] y4,
    input [15:0] y5,
    input [15:0] y6,
    input [15:0] y7,
    input [15:0] y8,
    output reg [15:0] y_output // Output y
    // Fixed x-coordinates
    parameter [3:0] x1 = 4'd1, x2 = 4'd2, x3 = 4'd3, x4 = 4'd4;
    parameter [3:0] x5 = 4'd9, x6 = 4'd10, x7 = 4'd11, x8 = 4'd12;

    // Declare temporary variables for each term
    reg signed [63:0] numerator, denominator;
    real result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8;
    real final_result;
    // Scaling factor for fixed-point arithmetic
    integer scaling_factor = 100000;
    reg signed [63:0] scaled_result;

    // Wires for subtraction results
    wire [3:0] x_input_x1_diff, x_input_x2_diff, x_input_x3_diff, x_input_x4_diff, x_input_x5_diff;
    wire [3:0] x_input_x6_diff, x_input_x7_diff, x_input_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x1_x2_diff, x1_x3_diff, x1_x4_diff, x1_x5_diff, x1_x6_diff, x1_x7_diff, x1_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x2_x1_diff, x2_x3_diff, x2_x4_diff, x2_x5_diff, x2_x6_diff, x2_x7_diff, x2_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x3_x1_diff, x3_x2_diff, x3_x4_diff, x3_x5_diff, x3_x6_diff, x3_x7_diff, x3_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x4_x1_diff, x4_x2_diff, x4_x3_diff, x4_x5_diff, x4_x6_diff, x4_x7_diff, x4_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x5_x1_diff, x5_x2_diff, x5_x3_diff, x5_x4_diff, x5_x6_diff, x5_x7_diff, x5_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x6_x1_diff, x6_x2_diff, x6_x3_diff, x6_x4_diff, x6_x5_diff, x6_x7_diff, x6_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x7_x1_diff, x7_x2_diff, x7_x3_diff, x7_x4_diff, x7_x5_diff, x7_x6_diff, x7_x8_diff;
    wire [3:0] x8_x1_diff, x8_x2_diff, x8_x3_diff, x8_x4_diff, x8_x5_diff, x8_x6_diff, x8_x7_diff;

    // Instantiate subtractor modules for x_input
    subtractor sub_input_x1(.a(x_input), .b(x1), .result(x_input_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x2(.a(x_input), .b(x2), .result(x_input_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x3(.a(x_input), .b(x3), .result(x_input_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x4(.a(x_input), .b(x4), .result(x_input_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x5(.a(x_input), .b(x5), .result(x_input_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x6(.a(x_input), .b(x6), .result(x_input_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x7(.a(x_input), .b(x7), .result(x_input_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_input_x8(.a(x_input), .b(x8), .result(x_input_x8_diff), .borrow());

    // Instantiate subtractor modules for fixed x coordinates
    subtractor sub_x1_x2(.a(x1), .b(x2), .result(x1_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x3(.a(x1), .b(x3), .result(x1_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x4(.a(x1), .b(x4), .result(x1_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x5(.a(x1), .b(x5), .result(x1_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x6(.a(x1), .b(x6), .result(x1_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x7(.a(x1), .b(x7), .result(x1_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x1_x8(.a(x1), .b(x8), .result(x1_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x2_x1(.a(x2), .b(x1), .result(x2_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x3(.a(x2), .b(x3), .result(x2_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x4(.a(x2), .b(x4), .result(x2_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x5(.a(x2), .b(x5), .result(x2_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x6(.a(x2), .b(x6), .result(x2_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x7(.a(x2), .b(x7), .result(x2_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x2_x8(.a(x2), .b(x8), .result(x2_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x3_x1(.a(x3), .b(x1), .result(x3_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x2(.a(x3), .b(x2), .result(x3_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x4(.a(x3), .b(x4), .result(x3_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x5(.a(x3), .b(x5), .result(x3_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x6(.a(x3), .b(x6), .result(x3_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x7(.a(x3), .b(x7), .result(x3_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x3_x8(.a(x3), .b(x8), .result(x3_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x4_x1(.a(x4), .b(x1), .result(x4_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x2(.a(x4), .b(x2), .result(x4_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x3(.a(x4), .b(x3), .result(x4_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x5(.a(x4), .b(x5), .result(x4_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x6(.a(x4), .b(x6), .result(x4_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x7(.a(x4), .b(x7), .result(x4_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x4_x8(.a(x4), .b(x8), .result(x4_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x5_x1(.a(x5), .b(x1), .result(x5_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x2(.a(x5), .b(x2), .result(x5_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x3(.a(x5), .b(x3), .result(x5_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x4(.a(x5), .b(x4), .result(x5_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x6(.a(x5), .b(x6), .result(x5_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x7(.a(x5), .b(x7), .result(x5_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x5_x8(.a(x5), .b(x8), .result(x5_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x6_x1(.a(x6), .b(x1), .result(x6_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x2(.a(x6), .b(x2), .result(x6_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x3(.a(x6), .b(x3), .result(x6_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x4(.a(x6), .b(x4), .result(x6_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x5(.a(x6), .b(x5), .result(x6_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x7(.a(x6), .b(x7), .result(x6_x7_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x6_x8(.a(x6), .b(x8), .result(x6_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x7_x1(.a(x7), .b(x1), .result(x7_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x2(.a(x7), .b(x2), .result(x7_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x3(.a(x7), .b(x3), .result(x7_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x4(.a(x7), .b(x4), .result(x7_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x5(.a(x7), .b(x5), .result(x7_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x6(.a(x7), .b(x6), .result(x7_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x7_x8(.a(x7), .b(x8), .result(x7_x8_diff), .borrow());

    subtractor sub_x8_x1(.a(x8), .b(x1), .result(x8_x1_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x2(.a(x8), .b(x2), .result(x8_x2_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x3(.a(x8), .b(x3), .result(x8_x3_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x4(.a(x8), .b(x4), .result(x8_x4_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x5(.a(x8), .b(x5), .result(x8_x5_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x6(.a(x8), .b(x6), .result(x8_x6_diff), .borrow());
    subtractor sub_x8_x7(.a(x8), .b(x7), .result(x8_x7_diff), .borrow());

    always @(*) begin
        // Reset results
        numerator = 0;
        denominator = 1;

        // Calculate Lagrange interpolation for each term
        numerator += (y1 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x1_x2_diff * x1_x3_diff * x1_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y2 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x2_x1_diff * x2_x3_diff * x2_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y3 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x3_x1_diff * x3_x2_diff * x3_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y4 * x_input_x1_diff * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff);
        denominator *= (x4_x1_diff * x4_x2_diff * x4_x3_diff);

        numerator += (y5 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x5_x1_diff * x5_x2_diff * x5_x3_diff * x5_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y6 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x6_x1_diff * x6_x2_diff * x6_x3_diff * x6_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y7 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x7_x1_diff * x7_x2_diff * x7_x3_diff * x7_x4_diff);

        numerator += (y8 * x_input_x2_diff * x_input_x3_diff * x_input_x4_diff);
        denominator *= (x8_x1_diff * x8_x2_diff * x8_x3_diff * x8_x4_diff);

        // Scale and assign result to output
        scaled_result = (numerator * scaling_factor) / denominator;
        y_output = scaled_result[15:0]; // Assign to the output

// 1-bit Full Subtractor
module full_subtractor(
    input a, b, borrow_in,
    output diff, borrow_out
    wire x1, x2, x3, n1;
    xor(x1, a, b);
    xor(diff, x1, borrow_in);
    not(n1, a);
    and(x2, n1, b);
    and(x3, n1, borrow_in);
    or(borrow_out, x2, x3);

// 4-bit Subtractor
module four_bit_subtractor(
    input [3:0] a, b,
    output [3:0] diff,
    output borrow_out
    wire [2:0] borrow;
    full_subtractor fs0(a[0], b[0], 1'b0, diff[0], borrow[0]);
    full_subtractor fs1(a[1], b[1], borrow[0], diff[1], borrow[1]);
    full_subtractor fs2(a[2], b[2], borrow[1], diff[2], borrow[2]);
    full_subtractor fs3(a[3], b[3], borrow[2], diff[3], borrow_out);

// Main Vigenere Cipher Decryption module
module decrypt_vigenere_cipher (
    input [3:0] key,
    input [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3,
    input [3:0] data_in4, data_in5, data_in6, data_in7,
    output [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3,
    output [3:0] data_out4, data_out5, data_out6, data_out7
    wire [3:0] sub_out0, sub_out1, sub_out2, sub_out3;
    wire [3:0] sub_out4, sub_out5, sub_out6, sub_out7;
    wire borrow_out0, borrow_out1, borrow_out2, borrow_out3;
    wire borrow_out4, borrow_out5, borrow_out6, borrow_out7;

    // Subtraction operations
    four_bit_subtractor sub0(data_in0, key, sub_out0, borrow_out0);
    four_bit_subtractor sub1(data_in1, key, sub_out1, borrow_out1);
    four_bit_subtractor sub2(data_in2, key, sub_out2, borrow_out2);
    four_bit_subtractor sub3(data_in3, key, sub_out3, borrow_out3);
    four_bit_subtractor sub4(data_in4, key, sub_out4, borrow_out4);
    four_bit_subtractor sub5(data_in5, key, sub_out5, borrow_out5);
    four_bit_subtractor sub6(data_in6, key, sub_out6, borrow_out6);
    four_bit_subtractor sub7(data_in7, key, sub_out7, borrow_out7);

    // Modulo operations
    mod8 mod0(sub_out0, data_out0);
    mod8 mod1(sub_out1, data_out1);
    mod8 mod2(sub_out2, data_out2);
    mod8 mod3(sub_out3, data_out3);
    mod8 mod4(sub_out4, data_out4);
    mod8 mod5(sub_out5, data_out5);
    mod8 mod6(sub_out6, data_out6);
    mod8 mod7(sub_out7, data_out7);

module comparator_4bit (
    input [3:0] A,  // First 4-bit number
    input [3:0] B,  // Second 4-bit number
    output equal    // Output 1 if A and B are equal, else 0

    // Internal wires for checking equality of each bit
    wire eq0, eq1, eq2, eq3;  // Signals for each bit comparison

    // Compare each bit using XOR gates followed by NOT gates for equality check
    not (eq0, A[0] ^ B[0]); // eq0 = 1 if A[0] == B[0]
    not (eq1, A[1] ^ B[1]); // eq1 = 1 if A[1] == B[1]
    not (eq2, A[2] ^ B[2]); // eq2 = 1 if A[2] == B[2]
    not (eq3, A[3] ^ B[3]); // eq3 = 1 if A[3] == B[3]

    // Use AND gate to combine the equality signals
    wire and1, and2;

    and (and1, eq0, eq1);  // and1 = eq0 AND eq1
    and (and2, eq2, eq3);  // and2 = eq2 AND eq3

    and (equal, and1, and2); // equal = and1 AND and2


module comparator_8x4 (
    input [3:0] A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7,  // First set of 8 4-bit numbers
    input [3:0] B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7,  // Second set of 8 4-bit numbers
    output equal // Output 1 if all corresponding pairs are equal, else 0

    // Wires to hold results of individual comparisons
    wire eq0, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7;

    // Instantiate 8 comparators
    comparator_4bit comp0 (.A(A0), .B(B0), .equal(eq0));
    comparator_4bit comp1 (.A(A1), .B(B1), .equal(eq1));
    comparator_4bit comp2 (.A(A2), .B(B2), .equal(eq2));
    comparator_4bit comp3 (.A(A3), .B(B3), .equal(eq3));
    comparator_4bit comp4 (.A(A4), .B(B4), .equal(eq4));
    comparator_4bit comp5 (.A(A5), .B(B5), .equal(eq5));
    comparator_4bit comp6 (.A(A6), .B(B6), .equal(eq6));
    comparator_4bit comp7 (.A(A7), .B(B7), .equal(eq7));

    // Combine the outputs of the 8 comparators using AND gates
    wire and1, and2;

    and (and1, eq0, eq1);  // and1 = eq0 AND eq1
    and (and2, eq2, eq3);  // and2 = eq2 AND eq3

    wire and3, and4;

    and (and3, eq4, eq5);  // and3 = eq4 AND eq5
    and (and4, eq6, eq7);  // and4 = eq6 AND eq7

    wire final_and1, final_and2;

    and (final_and1, and1, and2); // final_and1 = and1 AND and2
    and (final_and2, and3, and4); // final_and2 = and3 AND and4

    // Final AND gate to determine overall equality
    and (equal, final_and1, final_and2); // equal = final_and1 AND final_and2

Verilog gate level testbench
// S1-T1-Reed-Solomon-Codes
// Data Recovery and Error Correction in Space Communication

// Gate level model

// Member-1: Akshat Bharara, Roll No: 231CS110
// Member-2: Dev Prajapati, Roll No: 231CS120
// Member-3: Vatsal Jay Gandhi, Roll No: 231CS164

module testbench1;

    // Inputs for Vigenère cipher
    reg [3:0] key; // 4-bit key
    reg [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, data_in6, data_in7;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out0, enc_data_out1, enc_data_out2, enc_data_out3;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out4, enc_data_out5, enc_data_out6, enc_data_out7;

    // Inputs for Lagrange interpolation
    reg [15:0] test_y1, test_y2, test_y3, test_y4;
    reg [15:0] test_y5, test_y6, test_y7, test_y8;
    reg [3:0] test_x;
    wire [15:0] test_y;

    // Inputs for data transfer
    reg clk;
    reg[3:0] transfer1, transfer2, transfer3, transfer4,transfer5;
    reg[3:0] transfer6, transfer7, transfer8, transfer9, transfer10, transfer11, transfer12;
    reg[11:0] data_clocks;

    // Outputs for data transfer
    wire [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4, data_out5;
    wire [3:0] data_out6, data_out7, data_out8, data_out9, data_out10, data_out11; // 12 outputs
    wire [2:0] lost_count; // 3-bit lost data count
    wire transfer_failed; // Output for data transfer failure

    // Lagrange interpolation2
    reg [15:0] test_y1_2, test_y2_2, test_y3_2, test_y4_2;
    reg [15:0] test_y5_2, test_y6_2, test_y7_2, test_y8_2;
    reg [3:0] test_x_2;
    wire [15:0] test_y_2;

    // Decrypt Vignere cipher
    reg [3:0] decrypt_in0, decrypt_in1, decrypt_in2, decrypt_in3, decrypt_in4, decrypt_in5, decrypt_in6, decrypt_in7;
    wire [3:0] final0, final1, final2, final3, final4, final5, final6, final7;

    // Comparator 
    wire equal;

    // Instantiate the Vigenère cipher module
    encypt_vigenere_cipher vigenere (

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation uut (

    // Instantiate the data transfer module
    data_transfer_with_counter send (
        .data_in0(transfer1), .data_in1(transfer2), .data_in2(transfer3), .data_in3(transfer4),
        .data_in4(transfer5), .data_in5(transfer6), .data_in6(transfer7), .data_in7(transfer8),
        .data_in8(transfer9), .data_in9(transfer10), .data_in10(transfer11), .data_in11(transfer12),
        .data_clocks(data_clocks), // Clock for each data input
        .data_out0(data_out0), .data_out1(data_out1), .data_out2(data_out2), .data_out3(data_out3),
        .data_out4(data_out4), .data_out5(data_out5), .data_out6(data_out6), .data_out7(data_out7),
        .data_out8(data_out8), .data_out9(data_out9), .data_out10(data_out10), .data_out11(data_out11),

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation2 receive (

    // Instantiate the Vigenere cipher decryption module
    decrypt_vigenere_cipher decrypt (

    comparator_8x4 compare (

    // Global clock generation
    initial begin
        clk = 0;
        forever #5 clk = ~clk; // Toggle clock every 5 time units

    // Initialize inputs and run the test
    initial begin
        key = 4'b0101; // Key for Vigenere cipher

        // Initialize data inputs
        data_in0 = 4'b0010; data_in1 = 4'b0101; data_in2 = 4'b0100; data_in3 = 4'b0111;
        data_in4 = 4'b0110; data_in5 = 4'b0001; data_in6 = 4'b0000; data_in7 = 4'b0011;

        // display the inputs
        $display(" ");
        $display("Message to be sent: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_in7);

        // display the encrypted data
        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying Vignere cipher encryption... ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Encrypted messgae: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Encrypted Data 1: %b",enc_data_out0);
        $display("Encrypted Data 2: %b",enc_data_out1);
        $display("Encrypted Data 3: %b",enc_data_out2);
        $display("Encrypted Data 4: %b",enc_data_out3);
        $display("Encrypted Data 5: %b",enc_data_out4);
        $display("Encrypted Data 6: %b",enc_data_out5);
        $display("Encrypted Data 7: %b",enc_data_out6);
        $display("Encrypted Data 8: %b",enc_data_out7);


    initial begin

        // Wait for some cycles to observe outputs

        test_y1 = {12'b0, enc_data_out0}; 
        test_y2 = {12'b0, enc_data_out1};
        test_y3 = {12'b0, enc_data_out2};
        test_y4 = {12'b0, enc_data_out3};
        test_y5 = {12'b0, enc_data_out4};
        test_y6 = {12'b0, enc_data_out5};
        test_y7 = {12'b0, enc_data_out6};
        test_y8 = {12'b0, enc_data_out7};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Lagrange interpolation applied");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin
        // Initialize inputs and clocks

        transfer1 = {4'b0, test_y1}; 
        transfer2 = {4'b0, test_y2};  
        transfer3 = {4'b0, test_y3};  
        transfer4 = {4'b0, test_y4}; 
        transfer5 = {4'b0, enc_data_out4};  
        transfer6 = {4'b0, enc_data_out5};  
        transfer7 = {4'b0, enc_data_out6};  
        transfer8 = {4'b0, enc_data_out7}; 
        transfer9 = {4'b0, test_y5};  
        transfer10 = {4'b0, test_y6};  
        transfer11 = {4'b0, test_y7};  
        transfer12 = {4'b0, test_y8}; 

        // Clock signals for data inputs 
        data_clocks = 12'b111100001111; 

        // Wait for a few clock cycles and observe outputs

        $display(" ");
        $display("Data sent by the Transmitter");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Data Received by the Receiver: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Received message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_out0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_out1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_out2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_out3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_out4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_out5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_out6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_out7);


    initial begin

        test_y1_2 = {12'b0, data_out0}; 
        test_y2_2 = {12'b0, data_out1};
        test_y3_2 = {12'b0, data_out2};
        test_y4_2 = {12'b0, data_out3};
        test_y5_2 = {12'b0, data_out8};
        test_y6_2 = {12'b0, data_out9};
        test_y7_2 = {12'b0, data_out10};
        test_y8_2 = {12'b0, data_out11};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying lagrange interpolation to recover lost data...");
        $display(" ");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin


        decrypt_in0 = {4'b0, test_y1_2}; 
        decrypt_in1 = {4'b0, test_y2_2}; 
        decrypt_in2 = {4'b0, test_y3_2}; 
        decrypt_in3 = {4'b0, test_y4_2}; 
        decrypt_in4 = {4'b0, test_y5_2}; 
        decrypt_in5 = {4'b0, test_y6_2}; 
        decrypt_in6 = {4'b0, test_y7_2}; 
        decrypt_in7 = {4'b0, test_y8_2}; 


        $display(" ");
        $display("Lost data recovered! ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Recovered data: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",decrypt_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",decrypt_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",decrypt_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",decrypt_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",decrypt_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",decrypt_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",decrypt_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",decrypt_in7);


        $display(" ");
        $display("Decrypting received message...");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Final decrypted message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",final0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",final1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",final2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",final3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",final4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",final5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",final6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",final7);


initial begin
    $display(" ");
    $display("Does the received output match the message sent? : %b", equal); 
    $display(" ");


// Finish simulation
initial begin 


Verilog behavioral level code
// S1-T1-Reed-Solomon-Codes
// Data Recovery and Error Correction in Space Communication

// Behavioral level model

// Member-1: Akshat Bharara, Roll No: 231CS110
// Member-2: Dev Prajapati, Roll No: 231CS120
// Member-3: Vatsal Jay Gandhi, Roll No: 231CS164

module encypt_vigenere_cipher (
    input [3:0] key, // 4-bit key
    input [3:0] data_in0,
    input [3:0] data_in1,
    input [3:0] data_in2,
    input [3:0] data_in3,
    input [3:0] data_in4,
    input [3:0] data_in5,
    input [3:0] data_in6,
    input [3:0] data_in7,
    output reg [3:0] data_out0,
    output reg [3:0] data_out1,
    output reg [3:0] data_out2,
    output reg [3:0] data_out3,
    output reg [3:0] data_out4,
    output reg [3:0] data_out5,
    output reg [3:0] data_out6,
    output reg [3:0] data_out7

always @(*) begin
    data_out0 = (data_in0 + key) % 8; 
    data_out1 = (data_in1 + key) % 8;
    data_out2 = (data_in2 + key) % 8;
    data_out3 = (data_in3 + key) % 8;
    data_out4 = (data_in4 + key) % 8;
    data_out5 = (data_in5 + key) % 8;
    data_out6 = (data_in6 + key) % 8;
    data_out7 = (data_in7 + key) % 8;


module lagrange_interpolation(
    input [3:0] x_input, // Input x (0 to 15)
    input [15:0] y1,
    input [15:0] y2,
    input [15:0] y3,
    input [15:0] y4,
    input [15:0] y5,
    input [15:0] y6,
    input [15:0] y7,
    input [15:0] y8,
    output reg [15:0] y_output // Output y
    // Fixed x-coordinates
    parameter [3:0] x1 = 4'd1, x2 = 4'd2, x3 = 4'd3, x4 = 4'd4;
    parameter [3:0] x5 = 4'd5, x6 = 4'd6, x7 = 4'd7, x8 = 4'd8;

    // Declare temporary variables for each term
    reg signed [63:0] numerator, denominator;
    real result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8;
    real final_result;
    // Scaling factor for fixed-point arithmetic
    integer scaling_factor = 100000;
    reg signed [63:0] scaled_result;
    real intermediate_result;
    always @(*) begin
        // Initialize output and sum
        y_output = 16'd0;
        final_result = 0.0;

        // Calculate numerator and denominator separately for each term
        numerator = ((x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x3) * (x1 - x4) * (x1 - x5) * (x1 - x6) * (x1 - x7) * (x1 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            //$display("Scaled result is : %d",scaled_result);
            result1 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result1 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y1: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y1: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 1: %f", result1 * y1);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x3) * (x2 - x4) * (x2 - x5) * (x2 - x6) * (x2 - x7) * (x2 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result2 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result2 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y2: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y2: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 2: %f", result2 * y2);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x3 - x1) * (x3 - x2) * (x3 - x4) * (x3 - x5) * (x3 - x6) * (x3 - x7) * (x3 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result3 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result3 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y3: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y3: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 3: %f", result3 * y3);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x4 - x1) * (x4 - x2) * (x4 - x3) * (x4 - x5) * (x4 - x6) * (x4 - x7) * (x4 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result4 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result4 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y4: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y4: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 4: %f", result4 * y4);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x5 - x1) * (x5 - x2) * (x5 - x3) * (x5 - x4) * (x5 - x6) * (x5 - x7) * (x5 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result5 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result5 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y5: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y5: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 5: %f", result5 * y5);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x6 - x1) * (x6 - x2) * (x6 - x3) * (x6 - x4) * (x6 - x5) * (x6 - x7) * (x6 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result6 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result6 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y6: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y6: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 6: %f", result6 * y6);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x7 - x1) * (x7 - x2) * (x7 - x3) * (x7 - x4) * (x7 - x5) * (x7 - x6) * (x7 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result7 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result7 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y7: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y7: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 7: %f", result7 * y7);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7));
        denominator = ((x8 - x1) * (x8 - x2) * (x8 - x3) * (x8 - x4) * (x8 - x5) * (x8 - x6) * (x8 - x7));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result8 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result8 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y8: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y8: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 8: %f", result8 * y8);

        // Sum all terms together
        final_result = result1 * y1 + result2 * y2 + result3 * y3 + result4 * y4 + result5 * y5 + result6 * y6 + result7 * y7 + result8 * y8;

        // Assign the lower bits of the sum to output
        y_output = final_result; // Ensure you take only the lower bits if needed

module data_transfer_with_counter (
    input clk,  // Global clock signal
    input [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, 
                data_in6, data_in7, data_in8, data_in9, data_in10, data_in11, // 12 data inputs
    input [11:0] data_clocks, // Clock signal associated with each data input
    output reg [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4, data_out5,
                     data_out6, data_out7, data_out8, data_out9, data_out10, data_out11, // 12 outputs
    output reg [2:0] lost_count = 3'b000, // 3-bit counter for lost data
    output reg transfer_failed = 1'b0 // Output to indicate if data transfer failed

always @(posedge clk) begin
    // Reset lost count and transfer failed at the beginning of each clock cycle
    transfer_failed = 1'b0;

    // Data transfer and counter logic for each data input
    if (data_clocks[0] == 1'b1) data_out0 = data_in0;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[1] == 1'b1) data_out1 = data_in1;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[2] == 1'b1) data_out2 = data_in2;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[3] == 1'b1) data_out3 = data_in3;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[4] == 1'b1) data_out4 = data_in4;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[5] == 1'b1) data_out5 = data_in5;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[6] == 1'b1) data_out6 = data_in6;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[7] == 1'b1) data_out7 = data_in7;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[8] == 1'b1) data_out8 = data_in8;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[9] == 1'b1) data_out9 = data_in9;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[10] == 1'b1) data_out10 = data_in10;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    if (data_clocks[11] == 1'b1) data_out11 = data_in11;
    else lost_count = lost_count + 1'b1;

    // Trigger transfer_failed if lost_count exceeds 4
    if (lost_count > 3'b100) transfer_failed = 1'b1;


module lagrange_interpolation2(
    input [3:0] x_input, // Input x (0 to 15)
    input [15:0] y1,
    input [15:0] y2,
    input [15:0] y3,
    input [15:0] y4,
    input [15:0] y5,
    input [15:0] y6,
    input [15:0] y7,
    input [15:0] y8,
    output reg [15:0] y_output // Output y
    // Fixed x-coordinates
    parameter [3:0] x1 = 4'd1, x2 = 4'd2, x3 = 4'd3, x4 = 4'd4;
    parameter [3:0] x5 = 4'd9, x6 = 4'd10, x7 = 4'd11, x8 = 4'd12;

    // Declare temporary variables for each term
    reg signed [63:0] numerator, denominator;
    real result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8;
    real final_result;
    // Scaling factor for fixed-point arithmetic
    integer scaling_factor = 100000;
    reg signed [63:0] scaled_result;
    real intermediate_result;
    always @(*) begin
        // Initialize output and sum
        y_output = 16'd0;
        final_result = 0.0;

        // Calculate numerator and denominator separately for each term
        numerator = ((x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x3) * (x1 - x4) * (x1 - x5) * (x1 - x6) * (x1 - x7) * (x1 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            //$display("Scaled result is : %d",scaled_result);
            result1 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result1 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y1: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y1: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 1: %f", result1 * y1);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x3) * (x2 - x4) * (x2 - x5) * (x2 - x6) * (x2 - x7) * (x2 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result2 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result2 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y2: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y2: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 2: %f", result2 * y2);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x3 - x1) * (x3 - x2) * (x3 - x4) * (x3 - x5) * (x3 - x6) * (x3 - x7) * (x3 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result3 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result3 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y3: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y3: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 3: %f", result3 * y3);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x4 - x1) * (x4 - x2) * (x4 - x3) * (x4 - x5) * (x4 - x6) * (x4 - x7) * (x4 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result4 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result4 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y4: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y4: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 4: %f", result4 * y4);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x5 - x1) * (x5 - x2) * (x5 - x3) * (x5 - x4) * (x5 - x6) * (x5 - x7) * (x5 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result5 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result5 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y5: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y5: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 5: %f", result5 * y5);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x7) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x6 - x1) * (x6 - x2) * (x6 - x3) * (x6 - x4) * (x6 - x5) * (x6 - x7) * (x6 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result6 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result6 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y6: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y6: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 6: %f", result6 * y6);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x8));
        denominator = ((x7 - x1) * (x7 - x2) * (x7 - x3) * (x7 - x4) * (x7 - x5) * (x7 - x6) * (x7 - x8));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result7 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result7 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y7: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y7: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 7: %f", result7 * y7);

        numerator = ((x_input - x1) * (x_input - x2) * (x_input - x3) * (x_input - x4) * (x_input - x5) * (x_input - x6) * (x_input - x7));
        denominator = ((x8 - x1) * (x8 - x2) * (x8 - x3) * (x8 - x4) * (x8 - x5) * (x8 - x6) * (x8 - x7));
        if (denominator != 0) begin
            scaled_result = numerator * scaling_factor / denominator;
            result8 = scaled_result / 100000.0;
        end else begin
            result8 = 0.0;
        //$display("Numerator for y8: %d", numerator);
        //$display("Denominator for y8: %d", denominator);
        //$display("Result 8: %f", result8 * y8);

        // Sum all terms together
        final_result = result1 * y1 + result2 * y2 + result3 * y3 + result4 * y4 + result5 * y5 + result6 * y6 + result7 * y7 + result8 * y8;

        // Assign the lower bits of the sum to output
        y_output = final_result; 

module decrypt_vigenere_cipher (
    input [3:0] key, // 4-bit key
    input [3:0] data_in0,
    input [3:0] data_in1,
    input [3:0] data_in2,
    input [3:0] data_in3,
    input [3:0] data_in4,
    input [3:0] data_in5,
    input [3:0] data_in6,
    input [3:0] data_in7,
    output reg [3:0] data_out0,
    output reg [3:0] data_out1,
    output reg [3:0] data_out2,
    output reg [3:0] data_out3,
    output reg [3:0] data_out4,
    output reg [3:0] data_out5,
    output reg [3:0] data_out6,
    output reg [3:0] data_out7

always @(*) begin
    // Decrypt each input by subtracting the key and applying modulo 8
    data_out0 = (data_in0 - key) % 8; 
    data_out1 = (data_in1 - key) % 8;
    data_out2 = (data_in2 - key) % 8;
    data_out3 = (data_in3 - key) % 8;
    data_out4 = (data_in4 - key) % 8;
    data_out5 = (data_in5 - key) % 8;
    data_out6 = (data_in6 - key) % 8;
    data_out7 = (data_in7 - key) % 8;


module comparator_4bit (
    input [3:0] A,  // First 4-bit number
    input [3:0] B,  // Second 4-bit number
    output equal    // Output 1 if A and B are equal, else 0

    // Internal wires for checking equality of each bit
    wire eq0, eq1, eq2, eq3;  // Signals for each bit comparison

    // Compare each bit using XOR gates followed by NOT gates for equality check
    not (eq0, A[0] ^ B[0]); // eq0 = 1 if A[0] == B[0]
    not (eq1, A[1] ^ B[1]); // eq1 = 1 if A[1] == B[1]
    not (eq2, A[2] ^ B[2]); // eq2 = 1 if A[2] == B[2]
    not (eq3, A[3] ^ B[3]); // eq3 = 1 if A[3] == B[3]

    // Use AND gate to combine the equality signals
    wire and1, and2;

    and (and1, eq0, eq1);  // and1 = eq0 AND eq1
    and (and2, eq2, eq3);  // and2 = eq2 AND eq3

    and (equal, and1, and2); // equal = and1 AND and2


module comparator_8x4 (
    input [3:0] A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7,  // First set of 8 4-bit numbers
    input [3:0] B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7,  // Second set of 8 4-bit numbers
    output equal // Output 1 if all corresponding pairs are equal, else 0

    // Wires to hold results of individual comparisons
    wire eq0, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7;

    // Instantiate 8 comparators
    comparator_4bit comp0 (.A(A0), .B(B0), .equal(eq0));
    comparator_4bit comp1 (.A(A1), .B(B1), .equal(eq1));
    comparator_4bit comp2 (.A(A2), .B(B2), .equal(eq2));
    comparator_4bit comp3 (.A(A3), .B(B3), .equal(eq3));
    comparator_4bit comp4 (.A(A4), .B(B4), .equal(eq4));
    comparator_4bit comp5 (.A(A5), .B(B5), .equal(eq5));
    comparator_4bit comp6 (.A(A6), .B(B6), .equal(eq6));
    comparator_4bit comp7 (.A(A7), .B(B7), .equal(eq7));

    // Combine the outputs of the 8 comparators using AND gates
    wire and1, and2;

    and (and1, eq0, eq1);  // and1 = eq0 AND eq1
    and (and2, eq2, eq3);  // and2 = eq2 AND eq3

    wire and3, and4;

    and (and3, eq4, eq5);  // and3 = eq4 AND eq5
    and (and4, eq6, eq7);  // and4 = eq6 AND eq7

    wire final_and1, final_and2;

    and (final_and1, and1, and2); // final_and1 = and1 AND and2
    and (final_and2, and3, and4); // final_and2 = and3 AND and4

    // Final AND gate to determine overall equality
    and (equal, final_and1, final_and2); // equal = final_and1 AND final_and2

Verilog behavioral level testbench
// S1-T1-Reed-Solomon-Codes
// Data Recovery and Error Correction in Space Communication

// Behavioral level model

// Member-1: Akshat Bharara, Roll No: 231CS110
// Member-2: Dev Prajapati, Roll No: 231CS120
// Member-3: Vatsal Jay Gandhi, Roll No: 231CS164

module testbench1;

    // Inputs for Vigenère cipher
    reg [3:0] key; // 4-bit key
    reg [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, data_in6, data_in7;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out0, enc_data_out1, enc_data_out2, enc_data_out3;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out4, enc_data_out5, enc_data_out6, enc_data_out7;

    // Inputs for Lagrange interpolation
    reg [15:0] test_y1, test_y2, test_y3, test_y4;
    reg [15:0] test_y5, test_y6, test_y7, test_y8;
    reg [3:0] test_x;
    wire [15:0] test_y;

    // Inputs for data transfer
    reg clk;
    reg[3:0] transfer1, transfer2, transfer3, transfer4,transfer5;
    reg[3:0] transfer6, transfer7, transfer8, transfer9, transfer10, transfer11, transfer12;
    reg[11:0] data_clocks;

    // Outputs for data transfer
    wire [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4, data_out5;
    wire [3:0] data_out6, data_out7, data_out8, data_out9, data_out10, data_out11; // 12 outputs
    wire [2:0] lost_count; // 3-bit lost data count
    wire transfer_failed; // Output for data transfer failure

    // Lagrange interpolation2
    reg [15:0] test_y1_2, test_y2_2, test_y3_2, test_y4_2;
    reg [15:0] test_y5_2, test_y6_2, test_y7_2, test_y8_2;
    reg [3:0] test_x_2;
    wire [15:0] test_y_2;

    // Decrypt Vignere cipher
    reg [3:0] decrypt_in0, decrypt_in1, decrypt_in2, decrypt_in3, decrypt_in4, decrypt_in5, decrypt_in6, decrypt_in7;
    wire [3:0] final0, final1, final2, final3, final4, final5, final6, final7;

    // Comparator 
    wire equal;

    // Instantiate the Vigenère cipher module
    encypt_vigenere_cipher vigenere (

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation uut (

    // Instantiate the data transfer module
    data_transfer_with_counter send (
        .data_in0(transfer1), .data_in1(transfer2), .data_in2(transfer3), .data_in3(transfer4),
        .data_in4(transfer5), .data_in5(transfer6), .data_in6(transfer7), .data_in7(transfer8),
        .data_in8(transfer9), .data_in9(transfer10), .data_in10(transfer11), .data_in11(transfer12),
        .data_clocks(data_clocks), // Clock for each data input
        .data_out0(data_out0), .data_out1(data_out1), .data_out2(data_out2), .data_out3(data_out3),
        .data_out4(data_out4), .data_out5(data_out5), .data_out6(data_out6), .data_out7(data_out7),
        .data_out8(data_out8), .data_out9(data_out9), .data_out10(data_out10), .data_out11(data_out11),

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation2 receive (

    // Instantiate the Vigenere cipher decryption module
    decrypt_vigenere_cipher decrypt (

    comparator_8x4 compare (

    // Global clock generation
    initial begin
        clk = 0;
        forever #5 clk = ~clk; // Toggle clock every 5 time units

    // Initialize inputs and run the test
    initial begin
        key = 4'b0101; // Key for Vigenere cipher

        // Initialize data inputs
        data_in0 = 4'b0010; data_in1 = 4'b0010; data_in2 = 4'b0011; data_in3 = 4'b0011;
        data_in4 = 4'b0100; data_in5 = 4'b0100; data_in6 = 4'b0101; data_in7 = 4'b0101;

        $display("\t\t First Testcase");

        // display the inputs
        $display(" ");
        $display("Message to be sent: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_in7);

        // display the encrypted data
        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying Vignere cipher encryption... ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Encrypted messgae: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Encrypted Data 1: %b",enc_data_out0);
        $display("Encrypted Data 2: %b",enc_data_out1);
        $display("Encrypted Data 3: %b",enc_data_out2);
        $display("Encrypted Data 4: %b",enc_data_out3);
        $display("Encrypted Data 5: %b",enc_data_out4);
        $display("Encrypted Data 6: %b",enc_data_out5);
        $display("Encrypted Data 7: %b",enc_data_out6);
        $display("Encrypted Data 8: %b",enc_data_out7);


    initial begin

        // Wait for some cycles to observe outputs

        test_y1 = {12'b0, enc_data_out0}; 
        test_y2 = {12'b0, enc_data_out1};
        test_y3 = {12'b0, enc_data_out2};
        test_y4 = {12'b0, enc_data_out3};
        test_y5 = {12'b0, enc_data_out4};
        test_y6 = {12'b0, enc_data_out5};
        test_y7 = {12'b0, enc_data_out6};
        test_y8 = {12'b0, enc_data_out7};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Lagrange interpolation applied");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin
        // Initialize inputs and clocks

        transfer1 = {4'b0, test_y1}; 
        transfer2 = {4'b0, test_y2};  
        transfer3 = {4'b0, test_y3};  
        transfer4 = {4'b0, test_y4}; 
        transfer5 = {4'b0, enc_data_out4};  
        transfer6 = {4'b0, enc_data_out5};  
        transfer7 = {4'b0, enc_data_out6};  
        transfer8 = {4'b0, enc_data_out7}; 
        transfer9 = {4'b0, test_y5};  
        transfer10 = {4'b0, test_y6};  
        transfer11 = {4'b0, test_y7};  
        transfer12 = {4'b0, test_y8}; 

        // Clock signals for data inputs 
        data_clocks = 12'b111100001111; 

        // Wait for a few clock cycles and observe outputs

        $display(" ");
        $display("Data sent by the Transmitter");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Data Received by the Receiver: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Received message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_out0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_out1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_out2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_out3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_out4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_out5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_out6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_out7);

        $display(" ");
        $display("Lost count: %d", lost_count);
        $display("Transfer failed: %b",transfer_failed);

        if(transfer_failed == 1'b1) begin
            $display("According to Reed Solomon codes, cannot recover the data since more than 50 percent of the data is lost");
            $display(" ");


    initial begin

        test_y1_2 = {12'b0, data_out0}; 
        test_y2_2 = {12'b0, data_out1};
        test_y3_2 = {12'b0, data_out2};
        test_y4_2 = {12'b0, data_out3};
        test_y5_2 = {12'b0, data_out8};
        test_y6_2 = {12'b0, data_out9};
        test_y7_2 = {12'b0, data_out10};
        test_y8_2 = {12'b0, data_out11};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying lagrange interpolation to recover lost data...");
        $display(" ");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin


        decrypt_in0 = {4'b0, test_y1_2}; 
        decrypt_in1 = {4'b0, test_y2_2}; 
        decrypt_in2 = {4'b0, test_y3_2}; 
        decrypt_in3 = {4'b0, test_y4_2}; 
        decrypt_in4 = {4'b0, test_y5_2}; 
        decrypt_in5 = {4'b0, test_y6_2}; 
        decrypt_in6 = {4'b0, test_y7_2}; 
        decrypt_in7 = {4'b0, test_y8_2}; 


        $display(" ");
        $display("Lost data recovered! ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Recovered data: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",decrypt_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",decrypt_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",decrypt_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",decrypt_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",decrypt_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",decrypt_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",decrypt_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",decrypt_in7);


        $display(" ");
        $display("Decrypting received message...");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Final decrypted message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",final0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",final1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",final2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",final3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",final4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",final5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",final6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",final7);


initial begin
    $display(" ");
    $display("Does the received output match the message sent? : %b", equal); 
    $display(" ");


// Finish simulation
initial begin 


// Second testcase

module testbench2;
    // Inputs for Vigenère cipher
    reg [3:0] key; // 4-bit key
    reg [3:0] data_in0, data_in1, data_in2, data_in3, data_in4, data_in5, data_in6, data_in7;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out0, enc_data_out1, enc_data_out2, enc_data_out3;
    wire [3:0] enc_data_out4, enc_data_out5, enc_data_out6, enc_data_out7;

    // Inputs for Lagrange interpolation
    reg [15:0] test_y1, test_y2, test_y3, test_y4;
    reg [15:0] test_y5, test_y6, test_y7, test_y8;
    reg [3:0] test_x;
    wire [15:0] test_y;

    // Inputs for data transfer
    reg clk;
    reg[3:0] transfer1, transfer2, transfer3, transfer4,transfer5;
    reg[3:0] transfer6, transfer7, transfer8, transfer9, transfer10, transfer11, transfer12;
    reg[11:0] data_clocks;

    // Outputs for data transfer
    wire [3:0] data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3, data_out4, data_out5;
    wire [3:0] data_out6, data_out7, data_out8, data_out9, data_out10, data_out11; // 12 outputs
    wire [2:0] lost_count; // 3-bit lost data count
    wire transfer_failed; // Output for data transfer failure

    // Lagrange interpolation2
    reg [15:0] test_y1_2, test_y2_2, test_y3_2, test_y4_2;
    reg [15:0] test_y5_2, test_y6_2, test_y7_2, test_y8_2;
    reg [3:0] test_x_2;
    wire [15:0] test_y_2;

    // Decrypt Vignere cipher
    reg [3:0] decrypt_in0, decrypt_in1, decrypt_in2, decrypt_in3, decrypt_in4, decrypt_in5, decrypt_in6, decrypt_in7;
    wire [3:0] final0, final1, final2, final3, final4, final5, final6, final7;

    // comparator 
    wire equal;

    // Instantiate the Vigenère cipher module
    encypt_vigenere_cipher vigenere (

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation uut (

    // Instantiate the data transfer module
    data_transfer_with_counter send (
        .data_in0(transfer1), .data_in1(transfer2), .data_in2(transfer3), .data_in3(transfer4),
        .data_in4(transfer5), .data_in5(transfer6), .data_in6(transfer7), .data_in7(transfer8),
        .data_in8(transfer9), .data_in9(transfer10), .data_in10(transfer11), .data_in11(transfer12),
        .data_out0(data_out0), .data_out1(data_out1), .data_out2(data_out2), .data_out3(data_out3),
        .data_out4(data_out4), .data_out5(data_out5), .data_out6(data_out6), .data_out7(data_out7),
        .data_out8(data_out8), .data_out9(data_out9), .data_out10(data_out10), .data_out11(data_out11),

    // Instantiate the Lagrange interpolation module
    lagrange_interpolation2 receive (

    // Instantiate the Vigenère cipher decryption module
    decrypt_vigenere_cipher decrypt (

    comparator_8x4 compare (

    // Global clock generation
    initial begin
        clk = 0;
        forever #5 clk = ~clk; // Toggle clock every 5 time units

    // Initialize inputs and run the test
    initial begin
        key = 4'b0110; // Key for Vigenere cipher

        // Initialize data inputs
        data_in0 = 4'b0010; data_in1 = 4'b0010; data_in2 = 4'b0011; data_in3 = 4'b0011;
        data_in4 = 4'b0100; data_in5 = 4'b0100; data_in6 = 4'b0101; data_in7 = 4'b0101;

        $display(" ");
        $display("\t\t Second Testcase");

        // display the inputs
        $display(" ");
        $display("Message to be sent: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_in7);

        // display the encrypted data
        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying Vignere cipher encryption... ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Encrypted messgae: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Encrypted Data 1: %b",enc_data_out0);
        $display("Encrypted Data 2: %b",enc_data_out1);
        $display("Encrypted Data 3: %b",enc_data_out2);
        $display("Encrypted Data 4: %b",enc_data_out3);
        $display("Encrypted Data 5: %b",enc_data_out4);
        $display("Encrypted Data 6: %b",enc_data_out5);
        $display("Encrypted Data 7: %b",enc_data_out6);
        $display("Encrypted Data 8: %b",enc_data_out7);


    initial begin

        // Wait for some cycles to observe outputs

        test_y1 = {12'b0, enc_data_out0}; 
        test_y2 = {12'b0, enc_data_out1};
        test_y3 = {12'b0, enc_data_out2};
        test_y4 = {12'b0, enc_data_out3};
        test_y5 = {12'b0, enc_data_out4};
        test_y6 = {12'b0, enc_data_out5};
        test_y7 = {12'b0, enc_data_out6};
        test_y8 = {12'b0, enc_data_out7};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Lagrange interpolation applied");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin

        // Initialize inputs and clocks

        transfer1 = {4'b0, test_y1}; 
        transfer2 = {4'b0, test_y2};  
        transfer3 = {4'b0, test_y3};  
        transfer4 = {4'b0, test_y4}; 
        transfer5 = {4'b0, enc_data_out4};  
        transfer6 = {4'b0, enc_data_out5};  
        transfer7 = {4'b0, enc_data_out6};  
        transfer8 = {4'b0, enc_data_out7}; 
        transfer9 = {4'b0, test_y5};  
        transfer10 = {4'b0, test_y6};  
        transfer11 = {4'b0, test_y7};  
        transfer12 = {4'b0, test_y8}; 

        // Clock signals for data inputs 
        data_clocks = 12'b111100001101; 

        // Wait for a few clock cycles and observe outputs

        $display(" ");
        $display("Data sent.");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Data Received: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Received message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",data_out0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",data_out1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",data_out2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",data_out3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",data_out4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",data_out5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",data_out6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",data_out7);

        $display(" ");
        $display("Lost count: %d", lost_count);
        $display("Transfer failed: %b",transfer_failed);

        if(transfer_failed == 1'b1) begin
            $display("According to Reed Solomon codes, cannot recover the data since more than 50 percent of the data is lost");
            $display(" ");


    initial begin

        test_y1_2 = {12'b0, data_out0}; 
        test_y2_2 = {12'b0, data_out1};
        test_y3_2 = {12'b0, data_out2};
        test_y4_2 = {12'b0, data_out3};
        test_y5_2 = {12'b0, data_out8};
        test_y6_2 = {12'b0, data_out9};
        test_y7_2 = {12'b0, data_out10};
        test_y8_2 = {12'b0, data_out11};

        $display(" ");
        $display("Applying lagrange interpolation to recover lost data...");
        $display(" ");

        // // Monitor outputs for each input from 1 to 8
        // for (test_x = 4'd1; test_x <= 4'd11; test_x = test_x + 1) begin
        //     #10; // Wait for a short time to allow output to settle
        //     $monitor("At time %t: Input X=%d => Output Y=%d", $time, test_x, test_y);
        // end

    initial begin


        decrypt_in0 = {4'b0, test_y1_2}; 
        decrypt_in1 = {4'b0, test_y2_2}; 
        decrypt_in2 = {4'b0, test_y3_2}; 
        decrypt_in3 = {4'b0, test_y4_2}; 
        decrypt_in4 = {4'b0, test_y5_2}; 
        decrypt_in5 = {4'b0, test_y6_2}; 
        decrypt_in6 = {4'b0, test_y7_2}; 
        decrypt_in7 = {4'b0, test_y8_2}; 


        $display(" ");
        $display("Lost data recovered! ");
        $display(" ");
        $display("Recovered data: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",decrypt_in0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",decrypt_in1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",decrypt_in2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",decrypt_in3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",decrypt_in4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",decrypt_in5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",decrypt_in6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",decrypt_in7);


        $display(" ");
        $display("Decrypting received message...");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Final decrypted message: ");
        $display(" ");

        $display("Data 1: %b",final0);
        $display("Data 2: %b",final1);
        $display("Data 3: %b",final2);
        $display("Data 4: %b",final3);
        $display("Data 5: %b",final4);
        $display("Data 6: %b",final5);
        $display("Data 7: %b",final6);
        $display("Data 8: %b",final7);


initial begin
    $display(" ");
    $display("Does the received output match the message sent? : %b", equal); 
    $display(" ");


// Finish simulation
initial begin 


Hardware implementation

Circuit Diagram


Demo video




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  • Verilog 100.0%