Releases: viamrobotics/viam-python-sdk
Releases · viamrobotics/viam-python-sdk
What's Changed
- RSDK-9921 - named module logger by @stuqdog in #858
- release/v0.42.0 by @github-actions in #859
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #856
- [RSDK-9328] Exclude non-actuating methods by @njooma in #857
- [RSDK-9633] delete discover components by @JohnN193 in #860
- DOCS-3603: Fix get_pose example by @JessamyT in #861
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #863
- RSDK-9901 - specify token for checkout by @stuqdog in #864
- feat(components): add switch implementation by @HipsterBrown in #862
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #865
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #867
- Update by @npentrel in #866
- use git-access-token by @stuqdog in #871
- Automated Protos Update by @viambot in #872
- Automated Protos Update by @viambot in #873
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.42.0...v0.43.0
What's Changed
- release/v0.41.0 by @github-actions in #849
- DOCS-3516: Add to get_models_from_modules description by @JessamyT in #850
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #848
- RSDK-10026 Update protobuf to 5.29.2 by @biotinker in #851
Full Changelog: v0.41.0...v0.41.1
What's Changed
- release/v0.40.0 by @github-actions in #843
- DATA-3756 Update TabularDataByMQL to have optional bool for use_recent_data by @vijayvuyyuru in #845
- DOCS-3284: Add simpler get_image example by @sguequierre in #844
- add py.typed file per PEP561 by @penguinland in #846
- RSDK-9904 - add job to notify slack of proto failure by @stuqdog in #847
New Contributors
- @vijayvuyyuru made their first contribution in #845
Full Changelog: v0.40.0...v0.41.0
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #836
- DOCS-3509: Add explanation that API key needs to have permissions at the organization level in order to use tabular_data_by_sql by @sguequierre in #834
- Update TabularDataByMQL documentation by @dmhilly in #837
- flyby - fix param reference by @stuqdog in #841
- Fix typo in data client by @sguequierre in #839
- Fix broken links by @npentrel in #840
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #838
- Update requirements-test.txt pillow version to non-CVE version by @lia-viam in #842
- release/v0.39.0 by @github-actions in #835
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.39.0...v0.40.0
What's Changed
- release/v0.38.0 by @github-actions in #830
- Move link check to be weekly by @npentrel in #833
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #832
- RSDK-2870: use api instead of subtype by @purplenicole730 in #824
- RSDK-9623: Add Discover Service and GetModelsFromModules to Python by @martha-johnston in #827
Full Changelog: v0.38.0...v0.39.0
What's Changed
- release/v0.37.0 by @github-actions in #813
- RSDK-9610 - reconnect loop should exit if it fails by @stuqdog in #814
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #815
- DOCS-3233: Add readings key info to tabular data capture upload by @sguequierre in #810
- Update links to main docs by @npentrel in #816
- [RSDK-9631] Add deprecation warnings to DiscoverComponents by @randhid in #818
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #819
- DOCS-3240: Add mention of state field in machine status by @npentrel in #822
- DOCS-3397: Fix broken link by @npentrel in #823
- DOCS-3160: Add more info about machine status by @npentrel in #825
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #826
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #828
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #829
- DOCS-2735: Add cloud metadata callout by @npentrel in #821
Full Changelog: v0.37.0...v0.38.0
What's Changed
- release/v0.36.0 by @github-actions in #802
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #801
- DATA-3565 Add example parameters to GetLatestTabularData documentation by @kaywux in #799
- DATA-3443: Add export_tabular_data to data client by @katiepeters in #800
- RSDK-9518: upgrade upload artifact to v4 by @purplenicole730 in #804
- RSDK-9590 - upgrade numpy by @stuqdog in #805
- RSDK-9503 accept bson queries in MQL function by @purplenicole730 in #803
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #806
- DOCS-2347: Update example on GetLatestTabularData by @sguequierre in #807
- RSDK-9560: remove
from python sdk by @martha-johnston in #808 - Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #809
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #811
New Contributors
- @katiepeters made their first contribution in #800
Full Changelog: v0.36.0...v0.37.0
What's Changed
- RSDK-9438: Update example usage to show resource-level logging by @JessamyT in #797
- Fix link with certificate issue by @npentrel in #798
- RSDK-9465, RSDK-9366 - Remove robot status and sensors service by @cheukt in #796
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #794
Full Changelog: v0.35.0...v0.36.0
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #788
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #789
- RSDK-9339: Update python doc strings for tabular_data_by_sql/mql by @jckras in #792
- Update by @npentrel in #791
- DOCS-2953: Make edits to ML Model Service from QA by @sguequierre in #790
- Data-3395: Add GetLatestTabularData by @gloriacai01 in #793
New Contributors
- @gloriacai01 made their first contribution in #793
Full Changelog: v0.34.0...v0.35.0
rust utils version: v0.2.14