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Vova Yatsyuk edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

Also Viewed Products module provides a widget that could be used in multiple scenarios:

  1. Show suggestions for currenlty viewed product
  2. Show suggestions for recently viewed products
  3. Show suggestions for recently compared products
  4. Show suggestions for products in shopping cart
  5. Show suggestions for any combinations of previously mentioned products


  1. Insert widget into product page sidebar
  2. Insert widget into homepage

Insert widget into product page sidebar

This tutorial can be used to add widget to any other page or container.

You can choose the page and container you need, at the bottom of "Storefront properties" tab.

  1. Navigate to "Content > Widgets" page and press "Add Widget" button.

  2. Select "Also Viewed Products" widget, your theme and press "Continue":

    Widget settings

  3. Fill form values as shown on the screenshots below:

    Storefront properies tab:

    Widget storefront properies

    Layout updates:

    Widget layout updates

    Widget options tab (Choose listing mode between "list" and "grid"):

    Widget options

  4. Save widget, clear cache and navigate to your store frontend:

    Frontend screenshot

Insert widget into homepage

This tutorial can be used to add widget to any other cms page or block.

  1. Navigate to "Content > Pages" (Or "Content > Blocks", if you are using Luma theme) and open Homepage (Or Block) to edit.

  2. Press "Insert Widget" button:

    Widget button

  3. Select "Also Viewed Widget" and fill form values as shown below:

    Title value is not used. See next point screenshot for explanation.

    Widget form values

  4. Add additional markup:

    Additional markup

  5. Save page, clear cache and navigate to frontend:

    Frontend screenshot

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