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DPV 2.1 Release Candidate

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@coolharsh55 coolharsh55 released this 04 Feb 11:45
· 9 commits to master since this release

DPV 2.1 Release Candidate


We're pleased to present Static Badge Release Candidate (RC) as the completion of the past 6 months of work, and request your
feedback/review. We plan to release this a final/stable release if there are no major issues/concerns identified by FEB-16.

There are no major breaking changes or incompatibilities between 2.1 and 2.0. Specific potential and minor breaking changes are mentioned in the changelog for each specification. Going ahead, we do not foresee major breaking changes in the future release which is tentatively labelled 2.2.

In total, DPV 2.1 and all its extensions contain 9167 concepts, and compared to 2.0 - 6553 concepts have been added and 133 concepts removed.

List of DPV Vocabularies


Thanks to the following members of the DPVCG (ordered alphabetically):

Also thanks to the following people:

  • Daniel Doherty @drd00 for providing bias categories based on ISO
  • Patrick Hochstenbach @phochste, Per Hallgren @perhallgren, and Junli
    Liang junli-liang-johnny for reporting broken terms/links.

In addition to the above, this release also marks the completion of PhDs. by Dr. Delaram Golpayegani and Dr. Beatriz Esteves whose theses have been instrumental in the development of the DPV specifications. Congratulations to both!