This is a monorepo that contains our common linting and formatting configurations for Wantedly's javascript projects.
If you are looking for the frolint
executable documentation, please see here: frolint Readme
- eslint-config-wantedly-typescript
- eslint-config-wantedly
- eslint-plugin-use-macros
- eslint-plugin-wantedly
- frolint
- prettier-config-wantedly
# Create above list with fish shell script
for package in (yarn -s lerna ls --loglevel silent)
echo "- [$package]($package) []($package)"
PRs are welcome, see the current issues open.
We are developing this project with Lerna.
Clone the repository and run
This will also trigger the lerna bootstraping process.
Running Tests:
# Runs all unit tests
yarn test
# Runs all unit tests with updating snapshots
yarn test:update