The main features of this project are :
1: Provides a stable storefront API based on Node.js and Postgres DB.
2: The API default endpoints are /products /orders and /users.
Create user
psql-sh: CREATE USER storefront_admin WITH PASSWORD password123
Create database via SQL query
CREATE DATABASE storefront CREATE DATABASE test_storefront
grant privlieges to user on both databases
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE storefront TO storefront_admin GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test_storefront TO storefront_admin
In the project directory, you can run:
This command runs 'db-migrate db:up storefront' to initialize the development database with the tables mentioned in the requirements database schema.
This command will run 'db-migrate db:up test_storefront' this will initialize the test database with the tables mentioned in the requirements database schema.
This command runs 'node dist/server.js' which starts the express app on localhost:3000. Open http://localhost:3000/ and add the endpoint mentioned above.
Build the app for production into the dist
folder. It correctly converts all dev code from .ts into working JavaScript files.
- This firstly launches a test database migration (test_storefront) and creates all the necessary tables for the API to function in a testing environment.
- After that the test will run build in order to transpile the typescript in case it hadn't been done before.
- Once the build is completed the test will launch jasmine, which will test the endpoints for each model.
- Finally when all the tests are complete a down migration will be executed in order to clean the database and always have a clean slate to run the tests
For running the developement version of the app
- TypeScript
- Express
- Node.js
- Jasmine
- PostgreSQL
- JWT (JSON web Tokens for Authenitcation)
- Include further endpoints implementations
- Work on a potential front end with a framework