This repository contains custom extensions that extend the functionality of the ColdFusion CFIDE Administrator.
- Cron Scheduler: GUI for creating crontime. Configure your crontime by selecting individual or ranges of date/time items. Most standard CF sechedule parameters supported, excluding those that are obvious such as non cron time selections. Publish option is still being worked on. Submit will add the task and redirect to the scheduled tasks page.
Place the extensionscustom folder in your ColdFusion CFIDE Administrator directory; C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\extensionscustom
Move the extensionscustom.cfm from the extensionscustom folder to the parent folder. (optionally you can customize the custommenu.xml, but that is a different topic)
Library | Source | License |
jQuery | | MIT License |
jQuery-ui | | Mit License | | | MIT License |
Adobe UI Design | Adobe | Adobe |
Everything Else | Christopher Wigginton | MIT License |