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Added new example .zip file and small aesthetic changes #230

Added new example .zip file and small aesthetic changes

Added new example .zip file and small aesthetic changes #230

Workflow file for this run

name: Docs Build Test
branches: [ '*' ]
branches: [ '*' ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
repository: matusnovak/doxybook2
path: ./doxy
- name: Download Japanese fonts
run: curl -LO && curl -LO && curl -LO && curl -LO && curl -LO && curl -LO && curl -LO
- name: Install Japanese fonts
run: sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/fonts; sudo cp NotoSans* /usr/local/share/fonts/. && sudo fc-cache -f -v
- name: wget vcpkg
working-directory: ./doxy
run: wget -O vcpkg.tar.gz
- name: mkdir vcpkg
working-directory: ./doxy
run: sudo mkdir /opt/vcpkg
- name: tar vcpkg
working-directory: ./doxy
run: sudo tar xf vcpkg.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /opt/vcpkg
- name: build vcpkg
working-directory: ./doxy
run: sudo /opt/vcpkg/
- name: Doxybook depenecies
working-directory: ./doxy
run: vcpkg install --triplet x64-linux $(cat vcpkg.txt)
- name: doxy mkdir build
working-directory: ./doxy
run: mkdir build
- name: doxy cmake setup
working-directory: ./doxy
run: cmake -B ./build -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/local/share/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake .
- name: doxy cmake
working-directory: ./doxy
run: cmake --build ./build --config MinSizeRel
- name: doxybook2 add to path
working-directory: ./doxy
run: cp build/src/DoxybookCli/doxybook2 ../..
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Update apt sources
run: sudo apt-get update
- name: Install Dependencies
run: sudo apt install pandoc texlive-full mkdocs doxygen
- name: wolfssl html
run: cd wolfSSL && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfssl pdf
run: cd wolfSSL && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfssh html
run: cd wolfSSH && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfssh pdf
run: cd wolfSSH && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolftpm html
run: cd wolfTPM && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfTPM pdf
run: cd wolfTPM && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfmqtt html
run: cd wolfMQTT && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfmqtt pdf
run: cd wolfMQTT && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfBoot html
run: cd wolfBoot && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfBoot pdf
run: cd wolfBoot && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfSentry html
run: cd wolfSentry && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfSentry pdf
run: cd wolfSentry && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfclu html
run: cd wolfCLU && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfclu pdf
run: cd wolfCLU && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfssl-jni html
run: cd wolfSSL-JNI && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfssl-jni pdf
run: cd wolfSSL-JNI && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf
- name: wolfcrypt-jni html
run: cd wolfCrypt-JNI && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make html
- name: wolfcrypt-jni pdf
run: cd wolfCrypt-JNI && export PATH=$PATH:"/home/runner/work/documentation" && make pdf