Enables AI-NFTs to claim airdrops and delegate airdrop eligibility. This service is part of the xNomad ecosystem.
- Airdrop Delegation: Securely delegate your airdrop eligibility to another wallet
- Action Hooks: Customizable hooks for pre and post-airdrop actions
- Multi-chain Support: Support for various blockchain networks
- Solana
- EVM (Coming soon)
Project teams use the provided API to register their airdrop programs. During registration.
Agent can check their eligibility for the airdrop using the checkEligibilityUrl provided during registration.
Eligible users can claim their airdrops through the claimUrl. The system processes the claim request and distributes the airdrop rewards to the user's wallet.
If enabled, users can delegate their airdrop eligibility to agent wallet. This feature is useful for scenarios where users want to transfer their eligibility without transferring ownership of the underlying assets.
Project teams can register their airdrop programs using the following API.
POST https://airdrop-proxy.xnomad.ai/registry/registry
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
Below is an example of the request payload with parameter explanations:
"protocol": "AirdropProgramRegistry",
"version": "0.0.1",
"name": "xNomad Genesis NFT Airdrop", // Name of the your airdrop program
"description": "Give 15% of NFT mint price as Xnomad AI Agent Initial funds", // Description of the your airdrop program
"issuer": { // Replace with your project's corresponding information
"name": "Xnomad.fun", // Issuer's name
"officialWebsite": "https://xnomadai.com", // Issuer's official website
"image": "https://xnomad.ai/mint/logo.svg", // Issuer's logo URL
"twitter": "https://x.com/xNomadAI", // Issuer's Twitter profile
"telegram": "xnomad", // Issuer's Telegram handle
"discord": "https://discord.com/invite/xnomad", // Issuer's Discord link
"contract": "optional_contract_address", // (Optional) Contract address for the airdrop
"token": "optional_token_address" // (Optional) Token address for the airdrop
"airdropRules": { // Rules for the airdrop
"target": "nftAIAgent || nftHolder", // Target audience for the airdrop
"claimMethod": "http", // Method for claiming the airdrop
"claimUrl": "https://project.endpoint/claim", // URL for claiming the airdrop
"checkEligibilityUrl": "https://project.endpoint/check", // URL to check eligibility
"blockchain": "solana", // Blockchain network for the airdrop
"contract": null, // (Optional) Contract address for the airdrop
"supportDelegate": false, // Whether delegation is supported
"startAt": "2025-02-07T12:00:00Z", // Start time of the airdrop
"expiresAt": "2025-02-10T12:00:00Z", // Expiration time of the airdrop
"estimateCost": null // (Optional) Estimated cost of the airdrop
After successfully registering your airdrop program, please contact us to enable the claim functionality for your users. Once enabled, users will be able to claim their airdrops and check eligibility.
When registering your project on airdrop-proxy, claim URL must implement signature verification. This ensures secure communication between the agent and your service.
Your endpoint should implement this verification logic:
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import * as bs58 from 'bs58';
import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl';
async function verifySignature(
walletAddress: string,
message: string,
signature: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const publicKey = new PublicKey(walletAddress);
const encodedMessage = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
const decodedSignature = bs58.decode(signature);
return nacl.sign.detached.verify(
} catch (error) {
console.error('Signature verification error:', error);
return false;
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For technical support:
- Open an issue in this repository
- Join our Discord community