This tool can be used to estimate the inhabitant count per house in an area with a known population using OpenStreetMap data. The result is based on a very simple heuristic, so low accuracy should be expected.
Arch based:
$ sudo pacman -S rust
Debian based:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install rust
For use under Windows / MacOS install rust using the default installer from the official website: www.rust-lang.org
$ chmod 755 setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh
To execute the CLI run:
cd bin
// Show help
./OpenHousePopulator --help
// Populate example area
./OpenHousePopulator populate -f "./res/Gmunden.osm.pbf" -i 7602 --centroid
Where -i
(mandatory) describes the number of inhabitants in the area of the .osm.pbf
file. The --centroid
(optional) parameter puts the data in a GeoJSON Point
geometry instead into the buildings geometry.
Output: A GeoJson with all buildings including the additional fields 'pop' (population), 'flats' (household estimation)
You can configure the following parameters in the config.json
- reroll_threshold: The minimum population count to start rerolling (populate next building).
- reroll_probability: The probability to reroll a building (over threshold).
- level_factor: The factor to multiply the level count with (if multi-storey).
- housenumber_factor: The factor to multiply the house number count with.
- exclude_landuse: Areas to exclude buildings in. (e.g. ["industrial", "commercial"]).
- exclude_tags: Areas to exclude by tag (e.g. ["amenity", "leisure"]).
- single_home_list: List of building values to be considered single home houses (e.g. ["house", "detached"]).
- apartment_list: List of buildings values to be considered apartments (e.g. ["apartments", "residential"]).
- unspecified_list: List of buildings values to be considered unspecified (e.g. ["terrace", "semidetached_house"]).